The War of Resistance

Chapter 963: The "Unlucky" Old Man (1)

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Soushan's puppet army came up, and it was really only the five puppet troops who came up. This is what Shang Zhen, who was lying on the boulder, saw.

It's a pity, these five guys came up a little early, if they came up half an hour later, they could definitely kill them silently!

The reason why Shang Zhen thinks this way is, of course, because he will kill them before it gets dark.

Five puppet soldiers, even if the other puppet troops discovered the anomaly, they had nowhere to find anyone.

But it doesn't work now, if these five guys are left on the mountain now, the puppet army below the mountain will become suspicious.

Shang Zhen watched from afar the five puppet soldiers climbing and crossing among the trees on the mountain. In the end, three puppet soldiers went to another direction on the top of the mountain, while the other two came towards him.

At this moment, Shang Zhen stared blankly at a puppet soldier in the tree gap, and the feeling he had observed with a telescope came back, huh? How can one of the puppet soldiers look familiar?

But at this time, the two puppet soldiers had passed the difficult place and looked at him, Shang Zhen quickly retracted his head.

It seemed that these two puppet soldiers were definitely going to come here, so Shang Zhen could only carefully climb down from the rock.

"How many have come?" Ma Erpao asked when Shang Zhen was standing by the boulder.

But Shang Zhen didn't answer him immediately, but he looked thoughtful.

But suddenly Shang Zhen's eyes lit up, and Ma Erpao next to him could see that Shang Zhen was having some kind of mental activity.

But at this moment, Ma Erpao saw that Shang Zhen had turned off the safety of the box cannon and inserted the gun back into his waist, but instead pulled out a bayonet hanging from his waist.

It looks like the officer is going to kill someone to silence him! Ma Erpao thought in his heart, but immediately after he saw Shang Zhen hesitated, he inserted the bayonet back in, and pulled out the box cannon instead.

"Sir." Ma Erpao called in a low voice.

It was only then that Shang Zhen came to his senses, and he stretched out his hand and gestured at the few people who were all looking at him.

Of course, even the soldiers hiding in the big pit looked up at his gesture.

Everyone saw that Shang Zhen stretched out three fingers to point in another direction, and then stretched out **** to point to himself. Then he held a gun in one hand and supported the big rock with the other, and then stood there. It's exactly the same as the beginning.

The place to stand is really too narrow, it is really a place to stand on, if you don't hold on to the stone with your hands, Shang Zhen is afraid that he will fall into the pit directly.

It's just that Ma Erpao couldn't figure out why Shang Zhen wanted to kill him with a bayonet first, but why he switched to a box cannon again.

But he didn't know that from the moment Shang Zhen saw that person until he climbed down from the rock, he had been thinking about who that person was, and now he finally knew who that person was!

"Look at my gestures later, don't do it lightly." Shang Zhen whispered to Ma Erpao, and Ma Er hurriedly passed the words to Li Qingfeng and the big boss.

After a while, Xi Suo's voice came from the other side of the big head, and the two puppet soldiers came over!

"There's no one on the top of this **** mountain!" A puppet soldier's voice came over.

However, no one spoke up, and it seemed that the second puppet soldier chose to remain silent.

"This rock is too high, I said Lao Wan, why don't you climb up and have a look?" the puppet soldier said again.

"You let me step on it?" At this moment, the second puppet soldier answered.

Shang Zhen who was hiding on the side of the stone could imagine what was going on with just these two simple lines of dialogue.

The rock is too high for one person to climb up. If you want to climb it, you need another one as a stepping stone.

"Fuck, why should I let you step on it?" The puppet soldier who spoke first quit, but then said "Hey", "Old Wan, there is a gap between these two stones, you should be able to Drill through."

Northeast people say "I", and Shandong people say "I". It seems that this puppet army is also from Shandong, so everyone will not say that Shandong is the hometown of Confucius and there will be no traitors!

"Just drill it, who told me I'm new here." At this time, the soldier called "Old Wan" said.

Ok? For some reason, Ma Erpao felt that Lao Wan's voice sounded familiar.

But at this moment, he was not allowed to think about it any more, and there was a rustling sound, and it was the old man who was squeezing towards this side from the crack of the big rock.

Of course, this crack in the stone can pass through people, just because Shang Zhen and all of them squeezed in one by one in this way.

And then first a person's head and then the upper body squeezed through the crack in the stone.

People must turn sideways to squeeze through a narrow place, and when the old Wan squeezed his head and body as if he was caught between two boulders, he saw the black muzzle of the gun in front of him. , He just wanted to make a sound, but the other one on the opposite side was already gently pressing on his mouth.

So that Lao Wan could only choose to remain silent.

The gun was about to hit his forehead, if he dared to shout, he would definitely die!

At this time, Li Qingfeng, Da Lao and Ben could only see the back of that old Wan's head behind that person, but that old Wan had already met Shang Zhen's eyes.

When Lao Wan saw the top of the black hole, he had already put himself on top, his eyes were full of despair at first, but when he saw Shang Zhen raising his gun, he became shocked again!

He was shocked, but Shang Zhen was not shocked, because Shang Zhen had already seen who this old Wan was before, but this old Wan was the one who left the team at the beginning!

It was only for a moment that Cheng Wan got rid of the initial fear and shock, his eyelids rolled down again, and then he saw several guns aimed at him at the bottom of the pit, you know, squeezed through If you pass through the crack in the stone, it will be a big pit. And he knew some of the people holding guns, and some of them didn't, but they all looked familiar!

In the end Cai Chengwan looked away but could only keep looking at Shang Zhen.

"Hey, I said Lao Wan, did you see anything? Make a move!" The puppet soldier behind spoke.

"What are you in a hurry for? I'm so **** stuck in the crevices of the rocks, so how's it going?" Cai Chengwan replied blurted out.

To say that Cai Chengwan is also a quick-witted person. When he said this, the puppet army behind him laughed, and then shouted from behind: "Old Wan, you said I was giving you a hand." Or kick you?"

The puppet soldier in the back was still joking there, but how could he know that Dashi's side has changed its scenery.

Cai Chengwan has the wit to respond to the puppet army's questioning behind him, but he doesn't know how to deal with Shang Zhen, and even if he knows how to deal with it, it's useless, because he can't speak, and neither can Shang Zhen! What's more, the relationship between the two of them is unclear!

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