The War of Resistance

Chapter 948: Gunners Showdown (8)

The binoculars were down, and there were two rifles in front of him.

An ordinary 38-type rifle and a sniper rifle.

Shang Zhen decisively grabbed the ordinary 38-style rifle and put it against his shoulder. He pushed the bolt to put the rifle against his shoulder, and then pointed the rifle obliquely in front of him.

The reason why it was obliquely forward was because the six Japanese soldiers who came to him changed their course.

Perhaps the Japanese army was too cold-blooded, and they were not very eager to avenge their companions.

Perhaps a real shooter can always choose reason between calmness and impulsiveness.

So the six Japanese soldiers held their guns and bowed their waists, but chose a route with relatively more concealment, such as a few trees, such as a field with ditches, such as a piece or a few clumps of dry grass or shrubs.

But so what, when it's time to fight, it's natural to fight.

Shang Zhen locked his gun on the Japanese soldier who was walking at the rear.

Three Japanese soldiers, in groups of three, crossed to cover and advance.

The advantage of being able to kill the last Japanese soldier is that the Japanese soldiers in front have to look back. Shang Zhen thought to himself that at least he could fire one more shot during this time.

As for the future, the Japanese army will definitely hide, but if they hide again, the Japanese army is still on the open ground, and after all, they have a geographical advantage.

The Japanese soldiers in the first group squatted down again, the rifles were still pointing at the woods, while the Japanese soldiers in the second group rushed forward with their rifles in their hands.

Although he didn't use that sniper rifle, Shang Zhen could still think of the face of the Japanese army running around with guns. Perhaps in the eyes of the common people, and in the eyes of those officers and soldiers who feared the enemy like a tiger, the Japanese army was vicious, but in the eyes of Shang Zhen In his eyes, the Japanese soldier he was aiming at was already a dead man, and this was the confidence of a real shooter.

"Crack" gunshots sounded, and the last Japanese soldier more than 300 meters away fell down in response!

And just when Shang Zhen pulled the bolt again and pointed the rifle forward, he saw the following scene, the remaining five Japanese soldiers got down on the ground, maybe they also looked back, but they didn't look back There was no delay in moving, and only one of the five Japanese soldiers "disappeared" lying on the spot, while the other four jumped out either forward, left or right.

"What a **** thief!" Shang Zhen cursed, and he aimed at one of the rolling Japanese soldiers again and shot again.

However, he saw that the Japanese soldier continued to turn over, and then hid in a piece of dry wormwood and disappeared.

Apparently, his second shot missed.

And when Shang Zhen aimed for the third time, he was surprised to find that, except for the first Japanese army he knocked down, the rest had disappeared!

Master! Such thoughts welled up in Shang Zhen's heart, and then he locked the rifle on the lying Japanese soldier.

But the problem is, although he deliberately waited for the Japanese army to go a distance to ensure that the shot hit, but that is more than 300 meters away, and a person's head can be seen at this distance, but if you just want to see It's hard to get to the top of a person's head.

Shang Zhen put down his rifle resolutely, and touched the binoculars again as soon as he reached out his hand, and he also got up from the original lying position to a half-kneeling position.

He knew that the remaining five Japanese soldiers must be looking for his exact location, and he was preparing to shoot himself a fatal shot.

But Shang Zhen really didn't believe it, the five Japanese soldiers were able to find himself hiding behind a tree in a disguise in a short time!

Under the observation of the binoculars, Shang Zhen soon caught the Japanese soldier hiding behind a dirt ridge, even though the opponent was just a head with a cap on top of the head with a one-piece camouflage suit.

You can't run as long as you're there!

Shang Zhen put down the binoculars and picked up the rifle again, and this time he shot at the ridge that blocked the Japanese soldier and only exposed the Japanese soldier above the eyes.

Hiding behind the ridge and carrying bullets, Shang Zhen has also done this, whether he can hit the people hiding behind the ridge depends on how thick the ridge is and whether the bullet can penetrate it.

I don't believe how thick that ridge is, and I don't believe you can hide there! Shang Zhen was struggling in his heart, and the rifle in his hand rang again.

And this time, when his gun fired, it was three quick shots!

Manual rifles always need to pull and push the bolt to aim again after firing a shot. Shang Zhen's gunshots can be used "quickly", which shows that his whole set of movements is really smooth.

At a distance of more than three hundred meters, Shang Zhen couldn't see whether he had pierced the Japanese sniper's forehead with a bullet, but he knew that as long as the soil ridge in front of the Japanese soldier was not thick enough, the bullet would definitely be fine. shot through!

After three shots, the chamber of the rifle was empty.

