The War of Resistance

Chapter 937: designated as

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There is a term in later generations of China called "blowing sand to build islands".

There is a ship called "Sky Whale". When it blows sand, it blows the sand together like a big whale spouting water.

But sand is sand, and fence posts are put on the periphery of the sand, but the sand cannot be regarded as highly cohesive soil after all.

So what's next? That's to stumble some additives in that sand and make the sand stick together.

Well, when Hao Xiazi’s company started to follow Shang Zhen, it was the most realistic threat the Japanese army posed to them, and their need for a leader, forcibly kneading their non-adhesive sand together together.

But now, their sand has finally started to stick together, and what makes them stick together is the appeal brought by Shang Zhen.

When Shang Zhen walked out of Niuzhuang with the remaining sixty or so people and headed towards Ly, the recruits and veterans finally got along well.

After resting in Niuzhuang for half a day and one night, not only were they full of food and drink, but the people in Niuzhuang also brought them food. This one contained a few cooked eggs, the other gave two sweet potatoes, and And stuff some more pancakes.

In terms of the situation at that time, how should I put it, no one present knew that there was a folk song called "Ten Sending the Red Army Away".

Those who didn't know the situation thought that it was the common people who sent the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army instead of the so-called "national army".

What's more, an old lady saw that the clothes of a soldier named Liu Cheng were torn, but she took out a sheepskin vest of her son and gave him to him.

The sheepskin waistcoat is a good thing, it can keep you cool in the morning and evening, and if you sleep in the wild, laying it under your waist can keep you from the cold and cold, which is very good (kidney).

In this way, as soon as he left the village, that Liu Cheng became the envy and envy of the soldiers.

That Liu Cheng was a recruit, of course, even if he wasn't a recruit, he couldn't escape being the target of ridicule by the veterans.

"Oh, Liu Cheng, can you make it if you stay?" Old Qiuzi made fun of it as he walked.

"Why do you want me, Liu Cheng, to stay?" Before Liu Cheng could reply, Li Daming asked softly while pinching his throat.

"Why do you stay here? Come to my house to marry, and be the son-in-law, okay?" Old Qiuzi pretended to be the old lady.

Lao Qiuzi and Li Daming made the soldiers laugh when they sang together.

"Even if the door is inserted backwards, that is also a continuation!" Ma Erpao snorted coldly.

Suxuan refers to women. When the original partner dies, the man marries another one. This is called Suixian. Naturally, Liu Cheng is being dismissed here.

In fact, Ma Erpao didn't know whether the old lady's son died or not during the devil's attack on the village. He buried Liu Cheng as a sequel, which also stemmed from the veteran's disdain for the recruit.

The so-called "eat, sleep and beat Doudou".

In the eyes of the veterans, these recruits are the "doudou" who need to be beaten. Shang Zhen said that the veterans are not allowed to bully the recruits, so the veterans will not do it, but it is always okay to use their mouths to scold them. There is no reason for this !

Liu Cheng didn't expect that he would be so run on by the veterans for accepting a wool vest from the old lady, his face was already flushed, but how dare he say a word.

He looked up just now, but Shang Zhen took two people to the front to serve as vanguards. The people who could make decisions for him were all gone, so what could he do, so he could only walk dully.

But even so, the veterans didn't let go of his thoughts, but they still spoke yin and yang.

"I said Liu Cheng, don't listen to them bluffing for nothing, they are narrow-minded, and they are jealous of you when you take that woolen vest!" And in the middle of the yin and yang, a person suddenly said loudly.

Finally someone spoke for him, and Liu Chengcheng raised his head and cast a grateful look, and then he saw an old soldier looking at him with a smile.

That veteran is Zhu Yuliang.

"Go away." Zhu Yuliang took a step forward while talking, and bumped away Li Daming who was sticking to Liu Chengmoji with his shoulder.

Among veterans, it's all life-threatening friendship, who doesn't know who?

Li Da knew that he was not in a hurry when Zhu Yuliang bumped him, but he stepped aside again, he couldn't believe it, how could everyone "beat Doudou" together without Zhu Yuliang's share!

Why are you still fighting for Liu Cheng? At first glance, it's a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be merciful. Let's see what kind of fart you are holding back, you bastard!

"Is the Mao vest warm?" Zhu Yuliang held a gun in one hand and put his arm around Liu Cheng's shoulder.

As far as Zhu Yuliang's intimacy is concerned, it's like elementary school students hooking their shoulders and shoulders after school, it's as intimate as you want.

At this time, Liu Cheng also felt that something was wrong. He had never been so intimate with a veteran before, and he really couldn't bear this enthusiasm!

However, Zhu Yuliang is also a veteran, he can't afford to offend him, and he dare not refuse when he is close to him!

"It's warm, no, I haven't worn it yet." Then Liu Chengcheng was a little scared by Zhu Yuliang and lost his words.

"Oh." Zhu Yuliang nodded solemnly, then put his arms around Liu Cheng and asked, "Have you seen that old lady's daughter-in-law?"

"I—" Liu Cheng didn't know how to answer, and he felt more and more that something was wrong.

But at this moment, Zhu Yuliang's arms around his shoulders were all the more vigorous. Liu Chengsheng was afraid that Zhu Yuliang's arms around his neck and feet would trip him up and throw him on the road again, so he could only answer: "Look, I saw it." .”

"Is it handsome? Does it match?" Zhu Yuliang continued to ask.

"I—" Liu Cheng didn't know how to answer.

To be honest, he really didn't notice the appearance of the old lady's daughter-in-law, it's none of his business what the parents look like!

"In the words of the Northeast guy, that little daughter-in-law looks so handsome, I saw it!" At this time, Li Daming answered excitedly beside him.

But he just answered this sentence when someone shaved the back of his head. Before he could get anxious, the words of the old ball came over: "The Northeast guy should be called by you? Call the officer!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I was wrong." Li Daming hurriedly changed his words, "Speaking in Northeast dialect, that Jun who is called Thief is thick where he should be thick, and thin where he should be thin."

At this time, Zhu Yuliang was not affected by Li Daming's interruption, but was still chatting with Liu Cheng: "Then your future mother-in-law only gave you a jacket? Nothing else as a token of love." Token?"

"Just, just, just—" Already feeling Zhu Yuliang's malicious intentions, Liu Cheng was also timid and stuttered in fright.

"Fuck, how can you give her daughter directly to him?" The old ball next to him said disapprovingly.

"It's too early to send off my daughter, hehe." Zhu Yuliang smiled slyly, "But I didn't send you purple pants or something?"

"What?" Liu Cheng didn't understand, but the veteran next to him had already understood. At this time, Li Daming deliberately asked: "That's like giving this kid a big Then why does it have to be purple?"

"Fuck, I don't understand this!" Zhu Yuliang laughed, then pointed at Liu Cheng's face that had turned into a liver-colored face from shock and fright, and shouted, "Idiot, Zi (pointing) is determined (butt) to be successful!" !"

At Zhu Yuliang's words, the veterans laughed wantonly.

Of course, the veterans of Zhu Yuliang, a Zixuan show, knew about it, but they didn't expect that Zhu Yuliang would use it here.

There are many names for buttocks in Chinese dialects, such as 腚, ditch, buttocks, etc., but it doesn’t matter anymore.

The veterans laughed so unscrupulously that some recruits laughed too when they understood it, and the laughter spread across the field until a veteran suddenly said, "Stop laughing so damn, call the officer!" came back!"

Everyone looked forward, didn't they, Shang Zhen had already walked back, apparently their laughter shocked Shang Zhen in front of him.

It's marching now, laughing so unscrupulously is a violation of military discipline!

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