The War of Resistance

Chapter 941: Gunners Showdown (1)

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The soldiers were still shooting into the woods, and at this time the Japanese counterattack in the woods also began.

It should be that the Japanese army hoped that the Chinese army they saw would come closer, so that they would open their fire. But this time, the Chinese army stopped moving forward and shot at the Japanese army. Then the Japanese army finally couldn't stand it. up.

The soldiers on Shang Zhen's side could finally see the figure of the Japanese army shooting in the bushes.

Of course, seeing them with their marksmanship and being able to hit them is another matter.

But the enemy and us only shot at each other for more than a minute, but Shang Zhen shouted: "Leave three more people to cover, and the rest retreat!"

Why are you retreating now? The number of Japanese soldiers on the other side seems to be not many after hearing the gunshots!

Think about it too, the battle is inherently tense, how many shots can one person fire in one minute? That minute is not enough to blink your eyelids!

But at this time, the soldiers watched the situation on the battlefield again and realized that Shang Zhen was right.

Although the enemy and us only shot at each other for about a minute, there were already seven or eight of them lying on the ground and could no longer raise their heads!

If that's the case, it's fine, but when they looked at the comrades who were shot, all of them were bleeding from the head!

In other words, they were all killed by one shot, and there were no wounded!

"Why are you so dumb? Go back!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

In this minute or so, Shang Zhen only fired five shots in total, and he knew that these five shots should have hit three Japanese soldiers.

This is not to say that Shang Zhen is slow to shoot with a rifle, and with his rate of fire, he can still fire thirty shots a minute.

But in the middle, you don't need to press the bullet yourself, but just grab the gun and shoot.

And Shang Zhen only fired five shots in total, that's because the Japanese soldiers in the woods were all wearing camouflage clothes, and if you want to hit them, you have to capture them first.

As for the soldiers under Shang Zhen's guns, they were quick to shoot, but could they really hit the Japanese army?

Of course, Shang Zhen can also let the battle continue, but now he can't find the Japanese army in the woods. If the fight continues like this, he can guarantee that his team will only die more people!

If the opponent has only one sharpshooter, then he would rather let the soldiers charge forward with certain casualties.

But the opponent obviously has more than ten people. If he launches an attack rashly, then half of his sixty or so people will die on the way to charge!

It is really hard to say how many Japanese soldiers can be killed.

Shang Zhen has used this method of fighting before, fighting the enemy not too far or not close, and running away after taking advantage, how do you know that the Japanese devils will not fight like this?

Since it is a pity to abandon it and eat it tasteless, it is better to leave.

Shang Zhen knew that the marksmanship of his group was far from good, and he just glanced behind him before giving the order, but now he turned around and pointed his rifle at the forest in front of him.

Now Shang Zhen felt that his body was already wet, and he hid in the mud, even though he was wearing cotton clothes, how could he not be wet?

But how can Shang Zhen take care of this at this time, what he cares about most now is his elbow.

Well, the mud is always soft, and my two elbows are the fulcrum for the rifle.

Although the recoil force of the 38-type rifle is relatively small, the softness of the lower support will still have a slight impact on his accurate shooting, and this is one of the reasons why he only hit three Japanese soldiers with five shots.

Shang Zhen began to look for his shooting target in the woods again.

The trunks and branches in the woods are black and gray. Although the color of the camouflage clothes used by the Japanese army is different from the color of the tree trunks this time, it seems that the Japanese army has retreated again. It is not easy to find a Japanese gunman what.

Even under such circumstances, the sniper rifles of the Japanese army are still good, with four times the magnification, they can be seen clearly, and the flame in the muzzle is extremely small, making it extremely difficult to find the target.

In such a confrontation, the Japanese army really has the advantage.

At this time, Shang Zhen has no time to think about this, the only thing he can do is to search for the target with a calm mind.