Shang Zhen threw the 38-type rifle aside, rolled over, picked up the sniper rifle again and opened the safety of the gun.

And at this time, when he looked forward again, he vaguely saw a figure flashing behind the ridge, and that guy was not dead!

When the Japanese soldier moved, it was really just a scene that caught Shang Zhen's eyes for an instant, but what Shang Zhen caught was this moment, he aimed and fired again, and this was his sixth shot!

And after the sixth shot, the figure in camouflage clothes was frozen behind the ridge forever!

Those who can be regarded as opponents of the Japanese army by Shang Zhen are all veterans.

Who doesn't know that there can only be five bullets in the chamber of a rifle, and who knows whether the Japanese soldier was injured in Shang Zhen's continuous shooting of three shots.

Maybe he was injured, maybe he was surprised by Shang Zhen's marksmanship, that's why he took advantage of Shang Zhen's five shots and needed to reload the chamber, trying to find a hiding place for himself again.

It's just that the Japanese army didn't expect that Shang Zhen had prepared two rifles this time, both of which were loaded with bullets. Then they can continue to fight, so the Japanese army who lost the ridge as a barrier was finally blocked by Shang Zhen!

This was Shang Zhen's sixth shot.

And right after he fired the shot, he didn't check his results even though he was half kneeling, but he fell back directly.

Most people have been half-kneeling before, but one can imagine what kind of situation it would be if they suddenly lay back while half-kneeling.

In an instant, Shang Zhenzhong's leg that was originally on the ground was fine, but the calf of the kneeling leg came into close contact with the back of the thigh.

Fortunately, after Shang Zhen became a soldier, his legs were also crushed, and his flexibility was stronger than that of ordinary people, but this litter made him flip over quickly.

At this moment, he heard two gunshots, and a branch as thick as a thumb fell from his head.

I have been discovered by the Japanese army!

The way he lay down just now was just a subconscious behavior of his habitual carefulness, but who would have thought that this action saved his life again.

Fun Court

, is nothing but a momentary mottled streamer. Looking up at the starry sky, there is always a kind of sadness that the ending is doomed. Where will you and I be after thousands of years? The country, the flames of civilization, and the earth are all but a speck of dust in the deep space. A moment in the starry sky, a thousand years in the world. The song of insects is only in autumn, and you and I are also fighting for the crossing. What is at the end of deep space? iread novel app

As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, and it also brings up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away.

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

Waves of undulating waves like Sanskrit singing sounded around him, and the intense light began to rise rapidly, and the huge golden light and shadow were reflected behind him. Tang San's eyes flashed like lightning, staring into the sky.

Immediately, a loud "boom" erupted from the Paradise Flower, and a huge golden beam of light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

Not far away, the Heavenly Fox Demon King felt a shocking burst of will, the entire Hell Garden trembled violently, the flowers began to wither rapidly, and all the luck seemed to be condensing towards that golden beam of light .

While his complexion changed drastically, he didn't dare to be negligent. He shook his body and showed his original shape, turning into a nine-tailed sky fox with a length of more than 100 meters. Each guard was more than 300 meters long. The tail is horizontal, covering the sky and the sun. A large amount of luck was emitted and poured into the garden of hell, stabilizing the plane.

The Hell Garden must not be broken, otherwise, it would be a devastating disaster for the Sky Fox Clan.

Ancestral Court, Tianhu Holy Mountain.

The originally subdued golden light suddenly became stronger again, not only that, the body of Tianhu Holy Mountain also emitted white light, but the white light seemed to be collapsing inward, pouring into it.

A golden beam of light shot up into the sky without warning, rushing to the sky in an instant.

The emperors who had just resisted another thunder disaster almost subconsciously dispersed. And in the next moment, the golden beam of light rushed into the robbery cloud.

The pitch-black robbery cloud was instantly lit up and turned into dark golden clouds. All the purple color disappeared at this moment, replaced by huge golden thunderbolts. It seemed that the entire plane was filled with anger.

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As the train goes away, a large number of withered and yellow fallen leaves are brought up in the vibration of the railroad tracks, and it also brings up the bleakness of autumn.

Wang Xuan watched until the train gradually disappeared, then he looked back and sent a few classmates away. iread novel app

After this farewell, the world will be far apart, and I don't know how many years it will be before we can meet again, and some people will never see each other again.

Around, some people are still waving their hands slowly, not letting go for a long time, and some people are silent, quite sad.

During the four years of university, we walked together, and the friendship accumulated is always a little hard to let go.

The afterglow of the setting sun obliquely illuminates the falling yellow leaves, and the light and shadow are mottled, interweaving a sense of the passage of time.

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