The War of Resistance

Chapter 988: postwar battlefield

Two days later, Shang Zhen and his team appeared beside a vast expanse of white water, which can be said to be beside a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Shang Zhenruo shook his head, but his soldiers were already stunned.

The white water is two to three hundred meters wide from north to south, but longer from east to west. According to the Northeast dialect, it is a big water bubble.

The white water was nothing to look at. What shocked the soldiers was that to the south of the water bubble where they were standing, it could be said that right in front of their eyes, the woods on the bank and behind the mound were already full of corpses. , Those are the corpses of Chinese officers and soldiers.

Because of the blood shed so much, the ground has turned black.

And in the middle of the corpse, many people and soldiers were busy carrying the corpse into a depression.

If so, that's fine, but now that the weather has turned warm, there are a few flies that are rarely seen "buzzing" around the body of the dead soldier.

"I haven't been here for two days, and I'm done playing!" Behind Shang Zhen, Ma Chuncai murmured with his mouth open.

This is exactly the battlefield where China and Japan shot across the water they saw two days ago!

When they first arrived here, Shang Zhen and the others wondered if they had found the wrong place.

But the facts proved that they were right. Not far from them was a long and narrow quagmire, and on the other side of the quagmire was a forest.

Some trees in the forest have been broken, and the distant mountains can be seen from the gaps in the trees.

So which piece of wood is that needless to say? That was the woods that had been hit by Japanese tanks two days ago, and that distant mountain was the hill where they set up their heavy machine guns.

The Japanese army originally wanted to clear the woods with tanks to clear the way for the Japanese heavy machine gun fire in the distance, but the heavy machine gun squad was ambushed and attacked by Shang Zhen and the others.

"Look, there's the little devil's tank over there." Li Qingfeng pointed to the depths of the forest.

The soldiers followed Li Qingfeng's direction, and they really saw a corner of the tank protruding from the tree gap.

But it was obvious that the tank had been reimbursed, and the cover on the turret was lifted, and a Japanese soldier was lying on it with his head down.

"Oh, the tank of the Japanese devils has been killed!" Big Boss said excitedly.

Da Laodu's skill is really good, and he is also big and round.

But the veterans usually reminded him, don't look at you looking like the Black Iron Tower, but that's just a way of saying, if you encounter the little devil's tank, you have to hide far away, they are Tie Wang Ba, you, the Black Iron Tower, are fleshy and can't do anything for others!

"You still boasted about the tanks of the Japanese devils so well, aren't you lying down now? I don't know how they were killed." The big old stupid continued.

There is a saying that reality is a big dye vat. It hasn’t been long since the old stupid took off his monk’s robe, but now he has learned to speak foul language. "It also became "how was it killed by someone".

Of course, there is a saying in later generations that "the army is a big melting pot", but that refers to the people's soldiers.

"Why did you get killed?" Ma Erpao said angrily, "Is there any other way to drill down with bundles of grenades?"

Ma Erpao understands that bombing the devil's tank with a cluster grenade is a tragic blow, but it's a pity that when it comes to bombing tanks, the old stupid understands it from a different angle.

"Then, that man who bombed the tank is a great hero!" Big Boss said.

"Damn it!" Ma Erpao was **** off by the old stupid's words, "The one who bombed the tank is worse than the one who died, because if he bombs it, he might lose all bones!"

"Let Rang! Let Rang! If you don't work, lean to the side!" An officer of the 40th Army shouted when another soldier passed by Shang Zhen and the others with a corpse.

Shang Zhen and the others naturally avoided, and Shang Zhen continued to think about it, while the eyes of the soldiers all stayed on the dead body being carried.

Of course, the deceased was also a soldier of their Forty Army. I don’t know where the fatal injury was, but the intestines in his abdomen had already flowed out. It's hard to hide the youthfulness of that face.

Soldiers as young as Xu Shenwei and Dong Qiu felt sad when they looked at them, while the other veterans also showed unbearable expression in their eyes even though their faces were calm.

"Which part are you from?" At this moment, the officer who had yelled at them to get out of the way came over.

Lao Qiuzi, Lu Yichun and other veterans looked at Shang Zhen, but they saw that Shang Zhen was looking down at the distance thoughtfully and didn't want to answer, after all, Lao Qiuzi said: "We belong to the 252 regiment. "

"From the 252nd regiment?" The officer glanced at the old ball in surprise, and then looked at them one by one.

"Report sir, we were ordered to carry out a mission and happened to pass by here." Old Qiuzi replied hastily.

Hearing Old Qiuzi's answer, the soldiers in his group were slightly taken aback, and some even looked at each other.

The meaning of that look is nothing more than that we are ordered to perform a task? Why don't I know? do you know?

The officer looked at Shang Zhen and the others again, seeing that they were not part of his regiment and said that they had a mission, after all, he walked away without saying anything.

"Don't tell me we have a mission? Are you going to carry the dead?" At this moment, Old Qiuzi lowered his voice and said.

The soldiers suddenly realized, but Shang Zhen, who heard the old ball's response but didn't express his opinion, thought "it really is so".

What is a veteran oil child, just like the old ball.

"These brothers are also called anti-Japanese heroes, why do you want to praise the anti-Japanese heroes?" Ma Chuncai teased in a low voice.

"Stop messing with me! We didn't get shot, if we got shot, let's lie down here, we are also heroes." Old Qiuzi said disapprovingly, and then he still didn't forget to glance at Shang Zhen With a glance, he thought, this is not my decision, but you, the officer, didn't say anything.

It stands to reason that the dead are the most important, and they should also help carry the remains of the fallen soldiers, but Lao Qiuzi doesn't think so, they are all fighting, so I don't want to carry the dead.

Shang Zhen's heart moved when he saw the old Qiuzi's glance. Just as he was about to say something, someone shouted not far away: "Sir! Sir!"

The voice sounded familiar, and when I looked up, I saw a soldier running over.

Shang Zhen was overjoyed, of course he knew that soldier, just because that soldier was He Gui, the correspondent they rescued two days ago.

Of course, Shang Zhen and the others would not rashly appear on the battlefield. He also sent He Gui and Qingfeng Li to go out first to find out the news.

Li Qingfeng came back to report that the gunshots had ceased and the battle was over, so Shang Zhen brought people over from his hiding place.

But He Gui went to other places alone to inquire about news.

"Report sir, I have already heard about the 252nd Regiment, it is disabled, and now it is assigned to the 253rd Regiment." He Gui reported when he rushed to Shang Zhen.

"Then is there any news about the 51st Army I asked you to inquire about?" Shang Zhen asked again.

Of course Shang Zhen doesn't want to hang around like this all the I belong to the Northeast Army, so I always have to find Wang Laomao and his group.

"Sir, the 51st Army is still guarding the Huaihe River, but I heard that a battalion with a northeast accent went to the southwest two days ago." He Gui reported again.

A battalion with a northeast accent? Shang Zhen pondered, no matter how you say it belongs to the Northeast Army, shouldn't he go to that battalion? But I want to go now, but now there are more than 30 people under my command, should I pull them all over? still-

Just now, the old ball didn't want to listen to the command of the Forty Army officer and didn't want to work, Shang Zhen realized something, didn't these boys plan to follow him all the time?

Shang Zhen was thinking about it, when someone next to him suddenly said: "Since it's all assigned to the 253rd regiment, what's the mission? Hurry up and carry the dead together!"

Shang Zhen raised his head, and saw that it was the officer of the 40th Army who was on the scene commanding just now who gave him the order.

(end of this chapter)

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