Under Shang Zhen's concentration, the surrounding world disappeared again, he felt as if he had merged with the rifle in his hand, and then he just remained motionless when he felt that the color of a certain place in the opposite forest was a little different take aim.

Until he felt a movement there, he pulled the trigger when he was sure it should be a Japanese soldier.

And just after this shot, Shang Zhen saw that the background color of the place he was staring at changed to the color of the tree trunk.

He knew that his shot must have been hit, and the Japanese soldier fell down and exposed the tree trunk behind him.

A faint joy appeared in Shang Zhen's heart, but the joy was just like the faint ripples formed when leeches streaked across the calm water.

Killing the enemy with blood is something for new recruits. At Shang Zhen's level, killing the enemy has become a calm and rational technical job.

But just as Shang Zhen pulled the gun, ejected the cartridge and pushed the bolt back again, he suddenly heard gunshots and soldiers shouting from behind him!

What's the situation? At this moment, Shang Zhen was finally freed from the world he was shooting. He restrained his urge to turn his head quickly and turned his head back slowly instead.

God knows if the Japanese soldiers in the woods noticed that they were in this muddy pond, and only by being careful can they travel for ten thousand years.

Shang Zhen turned his head and realized that the soldiers under him had already run back more than a hundred meters.

But now they are all lying on the ground again, and the rifles in their hands are already pointing at the left wing in their original direction.

Of course Shang Zhen knew what was happening on the left wing. There was a low hill three hundred meters away.

It still happened! At this time, Shang Zhen had realized in his heart that the Japanese army really took a detour!

Why did he ask the soldiers to withdraw? It was also because they couldn't move forward but they couldn't stay where they were. Right now, the place where everyone stayed was simply an open field.

It should be that when they were advancing towards the woods, the Japanese army had already spotted them, so the Japanese army was turning around to the short hill on the left flank at that time, but they didn't notice it at that time and the Japanese army didn't turn around.

Thanks to myself, I just let my own people go back the same way, instead of occupying a commanding height on the left-wing short mountain!

"It's troublesome, it's troublesome, the **** won't block our way of retreat, right?" At this moment, a voice spoke.

Shang Zhen turned his head back and looked back, only then did he realize that it was Ma Erpao who was talking, and among the soldiers who had already died in battle, Lao Qiuzi and Zhu Yuliang were lying on their stomachs and looking at him sideways .

But if that's the case, it's fine, but Shang Zhen saw Li Qingfeng, Da Laoban and Wang Xiaodan lying on their stomachs behind Ma Erpao and them again.

But when the three people saw that he had looked over, the big old man still had that naive look, Wang Xiaodan blushed a little, and Li Qingfeng winked at him.

"Who asked the three of you to stay?" Shang Zhen turned his head back, but his voice came over.

"Didn't you say to keep three people to cover with you?" Ma Erpao asked back.

Dare Li Qingfeng and the three of them are behind Ma Erpao and After most people withdrew, Li Qingfeng and the three of them did not shoot. Ma Erpao didn't know that there were three more behind them. individually!

In fact, the order given by Shang Zhen just now is also flawed, the order of the army must be clear and correct.

He only said to keep three people to come down to cover with him, but he didn't say who it was. How could this be possible?

That order must be "cover in one row, retreat in second and third rows", or "Zhang San goes to the left, Li Si goes to the right". As for his order just now, it only said three people to stay, so which three people? Those who stay are likely to die, so who will take the initiative to stay? Or is everyone not afraid of death? Everyone stay?

Shang Zhen only had a tacit understanding when he was used to fighting with his group of old people, but would his habit cause delays or increase casualties in the current situation?

Shang Zhen was about to say something more, when suddenly there was the sound of machine gun fire from the Japanese army "da da da" in the woods opposite, and the bullet was hitting a soldier who had already died in battle, but blood splattered out again.

"You guys hide well, the little devils are starting to counterattack, they want to keep us all here!" Shang Zhen shouted.

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