The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1960: Candid

Meng Zhang has been able to get to this step, has gone through so many difficulties and obstacles, and his upward momentum has not diminished. He is definitely a determined and dedicated character who will not give up right because of an enemy like Zhenxian. Dadao's pursuit, take the initiative to retreat.

   At this point, Gu Chen's view of Meng Zhang is relatively accurate.

   Whether it was a coincidence or God's will, originally Meng Zhang was not qualified to participate in the next big change in Jun Chen Realm and intervene in the final plot of the true immortals.

   But because the awakening time of several true immortals was repeatedly delayed, it gave Meng Zhang enough time to grow up.

  His cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds in these hundreds of years, and his strength has greatly increased. Now he has enough qualifications to participate in the major events conspired by the true immortals, and to participate in the battle for opportunities.

   The cultivator of the mid-stage of Void Rebirth, who has cultivated the heaven and earth, is indeed a rare high-level combat power.

   With the cultivation speed of Meng Zhang, if the advanced stage returns to the late stage of Void before the Great Change of Junchen Realm, the effect will be even greater.

   For the Taiyi Gate in its heyday, the Supreme Master Gu Chen also knew something about it.

   He has lived through that era, and he has also paid attention to the extermination of Taiyi Gate by Guantian Pavilion.

  The biggest enemy of the Dengxian Hui is the sects of the sacred land. Of course, the Dengxian Hui must pay special attention to the various actions of the sects of the sacred land.

   In the eyes of the former Gu Chen Shangzun, the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, no matter how strong it was, was nothing more than an ordinary Xuxu Sect.

   Among the Junchen realms, the masters of the most advanced inheritance are mainly the Tiangong and the various sacred sects.

   In the thousands of years in the history of Junchen Realm, there is no such legendary genius. Without relying on the inheritance of predecessors, relying solely on one's own talent and hard work, one can practice all the way to the late stage of the Contradictory.

  The reason why Gu Chen Shangzun has today's cultivation base is also because of a special opportunity, he has obtained the guidance and support of an expert.

   The inheritance left by the Taiyimen in its heyday may be extremely brilliant for ordinary cultivators. But in the eyes of the former Gu Chen Shangzun, it was very ordinary.

   Now that I have seen Meng Zhang's strength after the middle stage of Advanced Void Return, with Gu Chen's vision, it is hard to tell that this person has obviously received a very clever inheritance.

  In the heart of Gu Chen Shangzun, he raised his evaluation of Taiyimen's inheritance, and remembered some rumors about Taiyimen in its heyday.

   If those rumors are true, then Meng Zhang and the current Taiyi Sect will be even more intolerant of the major sacred sects.

   Gu Chen had a heart to win over Meng Zhang, and also revealed a lot of confidential information to him to show his favor.

   But Meng Zhang has not formally joined the core circle of the Dengxianhui after all, Gu Chen cannot disclose more information, and it is not easy to spend too many resources.

   After all, for Meng Zhang at this time, if he wanted to win over him, he couldn't use ordinary resources at all.

   Gu Chen thought for a while, if you want to win over Meng Zhang, you have to continue to draw pie.

  Wait until Meng Zhang has completely boarded the ship and can no longer get off the ship, then can he truly accept him and provide him with various treatments.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law had told Meng Zhang long ago that after a few sleeping true immortals woke up, they would devour the source of the world of Junchen Realm and serve as their own food for assaulting the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

   Of course, the Junchen Realm, where the origin of heaven and earth is overly depleted, will naturally fall into the calamity of extinction and head for destruction.

   Although Meng Zhang didn't fully believe this statement, he still worked hard to make preparations to help Taiyimen survive the catastrophe and survive the crisis of the destruction of Junchen Realm.

   Now, Supreme Master Gu Chen is in front of Meng Zhang again, repeating what Qiansi's mother-in-law said.

   He especially emphasized that although the origin of the world of Junchen Realm is vast, it is also limited, and most of it is not enough for a few true immortals.

In front of    Avenue, all friendships are fake, and several true immortals will inevitably compete at that time.

   10,000 steps back, even if the origin of the world of Junchen Realm is enough for a few true immortals to use. In order to have a little more assurance when attacking the realm of Heavenly Immortal, they will slow down the pace of their companions' attack on the realm of Heavenly Immortal.

   If there is a real celestial battle in the sea of ​​origin, the sea of ​​origin will definitely collapse, and the origin of heaven and earth will inevitably spread everywhere.

   The largest and most quintessential part of Junchen Realm Heaven and Earth must be in the bag of a few true celestial beings.

   A part of the leftover material in the origin of heaven and earth, true immortals look down on, and may not be willing to spend energy to collect them, that is the opportunity of Gu Chen.

   Ordinary Void-Returning Power has obtained these leftovers, which can stabilize the foundation and allow one's own cultivation to make great progress.

   People such as Gu Chen Shangzun have obtained these leftovers, and even have the opportunity to hit the realm of real immortality.

   This is the great opportunity that Qiansi's mother-in-law said to Meng Zhang.

   At that time, Meng Zhang was inadequate in his cultivation, and the mother-in-law Qiansi didn't tell him all the details.

   Now Meng Zhang is already qualified to know these secrets.

   Gu Chen did not hesitate to reveal these secrets in order to win over Meng Zhang.

   When Meng Zhang was stationed in Junchen Realm Nine Heavens, in order to complete the mission, he had entered Yuanhai and saw the vast power inside.

  When he was in the dust world, he was trapped in the origin of the dust world for many years.

   Although this has allowed him to experience many dangers, he has also gained many benefits from the heaven and earth origin of the dust world.

   He not only made his initial cultivation of Void Return to, he also laid a solid foundation for the impact of the mid-term Void Return.

   He was able to quickly cultivate the heaven and earth physiognomy soon after receiving the inheritance of the ancestor of the guardian mountain. To a large extent, he also benefited from his harvest in the source sea of ​​the dust world.

   The dust world is far inferior to Junchen Realm in nature, and it is a big world that has stepped into destruction.

   Meng Zhang can obtain such a harvest in the heaven and earth origin of the dust world. If he could get some parts of Junchen Realm Yuanhai, even some leftovers, it would be a huge gain for him.

   If you are lucky enough, you might really be able to lay the foundation for becoming immortal.

   In the face of such temptation, even Meng Zhang, who has always been calm, is unavoidable.

   Of course, don't look at Meng Zhang's appearance of respect to Gu Chen Supreme. But deep in his heart, he has never relaxed his vigilance against this person.

   There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The Supreme Master Gu Chen reveals so many secrets to himself, it definitely has a purpose.

   Sure enough, seeing Meng Zhang showing his heartbeat, Supreme Master Gu Chen struck the iron while it was hot and made his own suggestions.

   In the future, the world of Junchen will change drastically. When robbing the origin of heaven and earth, a person will fight alone and be weak. It is inevitable that he will encounter some difficulties and even fall into siege.

   If Meng Zhang can trust him, he can contact some reliable friends on his behalf, and then everyone can work together and join hands against the enemy.

   These friends are basically members of the Dengxian Club. In order to facilitate future cooperation, Meng Zhang can strengthen contacts with them on weekdays and get a lot of affection.

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