The War of Resistance

Chapter 919: new news

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"Second Uncle, what's the matter with the smoke there? At first I thought the Japanese had entered the village, so they hurried over here." A young man in the village was asking a middle-aged man.

"That's the national army lighting a fire to dry clothes." The middle-aged man replied.

"The national army roasts clothes?" The young man was taken aback.

"They were watered by the rain." The middle-aged man replied again.

"Didn't it rain the day before yesterday?" The young man asked in surprise.

"It was raining the day before yesterday, so the cotton-padded clothes can still be dry in this weather?" the middle-aged man asked back.

"Then why don't you let them come to the village to enjoy the fire?" The young man asked the question as if breaking the casserole.

"Why do you have so many questions, kid? Your second grandfather won't let me!" The middle-aged man was already a little annoyed by his eldest nephew.

His nephew's nickname is Mu Gen, and he went to work as an apprentice in a shop in Ly City a few years ago, but he appeared in their village today.

You know, their village called Xujiagou is sixty or seventy miles away from the city of Ly.

"Second Grandpa won't let them enter the village?" The young man felt even more strange.

The national army is the soldiers, and the common people say that the soldiers are not allowed to enter the village, so the soldiers will honestly not enter the village? It is the current army, fresh! At least it was the first time Mu Gen had heard of such a thing.

As for his second grandfather, he is the person in charge of their Xujiagou Village. If you change it to the south, it is the patriarch. Just because at least all the men in Xujiagou Village have the surname Xu, that is their Xu family. place to live.

"Ah, they didn't come in if your second grandfather didn't let them in." His second uncle replied.

Mu Gen's second uncle also found it strange, and he also thought that the soldiers were so easy to talk to.

"Second Grandpa is confused, Second Uncle, let me go and have a look!" Na Mu Gen said casually.

"Oh, what are you looking at, how do you deal with soldiers?" His second uncle said dissatisfied.

"Our national army and the Japanese army are fighting in Ly City, and we don't know who is our partner!

If the second grandpa doesn't let him in, he won't come in. At least it means that he is a good soldier in the country. Otherwise, if he rushes into the village with a gun in his hand, what can we ordinary people do to stop him? " Na Mugen retorted.

Mu Gen's second uncle is usually an honest person. Compared with Mu Gen, who has lived in the city for three or four years, his knowledge is naturally not worth mentioning.

So that Mugen ignored his second uncle, and really went to the place where the green smoke rose alone.

"Hey, Mu Gen, you just came back and haven't entered the house yet!" His second uncle yelled hurriedly.

"I'll be back in a while." That Mugen replied without answering.

"Hey, why is this kid so disobedient!" His ignorant second uncle could only stamp his feet, but the wooden root didn't care about him and went straight to the place where several green smoke rose outside the village.

At this time, in the open space outside the village, quite a few fires were really lit.

In the gaps between the fires, the rifles were stacked together, but beside each fire, there were soldiers of different heights, fat and thin, really drying clothes.

I won’t talk about the smell of the already wet clothes from the torch, anyway, it’s impossible to smell the sweat of noble ladies on the clothes of soldiers and fighters.

It's just funny that those soldiers were either naked from the upper body, or some of the lower bodies were only wearing big pants, and few of them wore underwear!

Although it rained the day before yesterday, the rain proved that the temperature was at least above zero degrees Celsius, but the weather was still cold that day.

Although it is said that the wet cotton coat is to be dried, no one will take off all his clothes, so he must always put on one, so it has become the current situation.

But if you want to say that the lower body is not wearing at all, it is not that there are none.

The military supply of the Chinese army is the same thing nowadays, not to mention that they are just a motley army.

At this moment, the soldiers had temporarily forgotten the displeasure that their newly elected leader of the Northeasterners refused to let them into the village, but they were joking about those guys who didn't even wear big pants.

"It's roasted, it's roasted! I'm hungry, let's roast a bird!" A soldier laughed.

"Pull it down, don't say you roasted the bird, if you can roast it until it becomes bald, I will obey you!" Some companions were also laughing.

"What's there to eat with that bastard, it's so embarrassing!" Another soldier laughed.

"Little Er, tell your second uncle quickly, what is your bird for?" An older soldier was also teasing a smiling soldier with naked lower body.

"Report sir, sowing!" The soldier replied loudly.

With a sound of "coax", the crowd burst into laughter at that time.

And the soldier laughed too, he didn't take the banter of his companions seriously at all.

His psychological quality is good. According to what he said just now, everyone is a **** gentleman. Let them see what they can do, and he will not suffer.

He really couldn't believe it, those guys didn't bake their own underpants in the end!

What's the matter, they're all men, they just have bare buttocks, which one in the bathhouse isn't naked?

The soldiers were still brazing and chattering, while Shang Zhen, the northeastern guy they had chosen as their leader, was outside wearing a cotton-padded coat and holding a gun as a sentry.

Settling the wounded is a cumbersome task. It takes time to find a suitable village and do ideological work for the wounded. It has been a day since Shang Zhen finished this matter.

Originally, Shang Zhen also hoped to take the soldiers to find a suitable place to warm up and have a rest for a while, but these veterans of the Hao Xiazi Company were really disappointing.

They just ate sweet potatoes and green onions in that village, and after they were full, some soldiers scolded the villagers and beat them.

Although Shang Zhen was temporarily elected as the leader by the veteran, he also knew that he and many veterans had not been in the same boat. If he punished him too severely, he could be dismissed directly based on the virtue of those veterans!

And to say that this fellow from Shandong is really good to the anti-Japanese team like them, at least Shang Zhen has been the most enthusiastic fellow in the anti-Japanese team he has met since September 18th.

Under the balance of the two, Shang Zhen had no choice but to prevent the team from entering the village.

Since everyone needs to use fire to dry their clothes, there will be smoke. Although he thinks that this place is far away from the main traffic line, who can guarantee that the Japanese army will not see the blue smoke rising into the sky.

He is now wearing ordinary people's It was already not raining when he put them on, so the guards are just him, Lu Yifei, Li Qingfeng and the old man wearing dry cotton clothes up.

Shang Zhen ignored the laughter of those soldiers and turned his back to them. He was on guard, so naturally he would not look at his own people, but what he was thinking about was where his brothers were now.

Wouldn't it be impossible for me to meet again after I separated from them this time? Forget it, what's the use of thinking so much? Not to mention whether I could meet them, I don't know if I can be with that girl Xiaozhi again.

Shang Zhen just thought about it for a while and then put the question aside. The most important thing in this era is that people live. Maybe they will die when they beat devils. There is no practical significance in thinking about the future!

Just when Shang Zhen habitually comforted himself, he suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Sir, Northeast guy, come back quickly, we have new information!"

Shang Zhen turned his head and saw a shirtless veteran running towards him with a young man.

At least now he doesn't know that the young man's name is Mu Gen, and he came from Ly city.

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