The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1975: Selfishness

Meng Zhang knew in his heart that Xianyun Zhenxian's seemingly understatement of killing Yang Sheng Shangzun was done for himself to a large extent.

  Meng Zhang could not resist the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng, vulnerable to a blow in front of Xianyun Zhenxian, just like a chicken.

   At the last moment, Yang Sheng Shangzun was still majestic, and seemed to be able to win Meng Zhang at any time.

   In the next moment, the powerful Supreme Lord Yangsheng was completely wiped out.

   If you change to Meng Zhang and face Xianyun Zhenxian, then you have to obediently suffer.

   Meng Zhang who understands this point, if you want to go back and betray in the future, I am afraid you need to think about it.

   It’s not entirely coincidental that Xianyun Zhenxian appeared here to rescue Meng Zhang.

   When Meng Zhang passed through the wormholes in the four-pointed star area and came to the foreign star area, he attracted the attention of the senior officials of the Liuyun Sect.

   Even before the advance team of Yunzhong City launched an uproar, the Taoist Yun Bai of the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds learned the details of Meng Zhang through various channels.

   Meng Zhang’s identity as the ancestor of the Nebula Sword Sect’s Return to the Void cannot withstand scrutiny at all.

   This cover identity can hide from the Sword Sect Nebula and the surrounding cultivation forces, but it cannot hide it from the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds.

   Jun Chenjie fell into a self-enclosed state after several true immortals fell asleep, and cut off all kinds of contact with the outside world.

   The four-pointed star area and the Shuangfeng star area are relatively open star areas and have a lot of communication with the outside world.

   A foreign monk like Meng Zhang would not be rejected if he did not harbor malice.

  Meng Zhang is not the spy of Yunzhong City, and actively works for the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, and barely got the approval of Sect of the Flowing Clouds.

   After reaching the Foreign Star Region through the Wormhole Channel, Meng Zhang left soon, but still attracted the attention of the senior officials of the Sect of Liuyun.

   just moved from the four-pointed star area to an unfamiliar star area, the senior members of the St.

  Originally, the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds was preparing to send the Void Returning Power to follow Meng Zhang secretly to see what Meng Zhang was going to do.

   coincides with the Xianyun Shengzong of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, who is really thinking about it, and he wants to take the initiative to follow Meng Zhang.

   Xian Yun Zhenxian took the initiative to ask for it, and the high-level people in the door naturally couldn't refuse.

   In the void, the real fairy is more capable of surviving and can deal with various situations better.

   Judging from the situation of Meng Zhang, it is not like a casual cultivator without inheritance.

   For the sake of caution, Xian Yun Zhenxian didn't win Meng Zhang, nor did he alarm him, but just followed him secretly.

   Shortly after entering the Dengtian Star Zone, Xianyun Zhenxian temporarily gave up following Meng Zhang because he found traces of the old enemy Hun Lingzun.

   Long after Meng Zhang returned to Junchen Realm, Xianyun Zhenxian slowly found the vicinity of Junchen Realm.

   After this period of wandering in the Dengtian star area, Xianyun Zhenxian roughly figured out the situation here.

   The origin of the immortal realm of Junchen Realm is the spiritual sky immortal realm, which can be said to have a profound background.

   The Sanshan True Immortal who sits in the Junchen Realm now is not a nameless person in the void, and the Xianyun True Immortal has long admired his name.

  The current situation in the Dengtian star area is that other big worlds colluded with outsiders and besieged Junchen Realm together.

   The two sides have been entangled for thousands of years, fighting fiercely, and there is no time to be distracted by other things.

   Logically speaking, visitors who migrate from the four-pointed star area to the foreign star area don't have to worry about the threat from the ascending star area for the time being.

   Liuyun Shengzong's founder is Liuyun Zhenxian, and he still sits in the sect.

   Although Liuyun Zhenxian generally ignores foreign affairs, he will come out to deal with real major events, such as Yunzhong City descending on the four-pointed star area.

   Xianyun Zhenxian is the descendant of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, and the years of advancing to the realm of true immortals are not too long.

   The Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds migrated from the four-pointed star area to the foreign star area, and gave up too many things, and the sect suffered a huge loss.

   Xian Yun Zhenxian walked around in the Dengtian Star Area, especially around Junchen Realm, to see if he could find a way for the sect to make money and make up for the previous losses.

   During this process, Xianyun Zhenxian obtained a lot of information.

   Especially the coalition forces that defeated the invaders outside the territory last time in Junchen Realm. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and many missing. Xian Yun Zhenxian took the opportunity to capture several prisoners.

   Among the captives, there is Junchen Realm's Void-returning power, and there are high-level invaders from outside the territory...

   From these captives, Xianyun Zhenxian learned a lot of the secrets of Junchen Realm.

  The most important piece of news is that the true immortals who opened up Junchen Realm have been sleeping in the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm.

   When they wake up, they will use secret methods to swallow the origin of the world of Junchen Realm, thereby impacting the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

   The overall strength of the four-pointed star area is still above that of the ascending star area, but its highest combat power is still only true immortal level.

   Liuyun Shengzong, the founder of the mountain, Liuyun Zhenxian, has practiced hard for many years, and it is still far away from the realm of heaven.

   It can be seen from this that it is difficult to advance to the realm of heavenly immortals.

   Even though Xianyun Zhenxian himself hadn't had the time to hit the heavenly immortal realm, he also had the ambition to hit the heavenly immortal.

  According to normal circumstances, Xianyun True Immortal cannot break through the realm of true immortality even if he has cultivated for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.

   Entering the realm of heavenly immortals, for Xianyun Zhenxian, is so far away, it is a dream with no hope at all.

   But now, there was a chance to hit the realm of Heavenly Immortal, and it was placed in front of him like this.

   How can this not let Xianyun really be tempted.

Of course, True Immortal Xianyun knows in his heart that it is certainly not that simple to hit the realm of Heavenly Immortal, and it is definitely not a simple matter of absorbing the origin of the world of Junchen Realm to Several real celestials who opened up the realm of Junchen prepared After thousands of years, there must be many unknown key points.

   No matter what, since Junchen Realm has the opportunity to impact the Heavenly Immortal realm, Xian Yun Zhenxian will not let it go easily.

   Out of selfishness, Xianyun Zhenxian didn't even pass the news back to Yun Shengzong.

   Among the visitors from the four-pointed star area, there are many true immortals over the years. If the news spreads, they are all possible competitors of Xianyun Zhenxian.

   Even if it is only within the Floating Cloud Sacred Sect, there is a real chance of attacking the heavenly immortals. The Floating Cloud Sacred Sect, the founder of the mountain must be the top priority.

   For Xianyun Zhenxian, in front of the great opportunity, even the ancestor can throw it aside first.

   Xian Yun Zhenxian wanted to sneak into Junchen Realm at first, but the entire Junchen Realm was guarded by a large formation.

   If Xianyun Zhenxian sneaks into Junchen Realm, it will inevitably trigger the warning and restraint of the large formation, alarming the guardians inside.

  Xianyun Zhenxian didn't want to startle the snake, exposed himself, and didn't want to face the powerhouse like Sanshan Zhenxian.

   Therefore, Xianyun Zhenxian secretly hides near Junchen Realm, waiting for the opportunity to arrive alone.

   In order to grasp the situation inside Jun Chen Realm for the first time, he needs a reliable internal response to inform him of various information at any time.

   It's a coincidence. I don't know if it was Meng Zhang's luck or misfortune. When he left Junchen Realm this time, he was discovered by Xianyun Zhenxian wandering near Junchen Realm.

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