The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1896: Yunbo Taoist

Taoist Yun Bai didn't seem to be outstanding, but he was very talkative.

This person was born in Liuyun Shengzong Battle Hall and participated in many foreign expeditions.

Not only does he have a high level of cultivation and excellent combat effectiveness, but he also has a reputation for being warlike and has always been brave and fierce.

Even after the advanced stage of returning to weakness, the temper has converged, but it is also not an easy person.

With this person's temperament, one sentence is wrong, and it is common to fight against the monks of the same rank.

Not to mention a mere king's family, even those big powers of the same level as the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, he dare to be hard-headed.

Recognizing the famous Taoist Yun Bai, and having heard of his wicked name, the two Wang Family's ancestors couldn't help but dwarf and didn't dare to speak at will.

If it was on weekdays, Taoist Yun Bai would not give up easily.

But today, with a heavy responsibility, he decided to finish the business first before talking.

The ancestor of Wang Family's Return to the Void verbally offended the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds, and there will be opportunities to settle accounts with them in the future.

Taoist Yun Bai waved his hand directly, which meant that the ancestors of the Wang Family Returning to the Void and other idlers waited to leave, and he had business to do next.

Although he was not upset in his heart, where did the ancestor of the Wang family return to the Void dared to confront Taoist Yunbo head-on.

Even if there are still clansmen who fall into the opponent's hands, they can only leave in angrily.

Seeing the miscellaneous people and other intellectuals leave, Yun Baidao talented and Mu Xingtong talked about business.

Mu Xingtong first briefly introduced Meng Zhang to everyone, and then roughly said the whole thing.

With two living members of the royal family testifying, Mu Xingtong's words were reasonable and restrained, and her reason for suspicion of the Wang family was also very legitimate.

Again, many things in the cultivation world don't need to be 100% confirmed, as long as there is reasonable doubt.

Especially Flowing Cloud Saint Sect, a big power that ranks among the top in the entire four-pointed star area, seems to be gentle on weekdays, and when it is truly overbearing, it will not speak much to the Wang family.

In addition to the monks of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, there were several other monks of great power.

Among them, there are the monks of Xingji Sword Sect.

Regarding some of Mu Xingtong's statements, the monks of Xingji Sword Sect deliberately or unintentionally pricked, and even questioned her credibility.

First, in front of outsiders, Taoist Yun Bai will firmly defend his own people.

Secondly, the collusion between the monks of the Wang family and the advance team of Yunzhong City was too serious, and no one dared to take it lightly.

Especially from the current situation, the secret enemy has already taken action, by attacking the flying boat team, disrupting the transportation of materials, and trying to hinder the construction of the wormhole passage.

Such behavior almost endangered the entire four-pointed star area.

Therefore, even though Mu Xingtong’s accusation against the Wang family has no conclusive evidence, everyone would rather believe that it is true or not.

Even if the cultivator of Xingji Sword Sect had any other ideas, he couldn't stop it.

Meng Zhang originally wanted to involve Guchi Villa and even Lengshan Temple in this matter, and label them colluding with Yunzhong City.

However, due to the performance of the Xingji Sword Sect cultivator, he felt that it was best not to stray from the sidelines.

In addition, Meng Zhang also understands the truth.

He and Mu Xingtong need not say too much, they should leave enough space for everyone to investigate by themselves.

After listening to Mu Xingtong's remarks, because the matter was of great importance, everyone did not delay and acted immediately.

Taoist Yun Bai and the others took Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong, and quickly rushed back to Baishi City.

In White Rock City, the government has built an ultra-long-distance communication array for communication across the big world.

It's just that such a magic circle is not easy to start, and it consumes a lot of resources every time it is used.

The most important thing is that the confidentiality of this circle is not enough, and Taoist Yun Bai and others are not at ease.

As a result, Daoist Yunbo and others asked Baishicheng to provide sufficient resources, and they temporarily built an ultra-long-distance communication array.

Then, the monks of several big forces used this circle in turn to send back the results of Mu Xingtong's investigation, including the confessions of the two monks of the Wang family, to their respective sects in detail.

Next, they just waited slowly, waiting for their respective sects to reply.

Although there are many disputes and even struggles within the upper level of the four-pointed star area, when the major events of the entire star area are involved, everyone still knows to unite and unify to the outside world.

This time, the upper level of the four-pointed star area showed high efficiency.

Including Taoist Yun Bai and others, they quickly received a reply from their respective sects.

Through this ultra-long-distance communication array, their respective sects have made detailed arrangements.

All major sects of the royal family within the four-pointed star area, including the royal family's ancestors, will be dealt with immediately.

Taoist Yunbo's task is to take down all the royal family members in the dust world, and no fish that slips through the net are allowed.

After receiving clear instructions, Taoist Yun Bai, as the leader, immediately led everyone to action.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong also joined the action as team members.

If it is someone else, it might be a little difficult to capture the monk of the Wang family.

However, the team led by Taoist Yun Bai did not spend much effort to complete the task.

Facing the combined teams of several major forces in the four-pointed star area, the royal family members hardly have the courage to resist.

Except for the two returning ancestors and a few people who had received the news early and hid, the others were almost all captured with their hands.

On the one hand, Taoist Yun Bai ordered to continue to apprehend the two ancestors of the Wang family who slipped through the net, and on the one hand, he severely interrogated the caught members of the Wang family.

This group of monks who came from a powerful force not only has various interrogation methods, but also has no mercy, and they are extremely cruel.

Wherever the royal family members could stand this method, they began to confess, saying what they should or should not say.

Soon, more and more confessions were gathered to the Taoist As a famous big merchant in the four-pointed star area, Wang's family did a lot of dirty things secretly. Repeatedly violating the customary rules of the cultivation world, it can even be said to be a lot of sins.

Suppress and frame competitors in the shopping mall; destroy the small forces that offend him; maintain a long-term secret transaction with Gui Xiu; collude with Mo Xiu and sell blood to Mo Xiu...

These crimes alone, as long as they are exposed to the public, are enough to make the Wang family be criticized by all the population and become a public enemy of the cultivation world.

Although these crimes helped bring down the Wang family, they were not what Taoist Yun Bai was most concerned about, nor was it what Meng Zhang wanted the most.

Wang Defeng's collusion with the monks in Yunzhong City really concealed it.

Not to mention ordinary royal family members, even his close relatives, his line of people, don't know much.

Judging from these confessions alone, there is still no full assurance that it can prove that the Wang family and the monks in Yunzhongcheng are in collusion.

Of course, these confessions provided a lot of indirect evidence, which was sufficient to support Meng Zhang's initial guess and judgment.

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