The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 1595: Government House

   Chapter 1595 The Imperial Palace

   In the afternoon, when Su Xuan and Yuwen came back, Zhulan saw the tired look on the fourth daughter-in-law's face, "Tired? Go back and rest."

  Yuwen was leaning on the chair without image, "Grandma, granddaughter rest for a while, granddaughter doesn't want to move."

Su Xuan was also tired, "Mother, it's too right that you didn't go, Yuwen and I are like two golden dolls, not to mention how enthusiastic we are for our mothers. I agree to the marriage."

  Zhulan knew that this noble concubine was a particularly scheming person, a model of high marriage in the capital, and a very difficult person. "In the future, you should be more careful when you speak, and don't let people get caught."

   Su Xuan sneered, "I heard that Mrs. Guogong didn't like her very much, so she didn't let her run the house. I have met Mrs. Guogong a few times, and Mrs. Guogong can say something, and in the future, the housekeeper will be handed over to Mrs. Sun."

  Zhulan said faintly, "I've also seen Concubine Shizi several times, she's the one who is difficult to deal with."

  Su Xuan, "I don't like to deal with her, so she digs holes for me everywhere today, and Yuwen helped me stop it several times."

  Zhulan thought to herself, and sighed that these are all things Yuwen has to face, "Very good, Yuwen can be more powerful."

   Su Xuan's eyes lit up, "It's possible."

  The next day, Zhulan saw the prince concubine of the imperial palace, the Qin family, and she really came, but fortunately, she was not surprised.

   Qin Shi smiled, "I wanted to visit the old lady for a long time, but I never had the chance."

   Qin Shi sighed in his heart that the two families did not communicate with each other, and the Duke Yong'an handed over all the rights in his hands three years after the founding of the dynasty.

  Zhulan recalled Yong'an's government's mansion. There were no fools in the capital. The government released power and no longer participated in power. These years have been like old-age life. In recent years, the biggest hobby is betting on horses.

  The prince's position as an official in the dynasty was not high, and it was like old age. The keynote was to be rich, noble and idle, not to cause trouble and not to be afraid of trouble, but the generation of the prince's son was taught seriously.

   The key princes have many sons and grandsons, so the backyard of the Yongan prince's mansion is quite chaotic.

  Zhulan thought a lot, then smiled, "Mrs. Shizi is not just here to visit."

  The Qin family dared to dig a hole, and dared to visit the door. Obviously, the lady of the country recognized that Yuwen has an identity and a wealth, and many people think that she is a good daughter-in-law candidate.

Qin's eyes were a little dodgy, the two families did not have any contacts, ahem, the main reason is that the Duke's Office has no power, "I saw Anhe County Lord yesterday, I like it very much, seeing that the County Lord likes gems, the Duke's Office has accumulated some It's a good rough stone, I want to send two pieces to the county owner in person."

  Zhulan's eyes fell on the box, and she sighed in her heart that the war really made a fortune, and the families who got the reward in life are all deep, "It's too precious, Mrs. Shizi should take it back."

   Qin Shi knew that he couldn't send it out, so of course it would be better to send it out, "I really like Anhe County Master."

  Zhulan lowered her eyes, "There are too many people in Beijing who like her now."

   Qin Shi, "."

  Zhulan looked up, "Anhe is not short of gems, thank you for your kindness."

  Closed the box, and said in a skillful tone, "I heard that the old lady's grandson and grandson-in-law will participate in the spring festival next year, and my eldest son will also participate, so they can communicate more and more."

   Bamboo Orchid, "Okay."

  The eldest grandson of the Duke's mansion was brought up with meticulous care. At eighteen this year, he was young and ambitious. The only thing he had not been engaged in was to choose a good marriage. This shows that the Duke's mansion has expectations for him.

   So she did not refuse the contact between the grandsons, because it was impossible to hide, so it was better to agree generously.

   Qin Shi saw that the old lady had been indifferent and unwilling, but she did not dare to talk much. In the end, she did not see Anhe County Master, so she could only leave with regret.

In the evening, Zhulan talked about the thoughts of the Duke's Mansion during dinner, "I thought I couldn't keep a low profile, so I would be more high-profile, because of the banquet from the Qin Prince's Mansion, the Yong'an Duke's Mansion is quick for the sake of the grandchildren and will not give up Yuwen easily. ."

   Zhou Shuren, "Don't say that the back house is too messy, even if it is a marriage, the government will not be elected."

The Guogongfu looks at the wealthy and idle people now, but the upbringing of the grandchildren will emerge sooner or later. He thinks deeply and does not want to be used by the Guogongfu. How about raising a white-eyed wolf?

He is accustomed to thinking in a different position, and the prince has a plan in his heart, as evidenced by the two generations of idlers, that he has safely escaped the change of imperial power, and grew up with the third generation. Hou's family was destroyed.

  Zhulan said again: "I have asked Su Xuan to spread the news that Yuwen won't get married early, and said that at least we will discuss the marriage later."

   Zhou Shuren didn't like Yong'an's mansion, "Our Zhou family will not be anyone's climbing ladder. If you dare to calculate, I will chop up anyone."

  Zhulan, "You don't like Yong'an Guo Gongfu very much?"

   "After so many years of Fu Zhe, not everyone can do it, you think I can like it?"

  Zhulan's expression is serious, Zhouhou Mansion is her and Shuren's home, no one can calculate, and there is a hostility in her heart, "I support you."

   Zhou Shuren laughed, "Hmm."

  In the palace, the emperor looked at the news and said to the prince, "What do you think of Yong'an's mansion?"

  Prince, "Available but not trustworthy."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, "What do you say?"

The prince thought about what he knew, "The prince and the prince have been very good at pretending these years. If it wasn't for the fame of the grandchildren in the past few years, the Duke Yongan's mansion has always been a wealthy and idle person in the eyes of the people of the capital. Son doesn't trust me."

  The emperor nodded with satisfaction, "Your grandfather has three princes, two of them are from aristocratic families, and only this one is from the grassroots. Originally, your grandfather wanted to check and balance the three, but I didn't expect it."

  The prince understood what his father didn't say, but he didn't expect that Duke Yong'an was too slippery and handed over all the power. If it wasn't for the Ning family to keep a low profile, the balance would have been broken.

Duke Yong'an never imagined that Grandpa Huang would always be This third generation has risen, and the old prince is also old. I am afraid that there will be no more palace of Yong'an in the capital after death, so I am in a hurry. The emergence of and is an opportunity.

  Prince said: "Marquis Zhou will not agree."

  The emperor is not worried, Zhou Shuren is the most shrewd and will definitely guard against the government, it is too difficult to calculate Zhou Shuren.

A few days later, Zhulan took her granddaughter to pick up the ordered jewelry. Yuwen had a few more sets of jewelry, and the family was not short of money. She waved her hand and ordered jewelry for several granddaughters. The style was drawn by her, and the jewelry store rushed. made.

   There are not many people in the jewelry store. After picking up the jewelry, she took a few granddaughters to the teahouse. Recently, Yudie has been talking about the interestingness of the teahouse, and she also came itching.

   Speaking of which, Yudie and Yuan Bo's relationship is really good, Yuyi and Yu Er Gongzi's relationship is also good, but Yuyi and Yudie don't meet as many as Yudie.

   Arrived at the private room of the teahouse, when the debate was at its most intense, Zhulan's eyes lit up, the two young masters downstairs were really good looking.

  Changzhong has been in the restaurant recently. When he saw his mother, he came to the box, "Mother."

  Zhulan pointed at the two debating sons downstairs, "Who are they?"

   (end of this chapter)

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