The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1962: report

In order to facilitate future operations, after regaining this meteorite belt, the high level of Tiangong organized a large number of monks and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to rebuild many strongholds in it.

   Among them, the Lord of the Cold War chose a stronghold as his daily base.

   Since Meng Zhang accepted the order of the Cold War Supreme to act, he would naturally find the Cold War Supreme to return to life.

   After Meng Zhang successfully saw the Cold War Supreme, he began to report.

   Although he was surprised by the Shenchang Realm after he took the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord because he encountered Gu Chen on the road, Meng Zhang failed to sneak into the Shenchang Realm for investigation according to the original plan.

   But when he was investigating the army of invaders outside the territory, he collected a lot of valuable information.

   After listening to Meng Zhang’s report, the Cold War Supreme did not say much.

   In order to obtain the movements of the invaders outside the territory, the senior level of Junchen Realm sent a lot of spies to investigate.

   Through the intelligence obtained from multiple sources, the senior level of Junchen Realm has almost grasped the latest trends of the army of invaders outside the territory.

   The intelligence reported by Meng Zhang was fine, and there was not much surprise.

   His mission this time is considered complete, but it is not outstanding.

   Now that the Weiming Taoist of Guantian Pavilion has left here and returned to Junchen Realm, the Cold War Supreme Lord does not need to let Meng Zhang continue to avoid him.

   During the time Meng Zhang was away, the monks in the Junchen Realm had basically completed the cleanup of this meteorite belt.

   A large part of the monks recruited by the Heavenly Palace from Junchen Realm have been disbanded.

   Meng Zhang had performed well in the war before, and many people spoke highly of it.

   Later in the cleaning operation, he also made a lot of credit.

   If it were not for the conflict with Weiming Taoist, Meng Zhang would not be sent away.

   Although the extraterritorial invaders are still gathering forces, there is no sign of a major invasion for the time being.

   Junchen Realm has nothing to do except seize the time to restore various defense facilities and continue to strengthen defenses.

   The Cold War Master asked Meng Zhang to temporarily return to Junchen Realm to rest and wait for the next call-up.

   As for post-war work such as meritorious deeds and rewards, another department in Tiangong was responsible.

   After Meng Zhang bid farewell to the Lord of the Cold War, he returned directly to Jun Chen Realm.

   Meng Zhang didn't rush back to Taiyimen, but decided to go to Tiangong first and visit Tiangong's general manager, Xue Jianjun.

   has just gone through a big battle, I wonder if there are any new ideas from the senior level of Jun Chen Realm?

   only learned a lot of information from Gu Chen, Meng Zhang also wanted to explore the tone of the companion Xue Jianjun, to see what kind of attitude she has towards the great changes in Jun Chen world in the future.

   After the end of the war and the cleaning of the meteorite belt, Lord Banxue Jian returned to the Heavenly Palace.

   After the war, various follow-up troubles were numerous.

   There are many departments in the Tiangong Palace, and each department has a supervisor to perform its duties, and can share a lot of work for King Snow Sword.

   For many years, there have been routines and fixed procedures in the Tiangong for handling all kinds of affairs, large and small.

   But there are still many things that need to be handled by Snow Sword Master himself.

   During this period of time, she was so busy and in a mess.

  Ban Xue Jianjun has a close relationship with Meng Zhang, and he has been given high authority before, so that he can visit him at any time.

   But when Meng Zhang met with King Snow Sword this time, he still lined up slowly and waited a long time.

   When Meng Zhang met Master Ban Xue Jian, Master Ban Xue Jian handled various official duties while not paying attention to red tape at all.

   Before coming here, Meng Zhang had already finished the draft. He asked directly, after experiencing this great battle, what big moves the Jun Chen Realm seniors would take next.

   The companion Xue Jianjun looked at Meng Zhang with a faint smile, and said, "Your nose is very good, and I ran over when I received the news."

   Looking at Meng Zhang's a little inexplicable look, the companion Xue Jianjun even said with a smile.

   "Don't pretend, this matter has already been solved for you."

   Then, before Meng Zhang could react, Sword Master Banxue started talking for himself.

   It turned out that before Meng Zhang returned from the void, he brought back news about the monks in the four-pointed star area moving to a foreign star area.

   There seems to be no news from the Tiangong area, it is because Banxue Jianjun needs to discuss countermeasures with the high-level personnel of Tiangong.

   Later, the matter was delayed because of counterattack operations against invaders outside the territory.

   After the end of the war, the disposition of the matter was immediately put on the agenda.

  According to the results of the discussions between the high level of the Tiangong and the sects of the sacred sites, they are preparing to send an envoy to the foreign star area and have a good contact with these migrants from the four-pointed star area.

   If possible, even if you pay a huge price, try to stabilize them as much as possible to prevent them from taking any action against Jun Chen Realm.

   Junchen Realm is not too close to the alien star area, even if it is an ordinary Void Returning Power, it will take decades or even hundreds of years to cross this distance.

   These four-pointed star area visitors, even if they have any bad ideas about Jun Chen Realm, it is not an easy task to launch an expedition.

   If they don't have enough motivation, they generally don't act rashly.

   Junchen Realm only needs to stabilize them temporarily, and after a few true immortals wake up, many problems will be solved.

   Of course Jun Chenjie took the initiative to contact the guests from the four-pointed star area, and there is also a hidden danger.

   If the Junchen Realm cultivator exposes the truth and futility of his own party, he might cause the other party to be malicious.

   Among the many big worlds in the void, in general, the weak and the strong eat the strong, and they are annexing each other.

   Even if the four-pointed star area is dominated by Taoist cultivators, once they see the delicious fat, they will not take into account the incense sentiment that everyone is Taoist cultivator, and will inevitably swallow the Junchen world.

   Therefore, how to organize the mission, how to select personnel, and how to contact the guests from the four-pointed star area, still need to spend some thought.

   When everyone was discussing the matter, some monks of the Sacred Land sect questioned that Meng Zhang might have betrayed Junchen Realm and took refuge in the guests from the four-pointed star area, leaking out all the truth and fiction of Junchen Realm.

   This kind of unreliable speculation was reprimanded by Mr. Ban Xue Jian as nonsense.

   Meng Zhang's loyalty to Jun Chen world is unbelievable, and Mr. Banxue Jianjun can guarantee it.

   With Xue Jianjun's resolute attitude, many guys who want to make trouble with this have nothing to say.

   Next, there were some people who pointedly pointed out that since Meng Zhang is so familiar with the situation of the migrants in the four-pointed star area, it is better to let him join the mission and go out with everyone.

   Ban Xue Jianjun saw through the malice hidden behind this proposal, and found an excuse at will to push the matter off.

   Meng Zhang must stay in Junchen Realm, and Sword Master Banxue needs his help to complete next important tasks.

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