The War of Resistance

Chapter 966: Bounce caused by bad luck (2)

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You know, although the few of them are puppet soldiers, they are also disciplined. Not to mention that it was dark before dawn, how could they dare to smoke in the open space all the time, so they hid in the corner of the mountain root .

But this time it was a coincidence that they heard about the thing falling on the mountain.

"What's going on?" Some puppet soldiers became nervous, and raised their rifles in their hands.

But at this moment, they heard a "pop" gunshot, and then a puppet soldier screamed "Oh".

"There is a situation!" The puppet soldiers yelled, and instinctively lay down on the ground and began to shoot at the place where the gun was fired.

"What's wrong with you, Qu San?" A puppet soldier asked.

"I was shot in the face!" The puppet soldier who was injured shouted.

And at this time, starting with the gunshot, the mountains became lively.

In order to capture or kill the group of Chinese soldiers who caused heavy casualties to the Imperial Japanese Army, the Japanese army also recruited them during the tense battle. Now that the gunfire rang out, how could the Japanese army not be in a hurry.

In the same way, Li Tantou's puppet army was also in a hurry, and they also suffered a loss. They were killed and injured nearly 30 people by a group of stragglers from the national army, and the other party only left two dead bodies. It is also a shame for Li Tantou, who can be called the number one tyrant in Shandong.

So, then there was a lot of gunfire, and the various units of the puppet army fired, and the Japanese army also fired, but the problem was that when the gun rang, most people couldn't figure out where the bullet came from, so the shooting took place. Some confusion.

But in the midst of this chaos, a person sneaked up to the side of the puppet soldiers and shot along with them.

But he only fired one shot, and then shouted: "I heard movement, they are running west!" The voice was only ten thousand.

"Old Wan, did you see those people running west?" A puppet soldier asked.

"I saw it when I had diarrhea just now!" Cai Chengwan said seriously.

As soon as Cheng Wan said that, these puppet soldiers shot to the west indiscriminately.

It's just that the puppet soldiers didn't know that Cai Chengwan was scolding Shang Zhen in his heart at this moment.

You son of a bitch, you just want to run if you make me unlucky? This time I also let you have bad luck, bad luck, bad luck!

He was the one who made the movement just now, and he was also the one who shot the shot that hit his companion's face.

Until now, Cheng Wan didn't know that the shot hit his companion's foot.

But with his character, he wouldn't feel any guilt if he knew it, let alone beating his feet to save face, so what if he was shot to death? As long as it can direct the firepower to the west, even if it can't hit Shang Zhen and the others, it's good to scare them.

When the gunshot rang out, Shang Zhen was really taken aback by the gunshot, because he was leading people westward.

Liu Family Lake's main position is in the west, so of course he went west. In his words, didn't he go to hug his thigh!

It was Shang Zhen's choice to go west. At daybreak, he saw on the mountain that the west was not conducive to marching, because there was a winding river there.

Marching in the dark is already strenuous, let alone water?

But the problem is that there is less water in the northwest, but that is also where the Japanese and puppet troops are walking. If they walk from there, they are more likely to be discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops.

While there is water in the west, it is difficult to walk, but considering the current temperature, Shang Zhen does not think that the Japanese and puppet troops will wade through the water to pursue them, not to mention that the Japanese and puppet troops should not know that their small army is going to the west.

So when the first gunshot rang out, Shang Zhen instinctively fell down and thought of Cai Chengwan again, it wasn't this guy's fault.

It shouldn't be! It was already dark when I led the team to evacuate. When I stopped aiming at Cai Chengwan with a gun from a distance, that guy was still standing in the open space at the foot of the mountain more than 400 meters away. Cai Chengwan should not know that he It's right to take people to the west!

It's just that Shang Zhen didn't know that Cai Chengwan really didn't know that Shang Zhen was leading people to the west, and Cai Chengwan was just guessing.

The only reason is that it was almost dark that day, and when Cai Chengwan felt that Shang Zhen should have lost sight of himself, he really went to observe Shang Zhen and the others.

Cai Chengwan didn't see Shang Zhen leading people to the west, but by coincidence, a group of puppet troops happened to be coming from the northwest. Shang Zhen and the others are most likely to go west, so how could he not lure the Japanese and puppet troops to shoot west?

In the night, there were bullets flying across the sky with a faint red line. Although Shang Zhen and the others were six or seven hundred meters away from the Japanese and puppet troops, they lay there and dared not move.

There is water ahead, and Shang Zhen doesn't want to take the soldiers to wade through it blindly. There is a hill about a hundred meters away to the left, but Shang Zhen doesn't plan to take people there right now. The reason is also because they are close to the hill. There is water in the room.

From his own experience as a veteran, Shang Zhen can see that the shooting of the Japanese and puppet troops was blind.

Since the other party hasn't found you and these people, don't move blindly. If you are discovered by the Japanese army because you and these people disturb the water on the ground, it will not be worth the loss.

But this time, after the soldiers under him received the order from Shang Zhen to lie down on the spot, no one questioned his order. The reason was only because Shang Zhen had gained their trust. will lead them out of danger.

But they waited for a while, and seeing that the Japanese and puppet troops had no intention of stopping their shooting, Li Daming finally couldn't help asking: "Would the Japanese devils shoot flares?"

"You bastard, shut up! Do you think the puppet army will have flares?" Old Qiuzi said angrily.

"The Japanese devils I'm talking about are not the second devils!" Li Daming still refused to accept it.

"Do you think the devil's cavalry will fight at night? Will they use flares?" Old Qiuzi asked again.

"Who stipulated that the cavalry cannot use flares?" Li Daming still refused to accept it.

"Shut up!" Shang Zhen was finally annoyed by these veterans. One by one, this fight is not as good as that of his original group, how can they talk so poorly but not give in at all!

When Shang Zhen spoke, the two of them shut up.

It's not a problem to lie here all the time. What if the little devil really uses flares? Yes, who stipulates that cavalry cannot use flares?

Shang Zhen thought to himself, but he really can't let himself be moved.

The Japanese and puppet troops were still shooting at them messily.

The shooting has a general direction, and it is impossible to aim, but because of the bullets are flying randomly.

The bullets shot low would either go into the soil or the water, but the bullets shot high would fly above their heads.

If they dared to stand up at this time, they would not be injured by Japanese bullets, they would definitely be hit by Japanese bullets.

But if they climbed out, they would have to crawl in the water again. Shang Zhen and the others all had wet shoes. If their clothes got wet again, the soldiers would suffer too much.

Shang Zhen is still hesitating what to do? But he suddenly discovered that the bullets of the Japanese puppet army turned around. First, fewer and fewer bullets were fired towards them, but finally the firepower of the Japanese puppet army was all fired towards the northwest!

At this time, will Shang Zhen still wonder why the Japanese and puppet troops shifted their guns? He doesn't have that time, so let's take people out of danger first.

So Shang Zhen shouted in a low voice: "Run to the right and hide behind that hill and we'll be out of danger!"

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