The War of Resistance

Chapter 950: Gunners Showdown (10)

Shang Zhen finally used his "cunning" to escape from the terrible Japanese gunman.

If the opponent can hit the first four bullets so accurately, it can be known that the opponent can see him.

But he dodged the Japanese soldier's four shots one after another, and the other party must have a certain understanding of him.

As he said, the safest place is of course to run into the woods, and the branches and branches of the tree will cover him in a few steps.

So when he ran into the woods, the Japanese soldier shot him instinctively because he was afraid that he would run away.

Would the Japanese soldier think that he was actually cheating the last bullet?

This is definitely unexpected, even Shang Zhen, who is temporarily safe now, knows that if he replaced the Japanese soldier at that time, he would never have thought of it!

Just because the time is too short, less than a second, seeing that the opponent will disappear from his field of vision immediately, it is a conditioned reaction to predict and shoot, so there is no time to think!

At this time, perhaps the Japanese soldier should be feeling "this Chinese soldier is very cunning".

But at this time Shang Zhen moved again, this time he went to the original ambush position, which was where he used an ordinary 38-type rifle.

The reason is very simple, he had already lost all his guns in the previous confrontation with the Japanese gunmen!

He abandoned the ordinary 38-type rifle in its original position, because he didn't know whether the Japanese army would hit him when he reached for the gun, and he also wanted to create a certain illusion for the Japanese army.

In the second sniper position, he discarded the sniper rifle again.

The reason was that two Japanese soldiers came over. Given the quick response of the Japanese soldiers, Shang Zhen was afraid that when he hit the first Japanese soldier and pulled the breech, the second Japanese soldier would hide, or the counterattack would come directly.

Now that the Japanese army has entered the effective range of the box gun, the semi-automatic box gun is of course better than the manual rifle.

But the box cannon hit a tree while avoiding the shooting of the fourth Japanese sniper and was also knocked off.

It is said that the gun is the life of a soldier, but the gun is definitely not worth the life, so Shang Zhen chose not to pick up the gun but to run for his life, and, in the situation at that time, he didn't have time to pick up the gun.

Now that he has no guns to use, of course he has to go back and find a gun. In comparison, he thinks it is safest to pick up the first gun.

This time, he moved quickly but carefully, never letting himself touch the branches of the trees, and just when he could see the open space ahead through the tree gap, he simply changed to crawling forward, and then he Saw that gun.

The gun was still there. Although it was not within reach, it was only about ten meters away from him.

Shang Zhen touched his pocket, and he still felt the hard feeling through the cotton cloth. It was a few bridge clips filled with five rounds of bullets.

However, Shang Zhen was not in a hurry to move the rifle but looked forward again.

At this time, he saw the few trees on the open ground ahead, and his gaze directly passed the three smaller ones, and finally landed on one of the big trees.

His grandma has short legs, this is bullying me! Shang Zhen couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Although the tree is very big but the leaves haven't grown yet, it is naturally bare.

But Shang Zhen knew that a Japanese sniper must have been on that big tree before, and that Japanese sniper shot himself five times on that big tree.

Why must it be a big tree? Of course, it is because the tree is strong enough for a thick person to not shake when it is on it, and the shooting will be accurate.

If there are other people with me, if the Japanese soldier dares to climb a tree, as long as he is shot from a distance, that guy will not fall from the tree like a bird, and he will have to jump down by himself in fright!

But don’t think about it now, the guy must have moved his shooting position after shooting himself five times, maybe he and another Japanese soldier are turning around to him again, or hiding somewhere to find him, just like himself Looking for someone like that.

The other party is looking for himself? Thinking of this, Shang Zhen, who was about to step forward to get a gun, stopped moving forward, so he just lay there and continued to wait and see.

It's just that this time, before he could sort out his thoughts, he heard gunshots of "chug", "snap", "snap" and "snap" suddenly coming from far away from his left wing!

It was only at this time that the other end started fighting. The sudden gunshot made Shang Zhen turn his head to the left to look, but he was lying in the woods now, and what he subconsciously turned his head to see was still black or white or black or white. The tree trunks that are starting to turn green in the white.

Earlier, when Shang Zhen was plotting with the Japanese soldiers on this side, he seemed to have heard a few gunshots on the other side.

It's just that his life is hanging by a thread, so he has no time to take care of the situation on the other side.

But now that he has time, he still can't take care of things on the other side, so he ignores the gunshots in the distance and continues to think about his situation.

Just now I came to hide in the woods in order to escape for my life, and the enemy and the enemy left in sight. Who knows if the remaining two Japanese soldiers entered the woods.

The two Japanese soldiers were less than 200 meters away from here at that time, and just squatting in the woods for a while, at least one Japanese soldier should have rushed into the woods.

If a Japanese soldier rushed into the woods, then he should cover the Japanese soldier behind to also rush into the woods.

However, I was afraid that the second Japanese soldier would take some risks when he rushed in, because the Japanese soldier didn't know where he was at that time.

Shang Zhen thought for a while but couldn't think of a reason.

Because this kind of thing cannot be inferred in the first place.

If the two Japanese soldiers saw that their companions had been wiped out, it would not be impossible for the two of them to withdraw from the battle or run away to report the death of the Japanese army.

Forget it, let's spend it like this first, who knows what will happen after a while, such as the end of the battle, your own people rush over, or other unpredictable factors.

Anyway, Shang Zhen won't go out until the two Japanese soldiers are not found, at worst, it will be dark and he will leave in the dark.

Your own life is very valuable, right? It's not that sacrifices cannot be made in war, but it would be too unfair for the little devil to shoot black guns.

Shang Zhen lay on the ground, his eyes scanned his surroundings vigilantly, and his ears were also listening.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen felt the pain.

When he avoided the Japanese sniper's shooting earlier, he even used the "dog planing" style. Isn't it the dog planing style to push forward with both hands on the ground?

Under the circumstances at that time, how could he care about seeing what was on the ground.

After a winter in the woods, there is dead grass on the ground.

Grass is just a general term for herbaceous plants. Not all grasses are like the soft Ulagrass that can be used to weave shoes. After winter, the stems are also very hard after losing moisture.

How could it not bleed when I put my hand on the broken stem of the weed?

At that time, he was busy escaping for his life so he didn't pay attention, but now that he stays down, how can it not hurt.

Shang Zhen looked at the palms of his hands, there were blood stains and dirt on them, but the blood had stopped, after all, it was a flesh wound, so he ignored it, even though it would sizzle and hurt.

Since joining the Zhen has suffered constant minor injuries, and he can't figure out how many injuries he has.

But fortunately, because of his youth, those scars slowly grew and faded, and then new scars appeared.

It should be said that the most serious injury Shang Zhen suffered in these years was not when he was fighting the Japanese army, but in Xi'an, when he sent Leng Xiaozhi to the Eighth Route Army, he was arrested by the military commander.

Then, the Juntong gang really treated him like "stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots"!

If it wasn't for the sudden incident that shocked China and the world, God knows that I would lose a few parts in the end.

Shang Zhen really can't figure out why the Chinese are sometimes so cruel to their own people.

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