The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1344: Preliminary strategy

King Grey Peng had the heart to fight side by side with Meng Zhang, but the enmity between the monster beast of the Black Jade Forest and the monk of the human race was deep.

Even if he was the chief, he couldn't ignore this situation.

In the general direction, or from a strategic perspective, he can lead the monster beasts of the Black Jade Forest to cooperate with Meng Zhang.

But it is not so easy for the monsters to treat the human monks as comrades in arms without any barriers.

Rather than being on the battlefield and delaying fighters due to wrangling and infighting, it would be better to keep your distance early.

For this situation, Meng Zhang had long anticipated.

This expeditionary army led by him is powerful, even if it can't quell the evil disaster, it will not be easily defeated by the monster.

Before leaving for the expedition, Meng Zhang discussed the general strategy with the middle and high level of the door.

Their current location is probably in the southwest direction of Daheng Comprehension Realm.

The Maple Leaf Mountain City is in the northeast of Daheng Cultivation Realm, and the distance between the two is no less than 100,000 miles.

In the middle, there are parts of the Black Jade Forest and some branches of the Daheng Mountains.

The cultivation forces that were originally near these branches were basically flattened by the monsters.

In addition to some monster groups wandering nearby, there are also some monsters making their homes on the ruins of the gates of the cultivation forces.

Meng Zhang's initial strategy was to find a way to connect his location and the road between Maple Leaf Mountain City and establish a direct connection between the two.

In the middle, Meng Zhang has a certain selfish mind.

In this way, it will help alleviate the pressure that Maple Leaf Mountain City will face in the future, and will be able to better protect that place.

Of course, the ostensible reason is that after the strategic goals are achieved, the two places can respond to and support each other.

At this time, the Daheng Cultivation World, less than a year after the demonization of the Xiang family, the situation deteriorated again.

The living space of the human race is getting smaller and smaller, and the surviving human monks will have nowhere to go.

Monsters began to appear in almost every place.

Swarms of monsters wander around, almost everywhere.

After the base was established and the monks settled down, Meng Zhang directly began to give orders.

He had been prepared for a long time, so he didn't need to discuss with other cultivators in the army at all, and made a decision.

First of all, of course, a team of investigators was sent to conduct investigations in all directions to find out the divisions of the surrounding monsters as soon as possible.

In this regard, as the landlord of this place, Shuizu actively provided help.

Due to the efforts of the aquariums to expel? There is no large-scale monster group in the surrounding area, only small groups of monster groups appear.

Have you figured out the surrounding situation? The investigative team continues to go deep into the Daheng Comprehension Realm? Investigate more situations.

Meng Zhang sent a team of monks to move along the tributaries of the Jiuqu River? With the assistance of the Shui Clan, they worked hard to eliminate the small groups of monsters they saw along the way.

If you encounter a more powerful group of monsters? Then gather the power of multiple teams to destroy them together.

Meng Zhang's request was not excessive, and it was to clean the door of his house. Although there were still some defamations on the Shui Clan's side, they still cooperated honestly.

The surrounding area has vast waters and dense water networks. There are almost countless tributaries of the Jiuqu River.

Moving along the river? It's very safe.

Through such a small-scale battle, Meng Zhang will also hone his team and cultivate their experience against monsters, so that everyone can enter the state as soon as possible.

After a team of monks were sent out, they soon returned a lot of results.

Many small groups of monsters have been wiped out? The surrounding area soon began to be cleared.

Of course, during this process? Oneself cannot avoid some casualties.

As long as the casualties are not too heavy, Meng Zhang is completely acceptable.

With the deepening of the investigation team? More and more intelligence was sent back to Meng Zhang.

Based on this information, he began to plan the direction of his next march.

After the expedition army arrived at Daheng Cultivation Realm? It was a good start.

Not only the monks of Taiyimen and the Hanhai Dao League, but also the monks of other cultivation forces recruited? They all bowed their heads to Meng Zhang and obeyed the military orders honestly.

This made Meng Zhang, who wanted to find a few unopened guys to stand up, couldn't find the opportunity, and felt a little regretful.

Although it has not been tested by large-scale battles, at present, the obedience of this army barely meets the requirements of Meng Zhang.

Due to time constraints, a small part of the monks recruited for various reasons are still on the road behind, rushing to this side one after another.

If the battle ahead is tight, Meng Zhang will not hesitate to continue to order the monks in the rear to be recruited.

When the expeditionary army reached the Daheng cultivation world, Meng Zhang didn't want to act on his own.

On the Daheng cultivation world, although the local cultivation forces have suffered serious setbacks, they have not yet been completely extinct.

Especially for the remaining three of the Big Four, they still retain a lot of strength.

They are responsible for keeping the land, and never want to hide to save their strength and escape their own responsibilities.

With the cooperation of local comprehension forces, the expeditionary force can do more with less.

Before leaving for the expedition, Meng Zhang asked Xiao Liang to make use of its huge influence to let those local cultivation forces actively participate in the war and could no longer avoid it.

This requirement itself is also in line with the wishes of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The Daheng Cultivation Realm's local cultivation forces secretly condoned and raised monsters before, which made Ziyang Saint Sect greatly dissatisfied.

Now that the devastation has caused such troubles, it has caused the Ziyang Sect to lose face in front of other holy land sects.

If it wasn't for the circumstances to allow it, the Ziyang Saint Sect might have begun to severely deal with these cultivation forces.

Shengzong Ziyang sent Xiao Qiao as an envoy to visit these local cultivation forces one by one.

Xiao Qiao brought the strict orders and ultimatum of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Shengzong Ziyang gave them one last chance.

They must immediately organize to find opportunities to launch a counterattack against the monster group and cooperate with Meng Zhang's expeditionary force.

If they continue to do nothing, then stop blame Ziyang Shengzong for liquidation afterwards.

Although Shengzong Ziyang gave a special communication tool to keep Meng Zhang and Xiao Qiao in touch.

But Xiao Qiao has not taken the initiative to contact Meng Zhang.

If Xiaoqiao's operation went smoothly, he would have taken the initiative to contact Meng Zhang to discuss a plan to cooperate with the local cultivation forces.

Meng Zhang didn't bother Xiao Qiao either, but did his own thing first.

With the banks of the Jiuqu River and the islands and reefs in the middle of the river, strongholds and military depots were built one after another.

Between the Jiuqu province and the upper reaches of the Jiuqu River, a fairly stable supply route was established for the transportation of monks and supplies.

Taking the aquatic territory as the starting point, the expeditionary army also began to build more strongholds and military stations, slowly extending the control range toward the depths of the Daheng cultivation world.

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