The War of Resistance

Chapter 986: The tiger's mouth grabs food by mistake (3)

It was getting dark soon, and the puppet army in the distance had stopped searching.

At this time, a low voice came from a forest and asked: "Password!"

Someone outside the woods hurriedly replied: "Jungle!" and asked for an answer.

When the word "touch blind" was answered in the woods, it means that the two groups got the password right.

Rushing footsteps sounded, and more than a dozen soldiers got into the woods with their guns.

The current situation is that the two groups assigned by Shang Zhen have joined up.

The ones outside the woods are the veterans of Lao Qiuzi, and the ones in the woods are the recruits brought by Shang Zhen.

As for the passwords of "playing wild" and "touching blind", Shang Zhen casually decided on them before they separated.

"Play wild" is the abbreviated version of "play wild food" in the Northeast dialect. Isn't that what they want to go to the puppet army to eat?

"Moblin" is an alternative name for "hide and seek" in the Northeast dialect. If you are blindfolded and looking for someone, isn't that just "Moblin"?

Things like passwords have always been handy, and there are no rules to follow at all, and they will never be guessed by outsiders.

If it is true that the first sentence says "the king of heaven covers the earth", and the next sentence must say "the pagoda suppresses the river demon" like the Northeast beard's slang, or it is like a couplet, where the sky is against the earth, the rain is against the wind, and the sky is against the sky, then It is not a password.

"Sir, alas, you've come back so soon, we were still thinking about going to meet you." This was the first sentence that Old Qiuzi said after seeing Shang Zhen.

At this time, Lao Qiuzi was very fortunate that it was already dark, so that he could only vaguely see the outline of Shang Zhen's face when he was standing opposite Shang Zhen, otherwise the old Qiuzi's face would really be There is nowhere to put it.

It's just that he has no place to put it, but someone just doesn't open the pot and lift it.

"Hey, old ball, how much food did you bring back?" That was Li Qingfeng's voice.

"We—" Old Qiuzi hesitated for a moment, where is the answer to Qingfeng Li's question? Old Qiuzi certainly knew that the answer to this question was like putting a piece of candy in his mouth, but the problem was that he really couldn't say it!

"It's useless for Qingfeng to ask those questions." Shang Zhen spoke.

"Why is it useless, didn't you go out to get something to eat?" Qingfeng Li muttered in a low voice.

Qingfeng Li's words made Lao Qiuzi feel "annoyed", but he didn't dare to "become angry", because in his opinion, Qingfeng Li belonged to Shang Zhen .

"Don't worry about the brat, what's the matter, are we alright?" Shang Zhen's concerned voice came over.

Ouch, Shang Zhen's question, not only the old Qiuzi, but also those veterans who have not said a word are suddenly moved.

Oh, look at Shang Zhen, the chief executive!

Oh, it looks like Shang Zhen is the chief executive! It's really level and heart-warming!

In fact, this is really a mixed battle.

When Shang Zhen and the others attacked the Japanese troika from behind, it was also the time when Lao Qiuzi and his veterans were about to attack the puppet army by the fire.

The terrain on this side is not bad for the old ball and the others to launch an attack. The terrain between them and the puppet army's fire is undulating, with patches of shrubs and ditch that is wet but has no water.

Although the ups and downs were not very large, and even though the bushes could not allow them to run unscrupulously, it was all good for them to covertly meet the enemy.

Of course, the idea of ​​all their veterans is to grab the food and run, and they have planned the way in advance. There are two small hills on the right behind the fire, and they only need to grab the food and go there. Between the two hills, it is probably safe.

Just when Lao Qiuzi ordered everyone to move forward under the cover of the terrain, Li Daming said again, "It's not dark yet!"

And he got the old Qiuzi's words again: "Fart! It's dark and those two devils have eaten up their dry food!"

They saw that there were only a dozen or so puppet soldiers around the fire, and some even pierced steamed buns with bayonets and roasted them on the fire. They were really afraid that the puppet soldiers would eat them when they rushed over. I ate all of them!

At that time, what if they killed all the puppet troops? They are hungry, will they eat human flesh? That's bullshit!

In fact, it's just a shot, and no one knows how much food they can grab.

If the old ball wants to come, the most important thing is to let the veterans eat first. Of course, Shang Zhen and his own three big and stupid people also have a share. As for the recruits, well, let's talk about it!

So, Old Qiuzi and their veterans cautiously approached the puppet army by the fire. At this time, Old Qiuzi felt like a cat preparing to catch mice. The tip of the leaning bar at the back swings gently there.

In the end, the veterans got into the ditch without water under the cover of the bushes. It was still a little wet, which was the trace left by the rain two days ago. Fortunately, it is a gentle **** here, but the water cannot be retained.

And just when the old ball poked his head out and was about to order an attack on the front, gunshots rang out from behind those puppet troops.

The old ball, who had already raised his hand and was just short of a swing, hesitated for a moment, then stopped his hand, staying at the same position as the edge of the ditch.

Now that the fire has started, what if the puppet army goes to reinforce it?

Not to mention whether Lao Qiuzi's hesitation is justified, what is reason in a battle? The winner is the king and the loser is the thief. Winning is the last word. Everything depends on the result.

Even if you use the most childish and aggressive behavior in the eyes of the most experts, but if you win, it is called awesome.

Even if you plan carefully in advance but you lose, then you are not a fart!

So, Old Qiuzi just waited for a while, and what happened next proved how wise he was to wait for a while.

Just because in the sound of he saw the puppet soldiers who were laughing and laughing around the fire and stood up with their guns, even the puppet soldier who was holding a rifle and roasting steamed buns on a bayonet Jun, took off the steamed bun and smashed it into the fire, then ran in the direction of the sound of the gun with the gun in hand!

At this time, Lao Qiuzi and the others saw not far away, the puppet army appeared at the pass between the two mountains on the way out they had originally planned.

I don't know how many puppet troops there are, but it's obviously a big one.

The puppet soldiers didn't come running to them. Those with their backs to them ran straight forward, and those facing them turned around and ran, and the direction they ran was naturally the mountain pass with the puppet army brigade.

It turned out that the puppet army really had an ambush, but they were all ambushed behind those two hills.

(end of this chapter)

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