Zhulan waited for a while, but she still didn't wait for Jinyan, and her calm heart was a little flustered. The mansion is much better, and there are people from the emperor, so no one will touch it.

Zhulan got up and stood at the door. She couldn't see outside the main courtyard, she could only hear some noises. The noises stopped just now, and she got up again. She felt a sigh in her heart. The two of them were really full of hatred. That's right, how bad is Zhou Shuren? The matter, now that one batch has stopped, and another batch has come in, this is determined to take the Zhou family as the back!

And she acts as a rush, who doesn't know how much Zhou Shuren cares about her wife.

Yang Wen held the sword in his hand, "Auntie, go in, I'm guarding the yard."

Zhulan looked at Yang Wen who had been guarding in the yard. The little guy was only in his teens, but he was so calm, "Aren't you afraid?"

Yang Wen shook his head, "Don't be afraid. When I was in Lizhou, I had been by my father's side for a year. I also followed my father to surround and suppress horse bandits. Auntie, I killed people."

Zhulan was completely stunned, Yang Wen, this child is grown up, that is also a child, "Have you seen blood?"

Yang Wen nodded, "I have seen it. I went home last year and I have been in the barracks. In winter, there are many horse bandits who take risks in the frontier."

Zhulan felt uneasy in her heart. This is her eldest nephew's love for Yang Wen, and this is her father's love. I hope Yang Wen can learn more skills and live a good life in the future. "Your father is attentive."

Yang Wen nodded, "I know."

If it wasn't for the Yang family, how could his father let him work so hard so early? The night before he left, he wanted to chat with his father for a while at night. He overheard his mother crying and his father's voice was hoarse. Thinking of this, I couldn't help clenching the sword in my hand again.

There was a sudden movement. The two servants who were guarding the door had already rushed out. The door of the main courtyard was closed. Zhulan stood at the door and did not move. Yang Wen also arrived at the door nervously.

In Shi's house, Yao Xin was just holding the child. It was a little chaotic outside. Even in the back house, she could hear voices. She didn't dare to think what would happen if she stayed at home. Seeing Yao Yao sitting next to her holding the child, The corners of his mouth moved, "Thank you."

Yao Yao was distracted, she was in a panic, she always knew that her family was wrong, she felt that it was related to Yaohou's mansion, and Xianggong and Hou's mansion were frequent, but she knew that she was not sincere, and looked down at her son, Xianggong has been taking advantage of his son. body, she also played a lot of cover for Xianggong.

Yao Xin didn't wait for a reply and didn't think much about it, thinking that Yao Yao was also afraid, but she couldn't help but look at Yao Yao's son more. She heard that the child was frail and sick from time to time, but now it seems a little wrong. His face didn't look sick.

Yao Yao returned to her senses and saw Yao Xin looking at the child, raised her hand to cover her son's face with her sleeve, if it wasn't for her husband to remind her, she would not have picked up Yao Xin, there is no sisterhood.

Yao Xin pouted, she missed her husband, and thought again, fortunately she wasn't here, otherwise she wouldn't know what happened!

Zhou's house, the door of the main courtyard finally opened, Yang Wen saw that Jianyan came in, and he was relieved, "Are you injured?"

Jin Yan had injuries on his back and chest, and even if he was wearing dark clothes, he could still see blood, "It's okay."

Zhulan asked aloud, "Is it all resolved?"

Jin Yan felt a lot of fear in her heart. I didn't expect two groups of people to come and turn over from different directions. Fortunately, the servants of the Zhou family were very skilled, and they were all stopped near the mansion wall. Dead, "Everyone who broke in is dead."

Zhulan exhaled, "Let the one who has no hands continue to guard, and you bring the injured one to bandage first. Yes, are there casualties in the family? Is the boss injured?"

Jin Yan's face was heavy, and some people were brought by him, "The uncle is fine, he received a little injury, three servants died, and a few were seriously injured."

It was the first time that Zhulan died at home, and her heart was heavy, "Go to the doctor to treat the wound first."

Jin Yan did not dare to delay, "Yes."

Zhulan thought to herself, thanks to her thoughtful thinking, she invited the doctor back when she was picking up the person. The movement outside was small, and she didn't know how many casualties were there, and there were not enough doctors in the capital.

Mingyun walked to grandma's side, "Grandma, grandson go have a look."

Zhulan looked sideways at the eldest grandson's firm eyes, the child was worried about the boss, and now the boss is injured, as a man who can support the family, the eldest grandson must go, this is the grandson's growth, she has no reason to stop, "Go ahead. ."

Li supported her waist, she heard it, and knew that her husband was injured, she looked down at her stomach, and then at her eldest son who had left with the servant, her eyes were red, "Mother, the family is safe, right? ?"

Zhulan was surprised that Mrs. Li didn't yell, "Well, it's alright."

Even if she comes, she will not turn back, because there is no chance to turn back, the two groups of people are already looking at the Zhou family, otherwise, even if she trains her eldest grandson, she will not respond so happily.

Li's most trusted mother-in-law, she felt at ease and looked at her with admiration. The mother-in-law was very calm from the beginning to the end, so the mother-in-law was the mistress of the family. Be like you."

Zhulan, "...you don't have a chance in this life, your innate conditions are not good, try to get a good baby in your next life!"

Mrs. Lee, "..."

Yulu, who came over and wanted to support her mother, looked at grandma speechlessly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At this time, grandma can still slap her mother, it seems that it is really okay.

The tense atmosphere in the room was gone, and Yu Shuang's straight waist was loosened, and she sat with her back bent, wiping her forehead with a handkerchief.

Song Lan stared blankly at the godmother, "Goddess, aren't you afraid?"

He was still standing at the door, and had no intention of hiding in.

Zhulan didn't expect that she would be so calm, she probably had nothing to worry about, no, not directly, but she had arranged everything that could be arranged, and she didn't know everything for a long time, she had nothing to fear, because she understood that the Zhou family was By the way, even if someone came, in order to get rid of the soldiers outside, not too many people would come.

Zhulan's smile is light now, "As long as it is arranged, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Song Lan shook her head in her heart. No, she would be afraid even if she arranged it well. It only shows that the goddess has a strong heart, which is not something ordinary people can have.

In the palace, when the emperor saw the prince coming in, he took a quick step forward, took the prince's arm, and looked up and down the eldest son carefully. God knows how irritable he is when he receives the news, but this is the path chosen by the eldest son, he understands , so I agreed, but Ke Xin kept mentioning it.

The crown prince clearly saw the anxiety of the father. Today, his own people did not move. They were all the father's people. The father secretly arranged too many to protect him, "Father, the son is fine."

The emperor patted the prince on the shoulder, and the boy followed him in his bones. He was crazy in his bones. He turned his head and pulled Rong Chuan over, and looked at it carefully, "Good boy, it's fine if you don't get hurt."

The strangeness in Rong Chuan's heart can't be suppressed this time. The emperor is the prince's biological father. The prince is not only his son, but also the future emperor. It's normal for the emperor to be nervous, but is he too nervous for him?

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