The emperor waited for the chessboard to be placed, "Next game."

Zhou Shuren's chess skills in recent years have been incredible, and he has become more and more fond of research, "Okay."

The emperor held Heizi, "Chang Lian has been in Qizhou for several years, and he has performed very well in the past two years."

Zhou Shuren was stunned for a while, he knew that the emperor would not tell him who was calculating against him, he accidentally mentioned Chang Lian, and his mind moved, "Yes, in Qizhou for a few years, he has been living from the family, and his income in the past two years is about the same. I have donated them all, and I have even asked for a lot of medicinal materials from me.”

The emperor smiled, "Children are all debts."

Zhou Shuren understood that this was the emperor's explanation, but he didn't say it clearly, "Debt is sweet to the minister."

The emperor played chess, "It's your turn."

Zhou Shuren put down his chess pieces quickly, only to hear the emperor continue: "Although Ningzhou is not Shangzhou, it is also Zhongzhou, and Ningzhou lacks a prefect."

The meaning is obvious.

Zhou Shuren is happy for his son, Ningzhou is easier to get political achievements than Qizhou, "Thank you, Emperor."

Chang Lian's promotion is a certainty, the fourth rank Ningzhou prefect.

The emperor smiled, "Chang Lian dares to see it in his eyes, this is what he deserves."

Zhou Shuren thought about it and asked directly, "Where's the prefect of Qizhou?"

He knew that the prefect of Qizhou would also be transferred.

The emperor did not hide it, "I will transfer people from Beijing."

Zhou Shuren didn't continue to ask the bottom line, it didn't matter who he was transferred to, anyway, his son was in Qizhou for a few years, and there was no place to get political achievements in Qizhou.

After that, the minds of the monarch and the ministers were all on the chessboard. The emperor did not continue to talk about state affairs, but more of it was gossip. Zhou Shuren played chess with the two emperors. He was very handy and used to gossip.

At the end of one set, another set was opened, and suddenly the emperor asked, "Your grandsons-in-laws have chosen well."

Zhou Shuren was vigilant in his heart, "They are really good."

The emperor then said very naturally: "There is no concubine or concubine yet. I heard that you and Wang Lao still have a five-year appointment."

Zhou Shuren was nervous, "There is indeed a five-year contract, the emperor also knows that the minister has family rules, men do not accept concubines, and there is no concubine room in the back house. Children grow up in this environment, and the minister will inevitably worry about his granddaughters. If The minister's family did not refuse to accept concubines, and the minister has no face to ask for it, but who made the minister's family do it!"

The emperor raised his head, "I have never seen a granddaughter who is more fond of you than you."

Zhou Shuren, "Girls can stay at home for a few years, and the days after marriage are too long, so I hope they can live comfortably and happily."

The emperor hummed, "It's your turn to go."

After the end of the game, Zhou Shuren withdrew. On the way out of the palace, his back was a little wet. He was not afraid, but nervous because he was afraid that the emperor would move his mind.

In the Zhengdian, the emperor motioned Eunuch Zhang to clean up the chessboard, and said to the prince who was appraising the book, "Can you hear it clearly?"

The prince trembled in his heart, "Father, the sons and ministers have no intentions."

The emperor didn't look back at the prince, but still looked out through the glass window, "Zhouhou's mansion does not need a daughter to bring glory, and never thought of using a daughter to marry, when your little uncle was not raised by the Zhou family and fell in love with Zhou Xuehan, Zhou The family will not marry their daughter into the royal family, and others will use their daughter for glory, but the Zhou family will not, they have roots."

The prince knew that the young lady of Zhouhou's mansion was not worried about getting married, and there were many people who wanted to marry.

Your Majesty, "Your mother's thoughts are clear to me, and I also know that you treat Zhou Hou differently because of the two orders. I hope you will learn Zhou Hou's skills, and what you learn is yours."

The prince was serious, "My son understands."

Because the impetuousness caused by Zhou Hou's two orders was gone, his back was straight, and he felt something in his heart, and his aura became more stable.

The emperor then turned to look at his son, his eyes flashed with satisfaction. For the prince, he used all his thoughts. This is his satisfied heir, and his vision should be the court, not the backyard.

The emperor was dissatisfied with the queen again. The queen became seriously ill several times. At first, he felt guilty, and he was more indulgent. Later, because of the prince, he put up with it. He promised the queen that he would not change, but it was time to beat it. Anxiety and remarks have affected the prince.

Going down to the yamen, Changyi came to pick up his father, and he saw his brows stretched out. Although his smile was the same as usual, he knew his father well as a son, "Father, is there a happy event?"

Zhou Shuren lowered his voice, "Well, the emperor himself said that Chang Lian should be appointed as the prefect of Ningzhou. I think the recently transferred documents will be sent to Qizhou."

Changyi was happy for his younger brother, "Fourth grade."

"Yeah, there is a hurdle in the fourth rank, and Chang Lian is close to the fourth rank, so I can rest assured."

Changyi thought of himself, he wanted to pass the fourth rank, it was very difficult, and now he has some power in the Ministry of Rites, but he still can't rise.

Zhou Shuren noticed his son's depression, and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, you've only been an official for a few years, and your brother is a serious civil servant. He's only fourth-rank, you have to be steady."

At least Changyi is not idle in the Ministry of Rites, and holds power in the hands of the serious eight hundred.

Changyi's depression was only for a moment, and it was all right. "My son understands."

"Well, you need to accumulate more, you need to accumulate if you want to ascend."

Chang Yi knew that his last promotion was due to luck.

In the Zhou family, Zhulan watched several girls at home. She chose girls who had nothing to do with her in-laws. She didn't want Ning Ming to marry a girl from her in-laws.

She chose two, one is the eldest daughter of a five-rank household official, and the other is the second daughter of a fourth-rank official. Both girls are good, with good family rules and good family style.

After choosing someone, Zhulan sent the information to Ninghou Mansion, and Song shi would give her the news after reading it.

It was sent in the morning, but the Song family came in person.

Zhulan, "are you in such a hurry?"

Song Shi sighed, "Early engagement, good morning, I also have peace of mind. I have let Ning Ming read it, and Ning Ming has seen the information and fell in love with the eldest daughter of a household official."

Zhu Lan smiled, "Ning Ming has a good eye."

Why do you say it's good? Don't look at it as a fifth-rank This person is going to be promoted next year, and she already has a place to go. She has a very good understanding of the officials of the Ministry of Household. Ning Ming also saw something from the information.

Song Shi greeted the ceremony, "I've been worrying about you for a long time."

The information given by the old lady is very detailed, so this is not a point.

Zhulan waved her hand, "We understand that you are welcome. I also watched Ning Ming grow up. I also hope that he can have a good marriage, and the future will be harmonious and beautiful."

Song shi was lighthearted, "So it's settled?"

Zhulan smiled and nodded, "I'll help match you here, you can just hire a good matchmaker."

Song Shi breathed a sigh of relief. The old lady was connected, Ning Ming's marriage was stable, and she was relieved, "My mother will be a matchmaker."

Zhulan thought to herself, the Song family was indeed worried enough for Ning Ming, and even invited her own mother out, "Okay."

After the Song family left, there was news from the palace, Zhu Lan waited for Su Xuan to come over and said, "Tomorrow you will enter the palace with me."

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