The War of Resistance

Chapter 971: surprise turned into fright

"Guns! Bullets!" Big Boss shouted in surprise, pointing at the heavy machine gun down the mountain.

I think the Japanese army's heavy machine guns are ugly, and they are complained about their various problems. These are all the work of later generations. Later, China's technological level has improved, and its vision has naturally increased.

But in the eyes of Big Boss, oh, that's a heavy machine, but it's really, how should I put it, it's amazing, and he likes it so much.

And there are enough bullets. There are four bullet boxes for the heavy machine gun. It seems that any of them must weigh forty or fifty kilograms. How many bullets must be loaded in it!

Li Qingfeng, who was with him all the time, explained the reason: "Hmph, why do stupid people like stupid people!"

"Let's go and bring back that heavy machine gun, and let's go 'Boom, Boom, Boom' at the little devil!" The old stupid went on happily.

"Fuck, you're beating the big drum!" Ma Erpao scolded with a smile.

"Let's go, go and carry that heavy machine gun back!" the old ball said.

"Wait a minute!" Shouted Shang Zhen, who had been observing the northwest direction with a telescope.

"Aren't you overjoyed? The gun went off on our side, wouldn't the devil know about it?" Lu Yifei said next to him.

"It's more than a mile away, can the little devil's gun be so accurate?" Guan Qiuzi was a little disapproving.

He felt that this area of ​​more than one mile was short of what he said, so it must be six or seven hundred meters. The little devil can shoot so accurately with any marksmanship?

In other words, if the rifles could shoot so accurately at distances of six or seven hundred meters, what would the Japanese army do with heavy machine guns?

"Go around the back of the mountain, put it at the root of the mountain first, and don't need to lift it up." Shang Zhen said.

"Huh?" The old man was stunned for a moment.

But at this moment, Old Qiuzi came to his senses: "Go, move quickly!"

The soldiers turned around and ran down the hillside, and some rushed to the middle of the mountain and circled forward.

Although the Japanese army's heavy machine guns were good, Shang Zhen knew that it was useless for people like himself to set them up on this mountain, and the Japanese army's position was also blocked by the forest.

He couldn't believe it, that heavy machine gun could penetrate the woods, he really couldn't figure it out, why did the Japanese army have to get a heavy machine gun and move it here?

Now Shang Zhen did not find any signs of Japanese army activities in the woods with the binoculars. He was wondering, when suddenly he heard a certain sound, so he shouted loudly: "Hurry up and raise the machine gun, you little devil!" tank!"

Shang Zhen was not willing to engage in positional warfare. Naturally, he didn't want his own people to die in vain under the superior firepower of the Japanese army without even confronting the Japanese infantry, and the Japanese army's tanks were also one of the superior firepower of the Japanese army.

The Chinese army does not have anti-tank weapons. It is said that there were more than a dozen anti-tank guns that could be used to fight tanks. However, they did not play their due role on the Songhu battlefield and were destroyed by the Japanese army.

No way, my group just wiped out a heavy machine gun squad of the Japanese army, and the Japanese army sent tanks over? Why don't the tanks go to the main position of our Chinese army? Shang Zhen pondered on the spot.

But now it doesn't matter whether you want to understand it or not. The important thing is that if the tanks of the Japanese army really come here, what should the group do?

The only way for the Chinese army to deal with Japanese tanks is to use cluster grenades to blow them up, but now they are alone, let alone cluster grenades, even the single (single) grenades are gone!

There are still some grenades left by the Japanese army, but Shang Zhen doesn't have the ability to tie up many grenades in the hands of the Japanese army and make them explode!

As far as the terrain where my people are now, although there are hills, not to mention that the Japanese tanks can level them, but they can fire a few shots at the foot of the mountain or sweep them with heavy machine guns. can afford it.

Therefore, it is no longer a question of how to deal with Japanese tanks, but a question of how these people can save their lives under the Japanese tanks.

"All of you retreat!" Shang Zhen shouted.

At this time, other soldiers also heard the movement of tanks on the Japanese side.

The recruits who are stupid don't understand, but the veterans do.

But no matter what, everyone has only heard the movement of the Japanese tanks now, so they haven't even seen the Japanese tanks, so how could they not want the spoils that are readily available?

The soldiers walked around to the foot of the mountain in front of them, they didn't want anything else, but that heavy machine gun always had to be carried back, especially that stupid old man, maybe it was just what Li Qingfeng said, who likes what kind of guy Varied.

That old stupid looks like the Black Iron Tower, and he is particularly interested in seeing the heavy machine gun that looks thicker than other guns.

The reason why the Type 92 heavy machine gun of the Japanese army is so heavy is because the machine gun is air-cooled, not water-cooled like the Maxim machine gun.

So the barrel is densely covered with heat sinks made of steel. It is iron, so of course it is heavy.

However, because this gun is very heavy, it does not have much advantage in rapid fire. Its advantage is that it is very accurate in short bursts. Due to its heavy weight, it shoots very smoothly and has very little recoil. It's a bit similar to the "big sniper" that later generations said.

Because he likes this heavy machine gun so much, Big Boss doesn't care about others, he goes up to trigger one of the legs of the machine gun and carries it on his shoulder.

The 92-type heavy machine gun weighs more than a hundred catties. Nowadays, ordinary Chinese soldiers with poor physical fitness may not be able to lift it.

But who is the big fool? Even though he hasn't eaten well these two days, he managed to carry the heavy machine gun that looked like a water strider with his legs outstretched to his shoulders.

However, since what he was carrying was not at the center of gravity of the machine gun, it looked tiring to carry that slender one.

"A person is not as powerful as a person!" A soldier ran over and hurriedly stretched out his hand to support the other leg of the heavy machine gun.

So, just like that, the old man was carrying it in front, and the people behind him were supporting him, and a few people ran back holding the heavy machine gun.

And how can there be a heavy machine gun without ammunition? Another soldier picked up the ammunition box, which was still stained with the blood of the Japanese army, and went around behind the mountain.

It would not take so many people to take those few things, and the rest of the soldiers lay down and set up their rifles under the yelling of the veterans, which was used as a cover.

Some bullets were indeed fired towards this end in the woods in the distance, but because they were too far away, the bullets flew away after all.

Shang Zhen on the top of the mountain saw the heavy machine gun and the wooden boxes brought back by the soldiers, so he shouted, "Run as far away as possible!"

There are only a few half people left under his hands now, and he doesn't want to wait for the devil's tank to come over and wipe them out!

The soldiers ran back under the cover of the hill, and Shang Zhen was the only one left to keep watching on the hill.

After a while, when Shang Zhen looked back, he saw that the soldiers finally disappeared behind another hill, and there were a lot of trees on that He was relieved, but When he turned around again, he saw that Japanese tanks really appeared in the gaps in the woods.

There are two tanks, let alone two, in the current situation, even one Shang Zhen can't afford to mess with it.

He raised the binoculars again to observe, the two tanks were a bit far away, and Shang Zhen could only look at one of them first with the binoculars.

But he only saw one, but he didn't see the two. He saw that the turret of the tank had already rotated, and the dark muzzle was pointing in his direction.

"Damn!" Shang Zhen cursed, and he didn't look at it. He held the binoculars in one hand and grabbed the rifle next to him, retracted and rolled down the hillside.

And at this moment, he heard a "boom", a shell was hitting the top of the mountain, causing countless smoke and dust to blow up!

(end of this chapter)

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