The War of Resistance

Chapter 932: The choice given by Shang Zhen

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"Who still has food?" Someone asked in a low voice in the darkness.

But no one answered him.

"Who still has food?" The man asked again without giving up.

This time someone replied: "I said it's clear, you are the only one who is hungry? Can you stop for a while? Who doesn't want to eat if there is something to eat, and keep it for you?"

"Whoever has food is left, you old pig has nothing to eat, because you are a pig, you can eat more than me." Li Daming muttered.

The person he called "Old Pig" was naturally Zhu Yuliang.

But this time Zhu Yuliang didn't answer Li Daming's words. He was leaning against the **** with his rifle in his arms. He was also hungry, so let's save some energy.

Now in this darkness, it's not just the two of them, the original Hao Xiazi and the remaining sixty or so people are all here at this time.

They also ate something, but it was limited to the surplus food they carried, sweet potatoes or pancakes given to them by the common people.

It's another day of fighting and marching, how can it be possible with only the little food that I carry on my body.

As a result, some people are suffering from hunger and hunger, while others have already fallen asleep. According to their words, they are also asleep when they die, but they don't wake up anymore. If you are asleep, you will not be hungry, and if you are dead, you will not be hungry.

Just when someone was snoring, someone finally spoke in a low voice.

This time it was Lao Qiuzi who spoke: "I don't know if that kid Shang Zhen can do it."

Of course, the voice of the old ball is also very low, it sounds like talking to himself.

However, behind Shang Zhen's back at this time, he no longer called Shang Zhen "Northeast guy", but that also reflected a change in Shang Zhen's status in his heart.

"Sir, I'm sure." Someone answered.

Those who still call Shang Zhen "Sir" can only be recruits.

If it was the usual way, if the recruits answered casually, they would definitely be reprimanded by the old ball. The master is talking, what is wrong with your grandson?

It's just that this time, the old ball didn't train the recruit who answered the conversation without authorization, but he said as if comforting the recruit and himself: "Well, I think it's okay, I think this kid can do it too. Besides, the big guy and the little guy Isn't the skinny guy still following me!"

The big one refers to the big old stupid, and the thin one refers to Qingfeng Li.

As for Wang Xiaodan, he also went with him. Shang Zhen didn't intend to take Wang Xiaodan there, but Wang Xiaodan, how should I say it, in the Northeast dialect, he would follow him, and finally Shang Zhen also brought him along.

Shang Zhen took those three people to Niuzhuang to attack the Japanese army, but he didn't take any of the others!

In what he said to the big guys, this was the first time he killed one of his own people by mistake, and the incident happened because of Li Qingfeng and the three of them, so naturally he had to take the three of them with him in this surprise attack on the Japanese army.

Regarding Shang Zhen's decision, both recruits and veterans expressed their opposition.

They followed Shang Zhen in beating the devils so far. Although their company had suffered more than half of their casualties, the casualties of the Japanese army were undoubtedly greater. They couldn't tolerate Shang Zhen's despising their existence, and they wanted to fight the devils too!

But Shang Zhen flatly rejected their request.

Shang Zhen said to them, you were not my soldiers in the first place, but this time I killed one of our soldiers by mistake, then I will find the devil to avenge this.

As for you, I give you a choice.

The four of us went to Niuzhuang to attack the devils, you just stay outside, any of you can always wait outside.

If we don't come back alive, that's fine. If we come back alive, whichever of you is there will be my soldier from now on, and whoever will fight with me in life and death.

Another option for you is that anyone can leave, I don't care whether you are looking for a large army or deserting, I will not object.

When Shang Zhen said this, some veterans said again, we don't need to wait for you to come back alive, we will fight devils with you now!

Such veterans, such as Ma Erpao, such as Lu Yifei, such as Lao Qiuzi, such as Zhu Yuliang.

But Shang Zhen still refused.

Shang Zhen said again, you don't need to express your opinion in a hurry, haven't you seen more people who have not expressed their opinion?

Twisted melons are not sweet, as I said, I will leave you with a choice. It is not bad to beat devils tonight. Besides, we may not die if we go. I have been beating devils for seven or eight years, and many devils have died. But Lao Tzu is still alive and kicking!

Having said this, Shang Zhen stopped talking and walked away with his three people.

As soon as Shang Zhen walked away, Erpao was so angry that he cursed in the team, scolding those who did not express their views.

But Ma Erpao had to admit that what Shang Zhen said was correct, he voluntarily followed Shang Zhen to fight devils, but most people really didn't express their opinion! Although all of them blushed unnaturally at the time.

As for Ma Erpao's EQ and IQ, he never thought that Shang Zhen would make such a move, and the other veterans couldn't figure out why Shang Zhen didn't take them with him this time when he was beating the devils.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who had already entered Niuzhuang, was also lurking with Li Qingfeng and the other three.

The fighting during the day also caused a lot of losses to the Japanese army, so the Japanese army did not withdraw, but stayed overnight in Niuzhuang.

In this way, the people who stayed in Zhuangzi would be unlucky again.

At this time, the situation of the entire anti-Japanese battlefield is still that the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the Japanese army is still attacking cities and looting land.

Because it was siege and looting, and it did not involve enough troops to occupy most of China, the Japanese army naturally would not play any appeasement policy with the Chinese people, so they killed everyone they saw, but they killed people like hemp!

It's just that when Shang Zhen and the others came in, the massacre by the Japanese army had already ended, and Shang Zhen didn't know how many people the Japanese army had killed this time.

But this time Shang Zhen thought it over, even if he saw the Japanese army killing the people now, he would never take action!

In order to kill the devils, he killed all his own people by mistake, and there was nothing he could do if the people were killed. Now he can only wait for the attack when the Japanese army is asleep in the middle of the night, and then avenge his own people and the people.

Of course Shang Zhen understood that if he ordered those soldiers to follow him to fight the devils, those soldiers would definitely come.

However, Shang Zhen didn't want to do this. He never thought of himself as an officer, so what right did he have to decide the life and death of others?

Besides, the quality of this group of veterans and recruits is really not high. It is not only a problem of low military quality, but also a problem of ideological quality.

I still have to worry about bringing such soldiers, I can't do it myself!

In addition, there is only one million.

Hundreds of strong men died in Caicheng Wankeng. If such a person stays in the team, it will be a disaster sooner or later!

Maybe Cai Chengwan will kill many people for his own little But I have no reason to say that I killed them, so I simply gave him a chance and let him go away in a legitimate way The calf got it!

As for Cai Chengwan, if he stayed to avenge his nephew, he had to be prepared to die, and if he followed him, he wouldn't be half-hearted again.

However, Shang Zhen considered this possibility unlikely.

When Shang Zhen found out that he had killed one of his own people by mistake, his mind was also lost.

It's just that the long-term habit of thinking forced him to calm down again, and now that he has entered the latent state, he simply doesn't think about anything. He sits against a wall with a bag made of cotton trouser legs beside him. It contained the few grenades that Wang Xiaodan got back from risking his life.

The grenades were also padded with cotton wool, because Shang Zhen was afraid that the Japanese army would notice if the grenade in the bag collided and made a sound.

In the dark night, Shang Zhen leaned like that, closed his eyes, no one knew whether he was asleep or not, just like a child who has lost his parents while wandering outside.

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