The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 1100: no ancestral tomb

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Zhulan took a nap for a while, and then Mrs. Zhao came back, wiped her face with a handkerchief, and became a little more refreshed, "Have your two cousins ​​been arranged?"

Zhao nodded, "The two of them said that the Zhao family had offended someone, that the family's food had been robbed, and there were natural disasters. These two families were also very daring, and as soon as the two families were combined, they went to Beijing."

Zhulan asked, "What about the rest of the Zhao family?"

Zhao was silent, and then said: "I fled in the early years, and my body was severely depleted. First, my father died. Although they were not affected by the snow disaster a few years ago, a wind and cold infected a few old people, and they did not survive the winter. In the past, all of them passed away, leaving a few of them, the two of them dared to go to Beijing, and the remaining few went to other places to escape."

Zhulan put down the handkerchief in her hand, "The rest of the families won't go near Zhoujia Village."

If you want to survive and don't want to be bullied, the daring dare to go to Beijing to join the Zhao family, and the timid go to the vicinity of Zhoujia Village for stability.

Zhao felt that her mother-in-law was really smart, "I asked them, and their eyes were dodging. I guess they went to the vicinity of Zhoujia Village."

Zhulan was not unhappy, this is the instinct of people to survive, "However, are their words true?"

Zhao replied, "My daughter-in-law has already sent someone to investigate, and she should answer in a few days."

Zhulan stared at Zhao, "You want to keep them?"

Zhao Shi smiled, "Well, it's better to keep it under your eyes instead of not seeing it. The husband said that our family should always be careful. I always remember that I will keep them in the mansion today, and tomorrow I will send them out of the city to buy Zhuangzi in our second room. Go, just as Zhuangzi needs people to grow vegetables, they are suitable."

Zhulan understands that this is not only to not let you eat and drink for free, but also to take care of it. Then she laughed. If they were still in Zhoujia Village, these people would be troublesome. To be honest, now these people really can't get into Zhao's eyes, "Well."

The small courtyard where the two rooms of the Zhao family are housed is very small and somewhat biased, and behind it is the place where the young servant Huiwu lives.

Zhao Dalang and Erlang looked at each other with lingering fears. Zhao Dalang let out a sigh of relief, "If it wasn't for Qiuniang to admit it, I wouldn't believe it was Qiuniang. The momentum just now was really scary, and her eyes were sharper than that of the wife in the county."

Erlang, "It's not that bad, you look at the little girl along the way, my darling, where is this girl who was bullied in the early years."

Zhao Dalang hurriedly covered his brother's mouth, "Shut up, don't say that."

Several children have seen everywhere in the yard. The oldest boy is fifteen or sixteen, and the little girl is seven or eight years old. The little girl asked, "Dad, do we want to live here?"

Zhao Dalang shook his head, "No, we're going to work in your cousin's Zhuangzi."

The little girl was disappointed, "Why can't I live here? It's so big and there are so many people."

Zhao Erlang looked at his niece and regretted it. Who would have thought that the girl who was bullied back then had such good fortune. If they had treated Qiuniang better back then, they would have had a better life this time. Unfortunately, regret is useless, and they can only be honest. They are obedient, at least they can survive, and they will not be bullied in Qiuniang’s village. They are fleeing, and they have been bullied by the locals all these years. It's the official family, they really can't escape.

Thinking of this, Zhao Erlang looked at his eldest daughter. This time it was safe. He didn't tell the truth. In fact, the two of them could go to the vicinity of Zhoujia Village, but their daughters were good looking. When this happened, he could have the courage to go to Qiuniang.

The next day, after breakfast, Zhulan met with Zhao's maiden family. The people in both rooms changed their clothes. Zhulan nodded. Although she did not intervene, she was satisfied with Zhao's actions. Zhao treated her maiden's family harshly. The family's face is also not good-looking. Zhou Shuren knew what happened yesterday when he came back, which shows how fast it was spread.

Zhulan looked at a few girls from the Zhao family. They were not bad, especially the eldest girl really looked like the Zhao family, "How did you rest yesterday?"

Zhao Dalang replied tremblingly, "Hugh, you have a good rest."

In fact, they didn't sleep all night last night, covered with new quilts and dressed in new clothes, they were restless all night.

Zhulan looked at the others, and she couldn't wait to lower her head lower, "I heard Qiuniang say, these are some materials, you can take them."

The girl handed over two bags, which were all clothes and materials, all of which they could wear, so they should go to the cloth shop to buy them first.

Zhao Dalang took it, and he was about to kneel when he thanked him, but Qingxue quickly supported it with his hands.

Zhao shi recovered from his niece's face, and after a while, he guessed how he had offended people, and was silent for a moment, "I will send someone to take you to Zhuangzi, and Zhuangzi's steward will arrange it where you live."

Zhao Dalang moved the corner of his mouth, "Thank you."

On the Zhou family's carriage, Zhao Dalang's family sat together. Zhao Dalang's wife had already unpacked. The only thing Zhulan gave was fabric, and the two burdens Zhao gave were a few more pieces of silver jewelry.

Zhao Dalang's wife touched a few pieces of silver jewelry, and then put them away, "The two girls I saw just now are Qiu Niang's daughters, they look so good, look at their bearing, the young lady of the county magistrate's family can't compare~www.wuxiamtl .com~ Zhao Dalang didn't dare to inquire, but the woman who was guarding the yard said that he knew that this was what Qiuniang deliberately let them know, and warned them to be more honest, "How can we compare together, Qiuniang's father-in-law is a third-rank official, My brother-in-law is an official and goes to various countries. It's different, it's different. "

The carriage didn't go quiet for a moment, it was indeed different, the girl who was hiding back then was already high above.

Zhao Dalang finally said, "No wonder Qiuniang was always in front of her face at the beginning. Fortunately, she married into the Zhou family. People are life."

In a word, there was complete silence in the carriage and no one continued to speak.

In Zhoujia Village, Changzhi got the news and immediately went to the clan study. When he entered the school, he saw that King Liang was sitting in the back seat listening to the lecture. He couldn't help but look up at the sky.

I didn't even look for trouble, and listened to the teaching carefully.

Changzhi didn't go in and waited patiently. After one class was over, he walked in, "I have seen His Royal Highness King Liang."

King Liang smiled, "Why are you afraid that this king will find trouble?"

Changzhi said in his heart, that's right, this is King Liang. "I have the responsibility to take King Liang around. If I come down late, I will ask King Liang's palace to drop the crime."

King Liang snorted, "Is your family a fox's den? They are all very refined."

Really avoid talking.

Changzhi pretended not to understand, and said with a smile, "Is there any other place to see, Your Highness?"

King Liang didn't intend to continue listening to the class in the clan school. He didn't intend to listen to the class just now. He just saw that the teachers of the Zhou family taught well, so he patiently listened to the class for a while, "No, take this king around."

Changzhi sighed in his heart. The arrival of King Liang really took his time. Fortunately, he has never stopped reviewing, otherwise it would be time to scratch his head.

King Liang went out of the family study, "This king heard that your family is going to move the ancestral tomb?"

Changzhi, "...Yes."

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