The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 944: Achievement

After having this close observation experience, Meng Zhang entrusted the heavy responsibility to Yang Xueyi.

After   , she will be permanently stationed in Tiangong, specifically responsible for taking on similar tasks, and then she will transfer disciples from the Taiyi Sect to complete it.

   The bamboo rhyme picture that can hold living things was temporarily lent to Yang Xueyi by Meng Zhang, so that she could transport Taiyi disciples to and from the palace.

   At the same time, the Taiyi Sect will also publish missions and offer high rewards to encourage disciples in the gate to actively participate in such missions.

   As for the losses that will definitely occur during the mission, Meng Zhang and Yang Xueyi had anticipated it, and they were able to accept it.

   The next step is to let the low-level cultivators of the Great Cultivation Forces of the Hanhai Dao League have the opportunity to participate in such tasks.

   When the time is right, Meng Zhang will incorporate all the local cultivation forces in the small alliance he formed into this mission system.

   The Jade Clear Spirit Machine obtained through quest rewards can be used for the operation of the Taiyimen in Tiangong, and it can also be used to purchase items needed by the monks of the Yuanshen stage in the door.

   The merit points obtained from the heavenly palace can be exchanged for various required items from the heavenly palace after accumulating a certain amount.

   Meng Zhang explained everything clearly, and let Yang Xueyi take full responsibility for everything about Taiyimen in Tiangong.

   Then, he returned to Taiyimen alone.

   Xu Mengying stayed in the palace for a long time, and Yang Xueyi also had a reliable companion.

   Soon after Meng Zhang returned to the mountain gate, his eldest disciple Niu Dawei finally successfully entered the primordial spirit stage.

   After consolidating the cultivation base, Niu Dawei took the initiative to come to visit Master Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang looked at Niu Dawei standing in front of him, feeling very excited.

   Niu Dawei entered the soul stage, Taiyi Sect added a powerful combat force, and he was also a successor.

   As a newly promoted Yuanshen sect, Taiyimen had previously been supported by a true monarch of Yuanshen, Meng Zhang.

   Even if Meng Zhang is an extraordinary generation, he is very hard to support.

   Jin Li Zhenjun and the others have always been outsiders, not a direct line of the Taiyi Sect. Meng Zhang cannot be completely relieved, and it is impossible to entrust important matters concerning the future of the Sect.

   Fortunately, Yang Xueyi first successfully entered the soul stage, and now Niu Dawei has also become the soul.

  Meng Zhang finally has a reliable assistant, no need to support everything alone.

   Niu Dawei was grown up by Meng Zhang since he was a child, and he has been nurturing him as an heir.

  Niu Dawei did not disappoint Meng Zhang, and he was very satisfied with Meng Zhang everywhere.

  Since he embarked on the road of cultivation, he has not only made a solid foundation and steadily advancing his cultivation base, but also demonstrated his superb ability in handling martial arts affairs, and he has shared a lot of concerns for Meng Zhang.

   It is precisely because of this big disciple who often acts as the head of the head and handles various affairs in the door, Meng Zhang can get away from the complicated affairs and devote more time and energy to practice.

   Niu Dawei is fully responsible for all aspects of the door, but he is not distracted by the heavy sect affairs, but takes it as an exercise.

   He has a very good temperament. After years of exercise, he has developed a special temperament.

   If Meng Zhang passed the throne to him at this time, he would be fully qualified to be the head of the school and carry forward the school.

  Meng Zhang has always held the position of the head, but he is not attached to the position of the head.

   If possible, he would be eager to leave all the affairs in the door far away, concentrate on practicing, and put all his thoughts and energy on his own path.

After   , Taiyi Gate is now the Yuanshen sect, and it looks prosperous.

   But there is the enemy of Guantian Pavilion, Zongmen, the holy land, and the big foreign merchants such as the Datong Business League are staring at it.

  Meng Zhang does not personally take charge of the martial arts, and he is always at the helm of the martial arts.

   From the second time, Meng Zhang came from the spiritual sense of the Tianji Master, and he was faintly reminding him that he had been the head of the Taiyi Sect, which was of great benefit to him and to the entire sect.

   As the head of the Taiyi Gate who led the rise of Taiyi Gate, Meng Zhang is unparalleled in the gate, and there is no need to worry about someone challenging him.

   Including Niu Dawei, the monks who are qualified to serve as the head of the gate have no intention of coveting this position.

   Meng Zhang did not talk nonsense, simply praised him a few words, and began to exchange his spiritual experience and insights.

   At this time, they are not only mentors and apprentices, but also Taoists who honed each other.

   This exchange took more than a month.

   When Meng Zhang ended this exchange, both of them felt unfinished.

   Meng Zhang, as a senior primordial monk, as a forerunner on the road, has a lot of experience for the cattle to learn from.

   But Niu Dawei, as a latecomer, also has his own experience and many valuable ideas.

   If there is no important thing, Meng Zhang intends to continue the exchange for a while.

   Anyway, the two are mentors and apprentices, so there will be plenty of opportunities to communicate with each other in the future.

   Meng Zhang gave Niu Dawei the trophies captured in the last war and the pair of Tier 4 magical wind thunder hammers as a gift to congratulate him on breaking through the soul stage.

   Next, after Niu Dawei is familiar with the various methods of the Yuanshen Stage, Taiyimen will hold a grand ceremony for the Yuanshen.

   Firstly, it was to celebrate Niu Dawei, the chief disciple, for breaking through the primordial spirit stage, and secondly, it was to show muscles to outsiders.

   Niu Dawei and Yang Xueyi are in different situations.

   Yang Xueyi can keep a low profile and use it as the killer of Taiyimen at critical moments.

   Niu Dawei is a major disciple of the head, and he will inevitably deal with the principals of other cultivation forces in the The situation of his breakthrough to the Yuanshen Stage cannot be kept secret, so it is better to show it openly.

   Under the personal arrangement of Meng Zhang, soon afterwards, invitations were sent to the Quartet. A grand ceremony of the soul is about to be held at Baicaopo, Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

   The local comprehension forces in Jiuqu Province, including all the members of Meng Zhang’s small alliance, received an invitation.

   The Governor's Mansion in Jiuqu City will not fall.

   The three major merchants headed by the Chase Business Alliance, Meng Zhang did not send out invitations when they did not exist.

   It is those small merchants from the Dali Dynasty, including the Gu Yue family of Dali Dynasty, who have received invitations from Taiyimen.

   On the day when the Yuanshen Ceremony was held, the entire Taiyimen Mountain Gate Baicao Slope was full of lights and festivities.

Needless to say, the Hanhai Dao League under the control of the Taiyi Sect, none of the powers of cultivation are absent. They are led by the number one person in the gate, prepared generous gifts, and come over to congratulate them very respectfully.

  Meng Zhang’s old friends Jin Li Zhen, He Luo Zhen and Shushan Zhenjun, all came to Baicao Po early.

   True Monarch Jinli is the guest cleric enshrined by the Taiyimen, and Zhenjun He Luo is now a vassal of the Taiyimen.

   Both of them helped Meng Zhang to receive guests from all over the world as the host family.

   The members of the small alliance formed by Meng Zhang gave Meng Zhang and Taiyi a lot of face, and Zhenjun Yuanshen came forward to personally congratulate him.

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