The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1923: Get out

The sky fire released under the wrath of the false **** of flames was so powerful that it actually made it impossible for a veteran such as Wei Dao to be able to resist.

   The heaven and earth phenomena released by the Venerable Void of the Guantian Pavilion is the main goal of the flame false god, and he is forced to retreat again and again, where there is enough energy to support Weijue Dao.

   As for Meng Zhang, it is even more impossible to help.

   He was still anxious to feel that the old way was burned to death by this flame god.

  Meng Zhang saw that the main target of this false flame **** was not himself, so he secretly put away the power of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram of his own world.

   Weijue Dao fully waved the flag in his hand, supported left and right blocks, and fully resisted the attacking sky fire.

   He was so burnt, his injuries got worse.

   Fortunately, at a critical juncture, his reinforcements finally arrived.

   The guantian pavilion's rebirth power, who releases the heavens and the earth, is called Weiming Taoist. He was originally a younger generation who only felt the old way, but his cultivation base came from behind.

   In the realm of comprehension, the strong are respected, and those with a high level of cultivation have more say than those with a low level.

   Weijue Dao relies on his own seniority, seniority, and quite a bit of a posture of relying on the old and selling the old, so that the Weiming Taoist is very annoying.

   So Weiming Taoist intentionally or unintentionally delayed for a while, wanting this old guy to suffer.

   Of course, no matter how disagreeable, as a fellow, Weiming Taoist still has to take care of the overall situation, and can't just watch Weiming Old Tao being hit hard or even killed.

   Weiming Taoist sacrificed a throwing knife and circled the Weijue old way, so that the sky fire that had been entangled with him was extinguished.

   The false **** of flames that released the sky fire became even more angry when he saw this.

   He was fighting fiercely with the Weiming Taoist's heaven and earth law, and once again divided his strength, evoked a sea of ​​fire, and overwhelmingly flocked to the Weijue Taoist and Weiming Taoist.

   Before the two could catch their breath, they were surrounded by a sea of ​​flames and had to join forces to resist.

   The main power of the false flame **** has been attracted by the monk Guantian Pavilion, and Meng Zhang had already had a chance to escape at this time, but he was not in a hurry to escape.

   On the surface, Meng Zhang still allows his own world and Tai Chi Yin and Yang map to join the battle, and together with Weiming Taoist Heaven and Earth Law to fight against this false **** of flames.

  In fact, he secretly withdrew most of his power and began to secretly operate the secret method, trying to put away the Qiankun Pillar.

   The old ancestor of Shoushan only had the cultivation base in the early stage of Return to Void, so he could send it out, but he couldn't take it away. Once the Universe Pillar was released, he couldn't put it away.

   There seems to be a word difference between the early stage and the middle stage of the return to virtuality, but the strength is worlds apart.

  Meng Zhang was only in the mid-stage of Void Return, and he could easily defeat two old opponents in the early stage of Void Return.

   If it is not limited by the situation in the field, he can even kill the opponent.

   Even if the three ancestors of the Taiyimen heyday joined forces, the current Meng Zhang can easily suppress or even defeat it.

   Things that the ancestor Shoushan couldn't do, now Meng Zhang can barely do it.

   When he first appeared, Meng Zhang was caught in a battle with the enemy, unable to be distracted to put away the Universe Pillar.

   Now that the false **** of flames and the power of Guantian Pavilion's return to virtuality have both hit real fire, the fight is getting more and more fierce.

   Meng Zhang also seemed to be involved in the battle, but he didn't make much effort.

   What's even better is that the flame pseudo-god and Guantian Pavilion, the two rebirth powers, have focused their attention on each other, and at this time they didn't pay much attention to Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang was able to secretly release most of his power, cast secret techniques, and tried to put away the Universe Pillar.

   The fierce battle continues, and Meng Zhang's action to collect Qiankun Zhu is not smooth.

   Under such circumstances, it still takes him a lot of time.

   The power level of the flame pseudo-god has almost reached the late stage of returning to the Void.

   It's just that the indigenous pseudo-gods like him lack systematic inheritance, and rely more on experience to play, and they can't fully utilize the power accumulated over the years.

   And his opponent is a great cultivator with various methods and magical powers, able to exert a stronger combat effectiveness with a weaker force.

   Fighting for a long time, although this flame **** has the absolute upper hand, it has been unable to win the two opponents.

  After fighting for so long, I feel that the old way has long been unable to resist it.

   The stronger Weiming Taoist also feels a little bit powerless.

   The retreat powers of the two Guantian Pavilions both had the heart to retreat, but they could not find a chance to escape the battle safely.

   Meng Zhang’s combat effectiveness is getting weaker and weaker, but the Taoists and others have no doubts.

   They knew that Meng Zhang was a junior of Taiyimen, and it didn't take too long to embark on the road of spiritual practice.

   The performance of Meng Zhang before was already amazing enough, even people can't believe it.

   Now that Meng Zhang is weak and weaker, it should be the normal behavior that a monk of his age should have.

   As a monk of Guantian Pavilion with complicated background, Weiming Taoist and Weijue Old Tao have a lot of cards to save their lives.

   They are now thinking about what kind of hole cards and what price they must pay to get rid of their opponents and get out of this meaningless battle.

   At this time, Meng Zhang's secret technique allowed him to communicate with the Qiqiang Qi of the Universe, and he had some control over it.

   A ray of light pierced through the void lit up, and a shining pillar passed through the gap between the positive space and the anti-space, and plunged into Meng Zhang's arms.

   Meng Zhang gave a long roar, and the physical body and the law of heaven and earth merged into one ~ and turned into a stream of light and fleeed away.

   The false **** of flame, who was suppressing his opponent, felt the essence of this magic treasure when the Universe Pillar flew out, and he was greedy for Dasheng in his heart.

   At this time, Weijue and Weiming Taoists did not know that they underestimated Meng Zhang and let him take away the long-awaited treasure.

   Thousands of years ago, the guardian ancestor released the Qiankun Pillar. After being trapped here, the Qiankun Pillar was regarded as something in his bag by the monks of Guantian Pavilion.

   It can even be said that a large part of Guantian Pavilion's attack on Taiyi Sect back then was to seize the heavenly magic treasure of Qiankun Pillar.

   The cooked duck just flew away in front of him, but I felt that the old Taoists and Weiming Taoists were angry and heartache.

   Guantian Pavilion’s return to virtual power has been calculated for a long time, and after waiting here for many years, everything has failed today.

   Especially when they think that Meng Zhang is still a junior, he hadn't been put in the eyes of the senior Guantian Pavilion before, and their hearts were even more depressed.

   Meng Zhang took the Qiankun Zhu to flee, and the two sides who were fighting had no intention of continuing the fight.

  The false **** of flames is very embarrassed. He is going to pursue the human monk who has escaped and seize the magic weapon of the cave, or put more strength, take down the two enemies in front of him, and swallow the heaven and the earth.

   Soon, Wei Jue Dao and Wei Ming Dao made a choice for him.

   The two men sacrificed their life-saving hole cards almost at the same time, temporarily forced the flame pseudo-god back, and then escaped from the battle as quickly as possible.

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