The War of Resistance

Chapter 976: New discovery

"Dongdongdong" "Dongdongdong" the big old stupid finally squatted behind the heavy machine gun, and his smiling mouth almost reached his ears.

This heavy machine gun is really fun!

"Ancestor, shoot short bursts, don't press them endlessly, and burn the gun again!" Old Qiuzi yelled from the side.

The sound of the heavy machine gun shooting was also a little louder, and the big boss pressed the iron-pressing thumb a little harder, and when the old ball finished yelling, the thirty bullets on the magazine were also taken away by the old stupid It was lit up.

"One more." Big Boss felt that the beating was not enough, and he still needed bullets.

At this time, he was just like Zhu Bajie who ate ginseng fruit, he was too eager to eat, and he kicked the bald belly before he could taste it!

"I won't give it to you, it's time for me." The old ball quit.

"Just let me hit you again, and you will hit twice later." Everyone said that the old man was stupid, but the facts proved that the old man was not stupid.

"Okay then." Old Qiuzi stretched out his hand to take a ammunition board from the soldier next to him, and did not forget to glance at Shang Zhen when it was over.

Shang Zhen fired the heavy machine gun first, and only after he figured out how to operate the heavy machine gun did he give up the space to the old man.

At this time, Shang Zhen's attention was not on the heavy machine gun.

Just like what he said, we're going to be a disaster anyway, so let the big stupid and them shoot more bullets and it will be a disaster.

He's looking at those bullet boxes now.

Earlier, there was news that the observation posts he sent out could not see where the bullet landed, so he began to ponder.

He was a veteran after all, he suddenly remembered tracer bullets.

Shang Zhen has never fired tracer bullets, but of course he knows about tracer bullets. After being fired, the tracer bullets are bright, which can indicate the trajectory and impact point.

Of course, most of the tracer bullets he knew were used at night, and he didn't know that tracer bullets could emit light that people could see during the day.

But woe, try it if you can find it.

Ordinary light machine guns have tracer ammunition. Shang Zhen felt that the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army should also be capable, so he came to pick up the bullet boxes.

It's a pity that he didn't understand the Japanese army's logo, and he didn't know which of these bullet boxes contained tracer bullets. He had no choice but to unpack them.

"Sir, we found it!" A soldier shouted.

Shang Zhen rushed over to look, and saw that the soldier was holding a bullet in his hand. The size of the bullet was the same as that used by the Type 92 heavy machine gun, but there was a green circle at the junction of the bullet and the shell. paint.

It should be, Shang Zhen thought to himself.

But at this time, another soldier shouted: "Sir, there are still others like this."

"Huh?" Shang Zhen looked over and saw that another soldier was holding another kind of bullet in his hand.

That kind of bullet is different from ordinary bullets. The connection between the bullet and the shell is painted with light brown paint, but there is a circle of black paint around the primer.

"Which one is the bright bullet that the officer said?" The soldier was puzzled.

"Put it on a machine gun, and you'll know if you try it." Shang Zhen was also confused.

And at this moment, when Shang Zhen was busy trying to figure out how to let the observation posts see the trajectory, Li Qingfeng was already talking eagerly to Wang Xiaodan at the other end.

To be honest, Li Qingfeng didn't think of Wang Xiaodan since he woke up this morning.

Li Qingfeng really can't be blamed for this, in fact, Wang Xiaodan has no special characteristics.

Not good at marksmanship, not good at skills, not very courageous, since Wang Xiaodan was with them, more often he seemed to be his little follower or little transparent with the big old stupid, one more, no more, one less, then Now that he was nervous about fighting again, how could Qingfeng Li have the time to think about him?

But when Li Qingfeng found out that the person who ran over from that bush was Wang Xiaodan, he suddenly realized that he was so happy to know that Wang Xiaodan was still alive!

"Have I made great achievements?" Now Wang Xiaodan asked shyly.

As far as Wang Xiaodan’s expression is concerned, how should I put it, if the old man under Shang Zhen’s subordinates is there, such as Wang Laomao, they will definitely say when they see Wang Xiaodan’s expression, look, it’s enough for ten people to die. Look at the half moon!

Wang Xiaodan's small eyes and his nickname Wang Xiaodan are also very suitable for the occasion. They are not big, and whenever there is a situation and frightened, those small eyes will turn slightly red, just like the frightened rabbit. of!

It must be said that the growing environment from childhood to adulthood really affects people!

Just now, Wang Xiaodan told Li Qingfeng what happened to him.

He always felt that Zhu Yuliang's death had a great relationship with him.

And he talked to the old stupid, his only good friend in their team, or in this world.

The old stupid enlightened him, you can kill a few devils for Zhu Yuliang!

Wang Xiaodan thought right, so he really stayed when Shang Zhen led the people to evacuate.

Of course, he didn't know that Cai Cheng Wan pitted Shang Zhen, so that the Japanese army could shoot westward.

But of course he knew that his men were withdrawing to the west, so he ran to the northwest and fired a shot at the place where the Japanese army's firepower was strong.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Wang Xiaodan really fired a shot, and after he finished the shot, he touched a stone and hid, and then heard the bullets hitting the stone from time to time, making jingling sounds .

When the gunshots from the Japanese and puppet troops subsided, he was afraid that the Japanese and puppet troops would catch him alive after they would light up, so he crawled from the hiding place to the direction where Shang Zhen and the others retreated.

To say that a person's life experience is really hard to figure out, the bullets of the Japanese puppet army are not called flying in the sky, that is, they fly at the waist or knee height. Later, the Japanese puppet army lit the fire, But Wang Xiaodan just crawled out like a snail!

In this way, he naturally couldn't find his own people.

But fortunately, with the faint sound of guns to the west as a guide, he would not get lost. Zou stumbled in the darkness by himself and really managed to come all the way.

As a result, when he was hungry and sleepy in the bushes, the bullets fired by Shang Zhen's heavy machine gun just landed not far from him.

As for Wang Xiaodan, he thought that the Japanese army had found him, so he ran out in a hurry, and only then did he meet Li Qingfeng.

Seeing Wang Xiaodan's frightened and unconfident look at this time, Li Qingfeng smiled and said: "Of course you have made great contributions, if you don't fire that shot, the little devil can't shoot you.

If the little devil doesn't shoot at you, we won't be able to escape.

Then do you see that you have made a great When the time comes, I will tell Shang Zhen to let Shang Zhen praise you in front of everyone. "

"But, don't!" Wang Xiaodan didn't know what to say when he heard Li Qingfeng say that, his face turned red, and he turned into that frightened rabbit-like appearance again.

Wang Xiaodan never wanted to be the first, in his opinion, if Shang Zhen praised himself in front of everyone, it would be better to let him beat devils, that is more terrible than beating devils!

Li Qingfeng was also amused seeing Wang Xiaodan's appearance. He was about to say something when he heard the sound of "dongdongdong" and "dongdongdong" heavy guns firing again. ???

But this time he subconsciously looked forward, at this time he was surprised to find that there was a green light and shadow flying from the distant sky, drawing a small arc, but this time it shot directly in front of his right. in the woods.

"Oh! The bullets are colored this time!" Li Qingfeng jumped up, "Go, tell Shang Zhen!" Remember the website address of this website, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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