The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Tentative

A huge seal appeared on the top of True Monarch Cangshan, and the seal was engraved with mountains and rivers.

Fayin gently turned, and hills fell from the sky, smashing toward Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang's previous guess was not wrong. True Monarch Cangshan and Dali Dynasty had long been in collusion. He betrayed the Jiuqu League and colluded with barbarians outside the territory, all at the instigation of the Great Li Dynasty.

When the Dali Dynasty army captured the Hengjue Mountains, the remnants of the three alliances would retreat.

True Monarch Cangshan accidentally fell into the siege of several marshals of the Great Li Dynasty, and was in danger of falling.

The senior officials of Da Li Dynasty considered a long-term view. Killing a dog who lost his family would not have much effect on Da Li Dynasty’s subsequent conquest against the Jiuqu League.

However, leaving True Monarch Cangshan behind allows him to act as an internal response. At critical moments, play a role from within.

In the face of life and death, True Monarch Cangshan chose to compromise and took refuge in the Dali Dynasty.

True Monarch Cangshan led the remaining power of the Cangshan Sect and retreated into the Jiuqu League along with Beast King Mountain and Baizhanmen, seeking protection from the Jiuqu League.

At the beginning, the senior officials of the Jiuqu League moved the Cangshan faction and the Baizhanmen to the Yuantu prairie, but they absolutely did not expect that the Cangshan faction would collude with the barbarians outside the territory to cause chaos.

Baizhanmen and Beast King Mountain were both fought hard under the chase of the Dali Dynasty. The Tier 4 magical weapons in the door were basically lost in one battle.

Because the Cangshan Sect deliberately released water from the Great Li Dynasty, True Monarch Cangshan still retained the Cangshan Sect's important treasure, the fourth-order magic weapon Cangshan Seal.

Now, he was about to use this fourth-order magic weapon, vowing to give Meng Zhang a good look.

The hills that fell from the sky looked fierce, but in fact they were just the fur of the power of this magic weapon.

In silence, the space around Meng Zhang began to freeze, as if to completely imprison him inside.

The Confinement Avenue is a branch of the Space Avenue, and it also uses the power of space.

The relatively shallow application of imprisoned avenues is to block the surrounding space gaps and interlayers to prevent the other party from using space for transmission.

A further application is to directly freeze the space around the target, completely confine the target in that space, and then let it be slaughtered by oneself.

Meng Zhang has experienced many battles with Yuanshen Zhenjun, and has personally seen many great powers.

The three thousand avenues are just a general term. With the addition of the branch avenues, the use of the power of the avenue is simply innumerable.

Even if Meng Zhang accepted the inheritance of the Taiyi Sect, it would be impossible to see through the use of all the power of the Great Dao.

Fortunately, the avenue of imprisonment was still a well-known avenue, and he recognized it at a glance.

As soon as the Cangshan Seal started, black-and-white air currents flowed out of Meng Zhang's body, shattering the surrounding solidified space with the force of the Yin-Yang Avenue.

Along with the shock of space, Meng Zhang's figure disappeared.

His figure is constantly moving in the air, so that the power of imprisonment can't lock him at all.

A sword light flashed, and the Tier 4 Flying Sword Qianjun fiercely slashed towards True Monarch Cangshan.

The Cangshan Seal on the top of True Monarch Cangshan shook lightly, and the mountains faced the Qianjun Sword, as if to suppress this Tier 4 Flying Sword.

When Meng Zhang and True Monarch Cangshan were incomprehensible fighting, True Monarch Shushan and the barbarian King Tulexiong also fought together, temporarily unable to tell the outcome.

This is how strong people of the same level are fighting. If there are no fatal mistakes, it is difficult for the two sides to tell the winner in a short time.

Facing the fierce battle between True Monarch Yuanshen and Tier 4 powerhouses, the surrounding barbarian patrol teams evaded far away and dared not approach here.

When Meng Zhang fought with True Monarch Cangshan, he had always had reservations.

With True Monarch Cangshan and Barbarian King Tulexiong, his side would not have the advantage in terms of top combat effectiveness.

Although there is still a not too short distance from the barbarian army, Meng Zhang took time out in the midst of the fierce fight, raised the arrogant eyes, and looked at the barbarian army.

Although the barbarians outside the territories are barbaric and primitive, the level of warfare is not low.

The barbarian army formation in front of you is slightly loose, but everyone is high-spirited and vigorous.

The barbarian army is divided into semi-independent teams according to different tribes.

Almost every team has totem pole power blessing, which is very difficult to deal with.

After fighting with True Monarch Cangshan for a long time, Meng Zhang knew that it didn't make much sense to fight like this. He has basically seen everything he wants to see, and there is no need to stay for a long time.

Meng Zhang gave Zhenjun Shushan a hint, and the two fought and retreated, slowly leaving the battlefield.

True Monarch Cangshan and Tulexiong chased after him for a while, seeing that they could not leave the enemy behind, only angrily stopped their pursuit.

Looking at Meng Zhang and their backs disappearing from the sky, True Monarch Cangshan kept silent with a gloomy face, but Tulle Xiong shouted into the air with dissatisfaction: "When will you hide, the enemy has already escaped." ."

With the roar of Tule Xiong, the figure of a middle-aged barbarian slowly appeared in the air.

The height of this barbarian was significantly shorter than that of Tulle Bear, and not so strong.

Putting it in the human race, he can be said to be a tiger-backed waist, but in the barbarian race, his figure appears slender and thin.

" do you keep hiding, only knowing to watch the play?"

"If you come out early, maybe we have left the enemy behind."

Thule Xiong's question made Shaliying an unhappy look on his face. However, knowing Tu Lexiong's character, he didn't care about Tu Lexiong in the end, but patiently explained it.

"This king is different from a stupid man like you. This king is not capable of fighting head-on, but is good at assassination."

"The two human primordial primordial princes just now seem to be fighting you fiercely, but they have always left room for energy, let alone showing any flaws."

"If this king rushes, he can at best hurt them slightly, but he can't leave them completely."

"Instead of easily revealing this king's hole card, it is better to hide the hole card and save it for a better opportunity."

Shaliying's explanation did not satisfy Tulexiong, he still cursed.

True Monarch Cangshan was an outsider who took refuge in the barbarians outside the territory, and did not gain the trust of the barbarians outside the territory.

If it weren't for the barbarians from outside the territories who suffered heavy losses and insufficient strength after being attacked by the Jade Sword Gate, he would not necessarily be allowed to join this army.

In the eyes of the barbarians outside the territory, True Monarch Cangshan is a valuable tool.

The True Monarch of Cangshan, who knew his situation, never talked much, let alone mixed up with the disputes of the high-level barbarians outside the territory.

Regardless of whether Tulexiong accepts Shaliying, the barbarian king's statement, Meng Zhang and the others have gone far, and they have also lost the possibility of keeping them.

Shaliying didn't look down on the well-developed limbs and had a simple mind. He only knew the reckless Tule Xiong, and he didn't want to listen to him complaining about himself.

He didn't even leave a sentence, and his whole body suddenly disappeared into the air like this.

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