The War of Resistance

Chapter 922: Waiting for a wolf

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At one o'clock in the afternoon, Shang Zhen led the soldiers to ambush. At this time, he was somewhat regretful. Unfortunately, when he only brought four people including the guide to observe the terrain, a Japanese army came over.

There were not many Japanese troops that day, about twenty people came here in a carriage.

If Shang Zhenxian let the soldiers rush over without any accidents, he should be able to put all these Japanese soldiers in one pot.

But Shang Zhen thought about it and let the Japanese army go.

"Actually, you should have called us here." Lao Qiuzi, who was lying on the side of the high ground with Shang Zhen at this time, said to Shang Zhen.

"Twenty people are a bit small, I'm afraid that someone will say that I'm hanging around outside, and I'll just fool the higher-ups by beating a few devils who are alone. By the way, there's another word called—you don't strike, right? ?” Shang Zhen said leisurely.

Old Qiuzi couldn't help but be speechless.

Just because the so-called ghosts who wandered outside and beat up a few singles swam and didn't fight, those were the words his old ball used to ridicule Shang Zhen.

"He's a big man with a small belly, if he can kill twenty devils in one hit, then we'll be better at hitting two more times." Old Qiuzi retorted Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen smiled and glanced at Lao Qiuzi, and Lao Qiuzi felt a fever on his face.

"Catch the big Yiba donkey in the dead end." At this time, Lu Yifei, who was also lying with Shang Zhen and the others, suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Old Qiuzi turned over and leaned behind the ridgeline, touching the cigarette while asking.

"Catch a big Yiba donkey in a dead end—block both ends, hehe." Lu Yifei laughed.

"Fuck!" Old Qiuzi's face finally turned red.

He was the one who told Shang Zhen not to kill the Shan devils, and he was the one who let Shang Zhen knock down the Shan devils before. Isn't it justified to block both ends?

"Lu Yifei, what are you talking about playing and throwing?" Ma Erpao interrupted when he heard the fun coming.

"Just throw whatever you want? This is called allegory, understand?" Lu Yifei was showing off.

"I don't know it's called Xiehouyu yet. What I mean is what you call it Xiehouyu. It doesn't sound interesting at all. I have better ones." Ma Erpao said.

"What better do you have?" Lu Yifei really didn't believe it.

At this time, Ma Erpao glanced at Lao Qiuzi who was lighting a cigarette and said, "I don't want Lao Qiuzi to fart—block both ends!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled around with his gun in his arms and avoided it.

According to Shang Zhen's arrangement, there were more than twenty people on their side.

But if more than 20 people are hiding behind the ridge, how far can they line up? So Ma Erpao's phrase "I don't want the ball to fart—block both ends" was heard by everyone.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but when they recalled Ma Erpao's words, both recruits and veterans burst out laughing.

"Ma Erpao, you bastard!" The old Qiuzi who had also thought about it opened his mouth and cursed.

It's just that he can only scold, now they are waiting to ambush the passing Japanese army, he can't chase Ma Erpao in the ambush position.

And just when the old Qiuzi wanted to scold Ma Erpao again to get him back, Shang Zhen had already shouted in a deep voice: "Stop making trouble, there is news!"

The laughing expressions disappeared in an instant, and everyone's expressions became solemn, but they didn't see the Japanese army when they looked into the distance from the ridgeline of the high ground.

They wanted to fight an ambush by the Japanese army, and they didn't have any information about the Japanese army, so they could only wait on the road to Ly city.

But it is not right to say that it is completely on the sidelines.

Since the Japanese army is attacking the city of Ly, and according to the judgment of the veterans of Hao Xiazi Company, their commander Pang is also determined to fight the Japanese army to the end, and the Japanese army is likely to increase its troops.

And now they are ambushing on the only way for the Japanese army to reinforce Ly City. It will be a matter of time before the Japanese army passes here, it's just a matter of how many people there are.

Now Shang Zhen said that there is news ahead, that is, they have set up an observation post behind the high ground at the end of the road.

Just know where the Japanese devils are coming from? One must always know how many Japanese devils are coming!

The observation posts had red cloth shirts taken from the common people and used them as signal flags.

When everyone looked at the position of the observation post, the flag had already been lowered, and two people were slipping down the hillside under the cover of the high ground, and they were running towards them quickly.

Those two people ran so fast that they were even panicked, one of them slipped and fell when he ran over, but after getting up, he still ran towards Shang Zhen and the others without hesitation.

"Come, come, too, too many, two or three hundred people!" When the first observation post ran over, he reported to Shang Zhen. .

The veterans who can be sent by Shang Zhen to serve as observation posts are naturally veterans, but even the veterans are nervous now, and the report from the observation post made everyone really gasp.

The Japanese army has two to three hundred people, so there should be a squadron, how many are they? There are eighty people at full strength, will the eighty people want to ambush two or three hundred people? Moreover, the fight was still so close to the Japanese army. Now it is not a question of how many Japanese troops they can destroy, but how many of them can survive after they complete the first wave of attacks on the Japanese army!

All eyes turned to Shang Zhen again.

At this moment, Shang Zhen grinned.

Yes, Shang Zhen actually grinned, as if he was very satisfied with the strength of the Japanese army, as if he was 120% sure that he could wipe out the Japanese army!

"Don't be stupid, follow the battle plan and water it!" Shang Zhen ordered loudly.

It stands to reason that in the army, especially now that the enemy is in front of him, of course orders and prohibitions should be ordered, but Shang Zhen's order received a big "ah?" amazing!

"Afraid of being a dick? Don't you think it's not fun to beat up a small group of Japanese soldiers? If you want to punish us this time, let's take the big ones!

If Ly City can break through the siege, it's awesome enough for us to brag about for a lifetime!

action! Be quick! Those who are afraid of the enemy but do not move forward, engage in military law!

If you don't move anymore, will you be worthy of Company Commander Hao who died for the country? Are we worthy of so many dead brothers? "Shang Zhen said angrily.

Originally, in the eyes of the soldiers they wanted to laugh when they saw Shang Zhen, just because of the rustic humor that the Northeast native brought in his bones.

Later, everyone knew that Shang Zhen was a veteran, a veteran who had been fighting the Japanese army since September 18th, with excellent marksmanship and rich combat experience.

Hao Xiazi followed Shang Zhen's suggestion and saved most of their company to avoid the fate of being directly used as cannon fodder.

But the problem is, they didn't catch a rabbit, but they caught a wolf. They said they weren't afraid, that's a lie.

But now, as soon as Shang Zhen said this, everyone saw that Shang Zhen's eyes had become extraordinarily sharp, and his whole temperament and expression changed!

Soldiers are no longer enough to describe Shang Zhen's current image, killing God? God of Gamblers? Or both!

"Damn it, just treat us as death squads!" At this point, the old ball finally expressed his opinion.

"Yes! Fuck it!" For a moment, the soldiers were finally encouraged.

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