Chapter 1604 Pig Teammates

  Zhulan had a smart ear, and when she heard this, she looked at Gu Sheng even more, and Yuwen paid too much attention to this person.

  Gu Sheng noticed the old lady's gaze, and was a little overwhelmed for a moment, his pale face became a little red, and he didn't recover until the Houfu carriage left.

Ji Deming's heart was like a liver, he was very jealous, and his eyes swept over the fluffy silver bill in Gu Sheng's purse. Fifty taels was not a small amount. They did win gifts from local wealthy businessmen and sponsors of silver, but After the middle lift, there are many entertainments, and the expenses are also large.

Ji Deming touched his purse. He spent almost all the money given by wealthy businessmen from his hometown. Most of them were used for entertainment. There were too many people in the capital. , he also pays attention to reputation.

  Gu Sheng turned around to get into the carriage, Ji Deming hurriedly asked, "When did you meet the county magistrate of Anhe?"

   Gu Sheng's face was cold, "Don't ruin the reputation of the county lord, the county lord just accompanies Young Master Zhou to have a look."

   Ji Deming looked into it and said jokingly: "Brother Gu, what do you think of Anhe County Lord?"

  Gu Sheng's face became more and more ugly, "Be careful."

   After saying that, he turned around and got into the carriage. He didn't say let Ji Deming come up, but let the coachman go.

  In the horse-drawn carriage of Hou's Mansion, Zhulan asked Yuwen to accompany her to a ride. The carriage left the bustling street, and Zhulan asked, "What did you do for Young Master Gu?"

  Yuwen didn't hide it, "I asked the girl to find a carriage for him and helped raise the price a few times."

  Zhulan said that Gu Sheng's paintings should not be sold for fifty taels, and asked carefully, "You treat him differently."

   Yuwen frowned, "Because he looks good."

   Bamboo Orchid, "."

   is really a mother and daughter.

  Xiamen, Zhou Shuren asked the carriage to go home quickly, and he laughed before his family entered the house, "Let me see the painting of the leader."

   Jiang Sheng saw his father-in-law walking in, and got up in a hurry, "Father."

   Zhou Shuren directly passed Jiang Sheng and walked to the table to look at the painting, "I'll ask someone to appreciate the painting when I ask Master to frame it."

  Zhulan exposed Shuren's thoughts, "You want to show off."

   Zhou Shuren didn't deny it, "Haha, just showing off to me."

  My son-in-law is really good, and he has won a lot of face for him today, especially the words that my father-in-law is not allowed to be slandered have already spread.

  Zhulan laughed, "You go to change clothes first, and wait for you to come back for dinner."

   Zhou Shuren turned around and said to Jiang Sheng as he walked, "Let's have a good drink tonight."

   Boss Zhou laughed, and Dad noticed a few of them, but it's not sour, today is a good day for my brother-in-law.

Changyi came back earlier, had already changed his clothes, and said with a smile, "Some colleagues in the Ministry of Rites also asked my brother-in-law if he would accept students, so I went home early to avoid them, and the threshold of my brother-in-law's house will be leveled in the future. "

  Jiang Sheng hadn't returned home, so he followed his mother-in-law back to Hou's mansion, "I didn't want to admit students."

  Changyi, "You can say whatever you think in your heart. No one can force you to accept students when your father is here."

  The more Jiang Sheng saw, the more he knew the importance of having a good father-in-law. He could paint as he wanted and depended entirely on his father-in-law, "Second brother, I understand."

  Changyi's voice changed, "You can also draw a picture for me when you have time."

   Jiang Sheng, "!!"

   Dinner is very lively, a family reunion dinner, there are many masters in the family, and only three tables are seated.

   Jiang Sheng asked Mingrui at the table if he would like to learn painting with him, Mingrui took the lead and shook his head, "Uncle, I can't calm down."

   Minghui also shook his head, "I prefer liveliness."

  Mingjia thought for a while, "Uncle, I want to learn from you."

   He still has some talent in painting. He did not learn to be famous, but to sharpen his heart.

   The rest of the little ones shook their heads, especially Mingjing like a rattle.

  Yuwen raised her hand after hearing this, "Uncle, can you point me too?"

  The hall became quiet. The most exaggerated thing was Changzhi and his wife. Changzhi was in a trance. Her daughter was very talented in reading, but she didn't care about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Today, she even took the initiative to learn painting.

  Su Xuan thought that Gu Gongzi was someone who could draw, and her heart trembled, how could she think that her daughter's motives were not pure!

   Bamboo Orchid is also too much to say. This granddaughter is interested in her heart, so she is not lazy.

   Jiang Sheng returned to his senses after a while, "It's good if you want to learn naturally."

  Yuwen nodded, "Then my brother and I will trouble Uncle."

   "No trouble, no trouble."

After the meal was over, they all dispersed, and Zhou Shuren told his wife about the Duke's invitation to tea, "I deliberately turned back to let people know that the Hou's residence and the Duke's residence were not in harmony, and this is what the emperor would like to see. of."

  Zhulan was delighted, "Guo Gong must not have thought that you would go back."

   Zhou Shuren stroked his beard, "You didn't see the gloomy face of the prince. If the knife could kill, I'd already be shot."

  Zhulan, "I don't think the Yongan government will give up."

   "Are you afraid they will use the means?"

   Zhulan said: "Today the fourth prince called Anhe cousin."

   Zhou Shuren, "."

   Isn't this a mess? Really pig teammates!

  Zhulan patted Shuren on the shoulder to show consolation, "Today Zhuo Guyu will go back to learn how to speak. The more the royal family attaches importance to the Hou residence, the more the Duke Yongan's residence will not give up."

   Zhou Shuren felt a little regretful, "I had a quarrel with the Duke when I knew."

He was a little depressed, the attitudes of several palaces were clear, the young lady of the Yongan Kingdom's palace should not be involved in the palace, and the others with titles, with the change of imperial power, their powers were either withdrawn or silenced, and only their own homes were like searchlights. , not bright.

  Zhulan, "Yuwen is a housekeeper, she can't be counted if she doesn't leave the house."

   As for Su Xuan, she is not easy to fool. The orphan girl not only grew up safely, but also kept her family business.

Early the next morning, Zhou Shuren responded to everyone's Now the eldest son-in-law, who is already somewhat famous, has become famous. The ministers in the court are the most famous, and he is even more praised for the aloof master, although the eldest son-in-law has not arrived yet. At this level, the ministers in the DPRK and China have eyes, as long as they keep their hearts and minds.

  Li Zhao and the others relied on being familiar with each other, "I heard that you have collected a lot of your son-in-law's paintings, and you can take them out when you have time for us to appreciate."

   Zhou Shuren's smiling eyes were almost gone, "It's easy to say, easy to say, wait for me to invite everyone to enjoy it."

After   , Zhou Shuren invited Qi Wang and others again. When it's time to hype, they still have to hype. Qi Wang and others collect it, and Jiang Sheng's reputation will be stabilized.

  The Kings of Qi and Chu laughed, and they were willing to sell their face, "You must go when the time comes."

   Zhou Shuren smiled and thanked him, then followed the little father-in-law to the political hall.

   Zhou Shuren stepped into the Zhengdian study without waiting for the reception, the emperor spoke first, "I heard that you and Yongan Guogong quarreled?"


  The emperor put down his pen, "Don't pretend to be confused, the unpleasantness between you and the Yongan government in the teahouse has spread all over the capital."

   Zhou Shuren muttered, "This is all staring at the old minister!"

   (end of this chapter)

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