The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1966: Crisis

The Xueshan faction high-level is very sober, not deceived by the name of the Holy Land Zongmen, and clearly knows who is the real master of Junchen Realm.

   If the Snow Mountain School really has a conflict of interests with other holy land sects, the incense sentiment of the year will not be very useful.

Therefore, for many years, the Snow Mountain faction has been very low-key, only knowing that it sticks to its own one-acre three-quarters of land, rarely gets involved in external disputes, never participates in various decision-making in Junchen Realm, and strives to avoid occurrences with other sacred sects. conflict.

   As long as all the sects of the holy land reached a consensus, the Snow Mountain faction would never dared to disobey the slightest.

   The Snow Mountain faction is so low-key that it did not harm its own interests, and other sacred sects also tolerated its existence.

   In many cases, in order to show the unity of the sacred sects and the deep friendship between the patriarchs, they will give some care to the Xueshan Sect.

   In addition to these five and a half holy land sects, Junchen Realm also has one and a half holy land families.

   A holy land family refers to the Situ family that Meng Zhang had dealt with in the first place.

   The ancestor of the Situ family is also one of the true immortals sleeping deep in the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm.

   The other half of the holy land family refers to the Kou family.

The situation of the    Kou family is similar to that of the Snow Mountain Sect. It is also the family’s ancestor who died early in the process of opening up the Junchen Realm.

   It was the sons of the ancestors of the Kou family who really started the Kou family.

   Several true immortals also gave the Kou Family the name and status of the Holy Land Family.

   The performance of the Kou family is lower-key than that of the Snow Mountain faction, and it is even a bit embarrassing.

   The Kou family cultivator almost never walked in Junchen Realm, just firmly guarding the family's ancestral land.

   As for the various affairs of the Junchen Realm, as long as they do not involve themselves, the Kou Family will ignore them.

   After a long time, because the Kou family really has no sense of existence in the realm of cultivation, many people have almost forgotten that there is such a holy land family as the Kou family.

   Of course, the ancestors of the Kou Family Brothers are true immortals after all.

  With the name of the Holy Land family on the head of the Kou family, no one dared to provoke the Kou family easily.

  Under this situation, apart from the Tiangong, what really determines the affairs of the Junchen Realm is the Guantian Pavilion, the Ziyang Sacred Sect, the Nine Profound Pavilion, the Zhenhai Palace, the Royal Beast Sect, and the Situ Family.

   Between these six forces, there are a lot of open and secret fights on weekdays, and the fart that drags each other back has almost never been cut off.

   They seem to be united on the surface, but in fact they are all eager to grow their own family and weaken others.

   The family of Qi, the in-laws of the Situ family, is located in the northernmost part of the Middle-Earth Continent, very close to the territory of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   When the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Dali Dynasty were at war, some comprehension forces headed by the Qi family were not uncommonly pulling the Ziyang Saint Sect's hind legs behind them, which added a lot of trouble to the Ziyang Saint Sect overtly and secretly.

   Had it not been for the shelter of the Situ family, the Ziyang Saint Sect would have destroyed the Qi family.

   The Jiuxuan Pavilion and Guantian Pavilion cannot understand each other. In addition to not officially tearing their skins apart, there are also many fights between the two.

   Royal Beast Sect wanted to set foot in the sea in the early years, using the diverse environment of the sea to raise various monsters, but was always blocked by Zhenhai Hall.

   Zhenhai Temple considers itself to be the ruler of all sea areas in Junchen Realm, and does not allow any forces to violate their own interests.

   Ziyang Shengzong didn't directly intervene in the West Sea back then, but just supported the Xingluo Islands behind him. In addition to the great power of the West Sea Sea Clan, there were also reasons for scruples about Zhenhai Temple.

   The Royal Beast Sect finally established some bases in the West Sea, but the hatred with Zhenhai Temple has never disappeared.

   After the rise of the Sea Spirit Sect, the shadow of the Royal Beast Sect can be faintly seen among the forces that support the Sea Spirit Sect behind the scenes and secretly contain the Zhenhai Temple.

   Of course, the relationship between these six forces is not that simple.

   They formed alliances with each other and were hostile to each other, and the relationship between enemy and friend had changed many times.

   Outside, especially when facing Tiangong, they will still try to maintain a united attitude and maintain their dominance over Jun Chen world.

   Originally, because the six sleeping true immortals were about to wake up. After they wake up, they will inevitably fight each other.

   With that, the sects and families founded by the six true immortals, and their disciples and grandchildren, all began to have obvious rifts, and they were about to fall into a real death match.

   Fortunately, the awakening of the six true immortals has been repeatedly postponed, and their conflicts have temporarily eased.

  In addition to the large-scale invasion of extraterritorial invaders, it is even more necessary for them to unite and unify to the outside world.

   After defeating the extraterritorial invaders, the senior leaders of the six powers decided to take advantage of this rare free time and the chance that the relationship between them was still relatively harmonious for the time being, to start a sweeping cleanup of Jun Chen Realm.

   The goal of their cleanup this time is not those alien races, magic repairs and the like, but those aliens who have always opposed them.

   Among them, Taiyi Sect may not be a big deal. The most important thing that the sects and families of the sacred places want to get rid of is the mysterious organization Dengxianhui.

   On the surface, Dengxian will recruit and train monks from all sides, nominally breaking the restrictions left by the six true immortals, and helping everyone gain the opportunity to become immortals.

   But in fact, Dengxianhui has been indulging and encouraging its members' dissatisfaction with the sects of the sacred land and the sleeping six true immortals.

   In the history of Junchen Realm, behind the cultivation forces and cultivators who are opposed to the sects of the holy land, almost all of them can faintly see the shadow of Dengxianhui.

The members of   Dengxianhui are basically high-level monks, and they are well-organized, secretive, and very confidential.

   But the various sacred sects have ruled Junchen Realm for many years, their influence is deeply rooted, and their tentacles have already penetrated into every corner of Junchen Realm.

   As for the existence of the Dengxianhui, the various sacred sects have long been aware of it, and have been very vigilant, treating it as the enemy of life and death.

  Dengxianhui has been fighting secretly against the sects of the holy land for so many years.

   Now, the patience of the sects of the sacred land has reached its limit, thinking that the malignant tumor of Dengxianhui can no longer be left.

   No wonder Gu Chen's face is so ugly. It turns out that Dengxianhui has become the biggest goal of the sects of the sacred land this time.

   Of course, it is not yet Meng Zhang's turn to be happy.

   If Dengxian will be the primary goal of the sects of the sacred land, the following Hailing School, Dali Dynasty, Taiyimen, etc., have become secondary goals.

  While investing a lot of manpower and material resources to clear the primary goal, we must also clean up all the secondary goals.

   In short, this time the sects of the sacred land are trying to eliminate evil and thoroughly eliminate the troubles.

   For Meng Zhang, the news that Gu Chen brought was not all bad news.

  You Dengxian will take the lead, and the pressure on Taiyimen will definitely be greatly reduced.

   Considering the overall situation, everyone is now in the same boat, with cold lips and teeth.

   When facing the powerful sect of the Holy Land, it is indeed necessary to unite and join hands against the enemy.

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