The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1381: return

The area near Jiuqu City where Jiuqu was originally governed by the province was the core ruled area of ​​Jiuqu Province during the Jiuqu League and Dali Dynasty, and it was also the most prosperous place in Jiuqu Province.

After Taiyimen became the ruler of Jiuqu Province, although Meng Zhang was not in a hurry to completely bring the southern part of Jiuqu Province under the direct control of Taiyimen, he still established a lot of strongholds in the south and gradually strengthened Control of the South.

There was originally an important stronghold of Taiyimen here.

Now, the stronghold has become ruins. Between the ruins, blood stains were faintly visible.

Meng Zhang floated quietly over this stronghold, his face pale.

This gang of damned remnants of the dynasty really dared to seize the empty opportunity in the back and take advantage of the emptiness to enter.

Meng Zhang felt a little regretful. He was too eager to lead the expeditionary force on the expedition, and did not allow enough time to clean up the remnants of this gang and completely wipe out the Jiuqu province.

Meng Zhang also had reflection in his heart. Back then, with the support of the Ziyang Sacred Sect, he eliminated Zhang Weineng and overthrew the rule of the Dali Dynasty in Jiuqu Province. He may be a little bit complacent. It was obviously too careless to ignore. The hidden danger.

After receiving the news of the accident in Jiuqu Xing Province in the rear area, Meng Zhang hurriedly confessed to it, and he sacrificed the Void Cauldron and directly sent it back to Jiuqu Xing Province.

He did not return to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, but went straight to the south of Jiuqu Province, where Taiyimen had just suffered heavy losses.

Meng Zhang doesn't need to worry about things about the expedition army.

The Taiyimen monks who remain in the army will manage the army well.

With the record of killing to South China, the monks from all walks of life in the army did not dare to make any changes.

After Xiang Huanan was exterminated, True Monarch Qianying had already fulfilled the agreement, and he could return to the Heavenly Palace.

However, True Monarch Qianying did something more grand this time, saying that he had not made much contribution in the battle to destroy South China, mainly relying on Meng Zhang's contribution.

Therefore, he is ready to stay in the expeditionary army to help Meng Zhang clear the monsters.

Of course, whether he has any other purpose, then Meng Zhang is not known.

Anyway, so far, Qianying Zhenjun's help to Meng Zhang is not small? Is he really working for Meng Zhang honestly? That should be trustworthy for the time being.

With Qianying Zhenjun remaining in the expeditionary force, even if Meng Zhang left, the expeditionary force would have a minimum guarantee in terms of top combat power.

Meng Zhang came back in a hurry, did not take other people? Instead, went on the road alone.

He first went to the south of Jiuqu Province to see the loss with his own eyes.

Many strongholds in Taiyimen were destroyed? The garrison monks suffered heavy casualties.

Originally? Jin Li Zhenjun stayed in the south of Jiuqu Province and was responsible for organizing the transfer of materials and transporting them to the expedition army in time.

Since Jin Li Zhenjun left, the defensive force on this side was insufficient? The material transmission line was almost completely destroyed.

The gang who took the opportunity to cause chaos are very strategic.

The main target of their attack? Taiyimen and monks of Taiyimen vassal forces.

For those comprehension forces that only surrendered to the Taiyi Sect in the south of the Jiuqu province, they were almost innocent.

This aspect reduces the attack area and avoids making too many enemies.

On the other hand, there are also factors that provoke the relationship between Taiyi Sect and these comprehension forces.

In addition, for the Aquarium who betrayed the covenant? They also temporarily put down their hatred, and did not rush to attack the Aquarium stronghold.

This shows? They know the priority and are not willing to disperse their strength? Instead, they attacked Taiyimen wholeheartedly.

The only thing Meng Zhang felt fortunate was that the group of extraterritorial invaders in the clouds and mists did not take the opportunity to rush out to attack.

If something goes wrong over there? Then Taiyimen is really in crisis.

He was originally entrusted by Xiao Liang? He came to Taiyimen to sit down.

But He Lao and Xiao Liang weren't the same, and Xiao Liang couldn't order him.

In the mind of Old He, he will put Ziyang Shengzong's interests as the most important.

Therefore, after Meng Zhang and Xiao's family feuded, Old He was still sitting outside the rain and fog.

It is precisely because of the presence of Old He, Meng Zhang does not have to worry about the situation on the side of Yunwu Daze.

This group of remnants of the Great Li Dynasty, taking advantage of the opportunity of Meng Zhang's expedition, jumped out and made chaos, and was already on Meng Zhang's list of kills.

On the Daheng Cultivation Realm, Meng Zhang did not completely relax after he killed Xiang Huanan.

Although the situation is very optimistic, there are still many hidden dangers.

Meng Zhang clearly remembered that in the information provided by True Monarch Mo Qing, in addition to the demonized Xiang Huanan, Daheng Cultivation Realm also had two fourth-order monsters with the late stage strength of the Yuanshen.

One of them was killed by Xiang Huanan, and it is estimated that even the bones have been swallowed by Huanan.

There was another one who fled alone, escaping from the pursuit of South China.

Now that Xiang Huanan is killed, if this monster takes the opportunity to return to the monster army, it is very likely that with its strength and previous power, it will become the new leader of the monster army and control these monster clusters.

In this regard, Meng Zhang had already planned.

In the battle in that valley, in addition to killing the South China, Meng Zhang and the others also killed many monsters of different levels.

Counting the previous accumulation, Meng Zhang has already gained a lot of heavenly merits.

In the next battle, Meng Zhang will definitely kill more monsters and accumulate more heavenly merits.

With so many Heavenly Dao merits and virtues, it can barely offset the backlash of using Dayan Divine Calculations to deduction.

Meng Zhang's attitude towards the Heavenly Mystery Technique is to use it with caution, but not absolutely.

When it's time to use it, or when it must be used, no matter how powerful the backlash is, he will use it without hesitation.

Meng Zhang's original plan was to use the Dayan Divine Calculations to deduce the whereabouts of the monster, and then kill it in time to prevent it from grasping the monster army and becoming a new threat.

Meng Zhang estimated that with his accumulated Heavenly Dao merits, even if he successfully completed this deduction, he would be able to avoid the coming of Heavenly Dao backlash.

However, due to changes in Jiuqu province, he had to change his original and rushed back to put out the fire immediately.

The remnants of this group of great dynasties are just shameless mice.

They only dared to hide in the dark, taking advantage of Taiyimen's unpreparedness, sneaking out and taking a bite.

If news of Meng Zhang's return spreads, they will probably immediately hide in their own mouse hole again.

It is not difficult to get rid of these mice, but it is rare to find out their whereabouts in time.

This time, Meng Zhang was also ruthless, and must wipe out all the remnants of this gang, and solve the problem once and for all.

Meng Zhang didn't have so much time to entangle them slowly, and he didn't want them to sabotage his plan.

If it is impossible to find their whereabouts within a short period of time through conventional means, then Meng Zhang will use Dayan magic calculations to calculate their whereabouts using heavenly secrets.

Meng Zhang hoped that things would not develop to this point, lest he wasted his chance to use the heavenly secret technique.

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