The War of Resistance

Chapter 969: Ambush (1)

"Could it be that the Japanese devils have our information and plan to ambush our troops here?" Lu Yifei felt that Shang Zhen's question was reasonable, so he followed up with the analysis.

"Not like." Shang Zhen shook his head, "If the little devils ambushed our troops, do you think only one heavy machine gun squad will be sent over?"

When Shang Zhen said this, veterans like Lu Yifei and Lao Qiuzi nodded.

What is a heavy machine gun? Heavy machine guns are covering firepower, and they are used to cover the charge of the troops or directly to block the opponent's charge. Whether it is offensive or defensive, they will only be placed behind their own troops.

After all, heavy machine guns have a long range, and they have never heard of heavy machine guns acting alone as combat units.

For example, the elite Japanese army squad that was killed by them was all carrying sniper rifles.

For example, it was the cavalry of the Japanese army who chased and killed them yesterday. Who has seen a small group of men and horses running all over the mountains with heavy machine guns weighing about 100 catties?

Shang Zhen and the others were puzzled, but at this time the Japanese army was already approaching.

"Is this a fight or not? The little devil is here." Ma Erpao was in a hurry.

"What's the rush? It's easy to hit them." Shang Zhen responded.

"What?" Several veterans couldn't believe their ears.

Although they didn't spend long time with Shang Zhen, it took a process to get to know Shang Zhen.

They first called Shang Zhen "Northeast guy" because of the earthy humor of the Northeast people.

But when Shang Zhen really became their chief officer, they realized that Shang Zhen's funny behavior at the beginning was just for making a living. In fact, Shang Zhen is a calm and quiet person.

But now, Shang Zhen actually said that it would be easy to fight a Japanese army that was about the same strength as theirs. If someone else said that, they would definitely say "You are bragging", but these words came from Shang Zhen's mouth That said, this is not his usual style!

"See how many meters are left?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"It's about three hundred meters away." Ma Chuncai, who had been lying on the sidelines of the hill and watching, replied.

"Hurry up." Shang Zhen replied, but still had a pensive expression.

The veterans looked at each other, they didn't know what to say, although they chose to believe in Shang Zhen, but they were thinking in their hearts, sir, is this time a big one?

But at this moment, all of them suddenly heard a "crack" gunshot from the direction behind them!

The gunshot was so clear, even though it wasn't from their place to shoot, the gunshot would never be far away!

It should be pointed out here that the gunshots came from behind them, but it was actually from the west instead of the east. The reason was that except for observing the Japanese soldiers, the rest of them were leaning on the hillside and talking.

Everyone subconsciously clenched their guns and was about to turn around and lie down on the ridgeline.

"You all don't move!" Shang Zhen stopped them directly, "Go out and haha? Let the devil see it!"

Then Shang Zhen himself turned around and poked his head out from behind the ridge to look into the distance.

But at this moment, the gunshot was no longer just the "snap" just now, but dense gunshots rang out, but they were all rifle shots.

What does this process look like? This process is like lighting a chain of whips. At the beginning, only a few small whips were blown up, but then the sound continued!

"That's right!" Shang Zhen looked ahead and muttered to himself.

Judging from Shang Zhen's experience, the place where the gunfire sounded was behind the forest in front, and it should be that China and Japan started to shoot each other.

It's just that they couldn't see anything because the forest blocked them.

And this also explains why the Japanese army set up heavy machine gun positions on the hill where they are now.

If China and Japan are shooting at each other, then the Chinese defenders must be in the south, and the Chinese defenders' position is less than two miles away from here behind the woods.

Shang Zhen has never used the Type 92 heavy machine gun of the Japanese army, but he estimates that the effective range of this heavy machine gun is unlikely to exceed one kilometer.

But that's not right, the woods in front of us must be more than a mile away from here. Could it be that the bullets from the kid's heavy machine gun can penetrate the woods?

Not likely.

Although it is said that the bullets of a heavy machine gun are a little bit thicker than those of a rifle, and can penetrate trees, but if they really fly seven or eight hundred meters, the bullets will be weak. Could it be that this little devil's heavy machine gun is still Can the woods in front of the Chinese defenders be mowed like grass?

Forget it, don't think about it so much, no matter what, you have to kill this group of devils who came!

Shang Zhen took another look at the approaching Japanese soldiers, and he retracted his head.

When he came back, he turned over again and leaned himself against the **** of the ridgeline of the hill, and he saw that most of the soldiers, except for a few or two who were watching the front, the rest were staring wide-eyed. I'm looking at myself.

Of course Shang Zhen understood what the soldiers were thinking, so he opened his mouth and said, "These little devils are easy to kill, I'm not bragging.

They just use heavy machine guns. They carry all kinds of oil, cans, etc. in addition to the shooters who carry ammunition. Even if they also carry some rifles, how many guns do you think they can have? "

After finishing speaking, Shang Zhen closed his mouth and looked at the soldiers.

The soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then excited expressions appeared on their faces, while the old stupid almost cried out, and even stretched out his hand to cover his mouth exaggeratedly.

That's right, the little devil is in the heavy machine gun squad. Why do people carry rifles when they have heavy machine guns? But this heavy machine gun is only useful if it can be erected, if it cannot be erected, it is a scrap metal!

What is the fat that is delivered to the mouth? This is the fat that is delivered to the mouth!

"So, everyone listens to the order!" Shang Zhen's expression turned serious.

The emotions and expressions between people will be contagious, not to mention that Shang Zhen is their commander.

Now that Shang Zhen became serious, he was about to issue a battle order. As for the phrase "all listen to the order", he didn't know which storyteller he heard it from.

"Put the little devil within a distance of 50 meters and shoot at least half of it when you shoot the first shot, and half of that half will be killed when you shoot the second shot!" Shang Zhen ordered.

The soldiers all responded, "Yes Some recruits' hands holding the guns became a little shaken, and they don't know if they are excited or nervous, or both.

"It's too close, so what if the little devil fights with us?" Li Daming finally asked worriedly.

When Li Daming said this, the other veterans glanced at him in dissatisfaction, but now that Shang Zhen was here, they couldn't say anything.

"First, we still have three box cannons, prepare the magazines, and press them in when they are all fired.

No matter how good the little devil fights the bayonet, so what? It shouldn't be a problem to kill ten bayonet fighters with three box cannons.

Don't be afraid even if there are still bayonet fighters, everyone beat devils once or twice, so what's that called? Group fights, yes, group the remaining little devils to death! "Shang Zhen spoke in a very orderly manner, and after he finished speaking, there was a cold smile on his face, which was his disdain for the invaders!

(end of this chapter)

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