The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1987: Yin and Yang disorder

A steady stream of ghosts and ghosts forced the Void Returning Powers into a panic, and even suffered casualties.

   Can't blame Ziyang Saint Sect's Void Returning Powers for not doing their best, it is really that the ghost domain is too powerful, making them unable to do what they want.

   The vast majority of the Void Returning Power is life-saving, and there is no desire to fight for life unless it is a last resort.

  Since there is no way to escape the ghost domain, the cultivators of the Ziyang Sacred Sect can only retreat temporarily.

   After receiving the detailed information provided by the monk of the Ziyang Saint Sect, the senior sects of the major sacred sites felt that things were very difficult.

   This ghost realm is so powerful and weird that everyone has an unknown premonition in their hearts.

  Before there was no countermeasure, he continued to send monks into the ghost realm, but that was nothing but death.

   For a while, there is no good way to deal with it.

   Meng Zhang did not rush into the ghost domain, but carefully observed from a distance.

   Seeing the figure flying towards him, his face was cold.

   This person is no one else, but Han Yao, the five-sword sword of Dali Temple of the Great Li Dynasty, who has been missing for a long time.

   Han Yao's situation at this time was very bad, his body was fluctuating, several eye-catching wounds penetrated his chest and abdomen, and his whole body was covered with blood stains.

   Han Yao flew in front of Meng Zhang, as if exhausted his last strength, fell to the ground all at once.

   Meng Zhang didn't rush to help him, but stabbed him coldly.

  Han Yao is extremely upright and has always been at odds with the devil's power.

   Now that Dali Dynasty is using the magic way, openly sacrificed countless creatures. I don't know what role he played in the middle.

   Han Yao took a sigh of relief on the ground. Hearing Meng Zhang’s question, he answered with great difficulty.

   The great change of the Great Li Dynasty, the senior management including Han Yao did not know beforehand.

   He just knew that some time ago, a group of mysterious strong men had secretly stationed in the capital.

   These powerhouses are ghostly, not like living people.

   Even if Han Yao is a master of the Yangshen level, he has the feeling that he dare not face this group of powerhouses directly.

   After the Void Returning team sent by the Ziyang Shengzong reached the upper capital, Dali Dynasty had all its cards, including this group of mysterious powerhouses, all resisting the cultivators of Ziyang Shengzong.

   After a great battle, seeing that he could not resist it, Emperor Ba Wu and several mysterious people launched the last resort.

   They must have made all kinds of preparations in advance, and they have concealed most of the senior officials of the Dali Dynasty.

  The sacrificial ceremony of Emperor Ba Wudi and others was successfully launched, turning the capital city into a ghost domain.

   Of course, even though Emperor Ba Wu and the others had sacrificed most of the lives in the capital, they still had reservations.

   Important figures such as members of the royal family, the Minister of Korea and China, and their families have not been sacrificed in blood.

   In addition, several armies that have been carefully trained by the Dali Dynasty for many years have been directly transformed into half-human and half-ghost existences.

  Actually, it was a few high-ranking monks who really maintained the Dali Dynasty.

   After such a tremendous change, the upper capital can still remain roughly stable and maintain a minimum order.

   Many of the remaining monks of the dynasty, no matter what they think in their hearts, at least on the surface they still maintain their loyalty to the court.

   Although Han Yao was loyal to the Dali Dynasty, he was deeply favored by Emperor Bawu, but the practice of Emperor Bawu still surpassed his bottom line.

   After a painful struggle, he finally decided to break with Dali Dynasty.

   He took advantage of the opportunity of the Ziyang Saint Sect attacking the monk to retreat, and left the ghost realm alone.

   Han Yao had no family disciples in the first place. His five penalty guards had basically lost all their losses when resisting the attack of the Ziyang Saint Sect before. He had nothing to worry about in the Great Li Dynasty.

   Even if Han Yao secretly escaped from this ghost domain, he still spent a lot of effort and finally escaped here.

   Looking at Han Yao, Meng Zhang didn't seem to be lying, but he was still suspicious of what he said.

   Meng Zhang then faced Han Yao a little bit to help him stabilize his injury.

   Next, Meng Zhang asked Han Yao a lot of questions, basically about the ghost domain in front of him.

   For these questions of Meng Zhang, Han Yao tried his best to answer.

   After the formation of this ghost domain, it directly penetrated the underworld, and the ghosts and ghosts from the underworld became the main guardians of the ghost domain.

   The few living people remaining in the ghost domain were all gathered in the palace.

   There is a certain kind of restriction outside the palace, which can temporarily prevent the aura of the ghost domain from invading.

   During the process of Han Yao leaving the palace and escaping from the ghost realm, although the time was short, he was severely eroded by the breath of the ghost realm and was injured by the parading ghosts.

   Yangshen monks like him escaped from the ghost realm by luck.


   Meng Zhang listened to Han Yao's introduction, coupled with his own careful observation, even if he has not personally entered the ghost domain, he still has a lot of knowledge of this ghost domain.

  Meng Zhang himself majored in Yin and Yang Dao, and the scene before him was clearly a disorder of Yin and Yang, and a reversal of the universe.

   The existence of this ghost domain is a serious damage to the rules of the world of Junchen Realm, and even endangers the entire world.

   Meng Zhang’s external incarnation has lived in the underworld for too long, and he has the keenness of natural ghosts and gods.

   After communicating with Tai Miao, Meng Zhang has a better understanding of the nature of this ghost domain.

   The formation of this ghost domain in front of me, on the surface, is a means of magic, but in fact it is more of a means of ghosts.

   Junchen Realm has always been ghostly and unhappy, lacking corresponding accumulation.

   Meng Zhang faintly discovered the traces of some external forces from the ghost domain in front of him ~ This ghost domain is not simple, if it exists for a long time, it will destroy the foundation of Jun Chen world.

   The actions of Da Li Dynasty not only made them the enemies of the cultivators, but also made them the public enemies of Jun Chen Realm.

   Heavenly Secretaries like Meng Zhang are very sensitive to the will of Heaven.

   He can now faintly sense that Jun Chen Realm's will of Heaven has been touched, and he is very hostile to the ghost realm in front of him.

   Meng Zhang was a little puzzled, why the will of the Heavenly Dao of Junchen Realm had not yet sent the punishment to the ghost and shattered this ghost realm.

   Meng Zhang closed his eyes and carefully sensed that Jun Chen Realm's Heavenly Will seems to have become very dull and very dull, as if it was Alzheimer's.

   Meng Zhang didn't know why Junchen Realm's Heavenly Dao consciousness had such a situation, but he knew that such a situation was very abnormal.

   He can't figure out the reason for the time being, so he has to leave it alone.

   As for how to deal with the relationship between him and the Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang has already made a decision in his heart.

   Since the actions of the Dali Dynasty angered Junchen Realm's will of Heaven and became the land of the world, then Meng Zhang absolutely could not continue to stand with the Dali Dynasty.

   Since then, Taiyimen and Dali Dynasty are no longer allies.

   Of course, Meng Zhang also resisted the urge to act for the sky, and would not take the initiative to provoke the Dali Dynasty.

   In any case, the Dali Dynasty created this ghost domain, and the real headache should be the sects of the holy land.

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