The War of Resistance

Chapter 917: how to rescue

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"Calling him a fool is not wronging him at all!" Lu Yifei, who was lying on the top of the damp hill, said angrily, but there was a certain kind of schadenfreude in his tone.

"Lu Yichun, are you sure that those running ahead are the idiots Ma and the others?" Ma Erpao also pulled his neck and shouted at this moment.

"It's not bad, let's just run in those two steps. With your **** on your buttocks, ten people can watch it for half a month! Those who are chasing them are all devils!" That Lu Yichun replied.

Lu Yichun is also a veteran, and the only reason he was able to "appear" at this time was because he was looking into the distance with a telescope in his hand.

Others can only see a group of people desperately running to the northwest on the road leading to the village without binoculars. Because of Shang Zhen, they can see clearly now that they are lying on the mound. At the end of the road is the "ya"-shaped intersection where they parted ways with Ma Chuncai and the others.

And just behind that group, there are more groups chasing after them, but the group chasing now is really far away from Shang Zhen and the others, and they still can't see what color military uniform the other party is wearing.

Of course, people with brains can think and speculate, and everyone guessed that it was Ma Chuncai and his gang that bumped into the Japanese army, and they were driven back.

And now it has been confirmed by Lu Yichun who used a telescope.

The binoculars Lu Yichun used were originally Hao Xiazi's.

"Can we save the horses and the idiots?" At this time another veteran asked that Lu Yichun.

"What's the use of asking me, don't we have an officer now?" Lu Yichun put it down and looked ahead with the binoculars, but threw the subject back.

"Why do we have an officer? Fuck!" Upon hearing Lu Yichun say this, before Shang Zhen could say anything, Ma Erpao was not happy, "Now you remember that there is an officer, and the binoculars are for the officer. You just look at it and don't command you, aren't you occupying the latrine and not shitting?"

Ma Erpao's robbing is absolutely reasonable. Lu Yichun, who was still holding the binoculars to "see the scenery", couldn't help but feel his old face blushing. He put down the binoculars and said awkwardly: "I want the binoculars to come and get them. And let Lao Tzu send it to you?"

"Fuck!" Ma Erpao cursed angrily, and he wanted to go over, but at this time Shang Zhen, who had been observing the situation ahead, said: "I don't want to play around like that, what good is being an official?"

Shang Zhen's words were not loud, but now he is the focus of attention of the audience, so most people still heard what he said clearly.

Yes, what's so good about being an official? It usually looks awesome, but when it comes to war, the probability of an officer like a company commander being killed will never be lower than that of ordinary soldiers.

From this, everyone thought of Hao Xiazi who had just been buried in the soil this morning.

How did blind man Hao die? Isn't that because he was in the focus position on the scene, holding a box cannon in his hand and dancing there, which is the same as hanging a telescope around his neck!

When Shang Zhen said this, that Lu Yichun couldn't stand it anymore. Thinking about it, he was not an official, why would he need a telescope?

Don't you come here to make a show? Come on, let me send it to you!

He took advantage of the cover of the mound and ran towards Shang Zhen with his waist bent.

It was just slippery after the rain, not to mention they were on a **** now, so he slipped and sat on the ground without running a few steps.

Seeing Lu Yichun's appearance, the veterans all snickered.

However, the recruit didn't laugh, and neither did Shang Zhen.

The recruits didn't laugh because they couldn't offend the veterans, and Shang Zhen didn't laugh because Shang Zhen didn't care about such details, his attention was all on the front.

The gunshots were still ringing chaotically. At this time, the Chinese soldiers running back were a little closer to Shang Zhen and the others, but they were still far away even though they were a little closer.

Now it means that Shang Zhen and the others and Ma Chuncai and the others in front of him are on the two forks in the shape of a "ya". According to Shang Zhen's estimation, the closest distance between Ma Chuncai and the others is about 400 meters. Then as Ma Chuncai and the others headed north on the road, it would be farther and farther away from them.

My side is now blocking the Japanese army, but this distance can't kill a few devils, but if my group returns to join Ma Chuncai and the others, who knows if the devils will come from the north again, it is already daylight.

So what will happen when the gang shoots? Under the cover of his group, Ma Chuncai's group would either continue to run northward, or they would run directly down the main road to join their group.

If Ma Chuncai and the others ran north, it would be fine, and I would be of help. In the future, they would naturally take their Yangguan Road and walk their own single-plank bridge, but if Ma Chuncai and the others directly cut in from the main road to meet him, can they come over

In the middle of the two roads is a paddy field with rice stubble, and the paddy fields are all in low-lying places.

No need to think about how soft the inside of the rain-soaked paddy field is. If people go in, they will be trapped, right? Don't they all say that the main product in Shandong is wheat and green onions? What kind of rice do you grow here?

If you say that the human brain is like a machine, the more you use it, the better it will become. The soldiers didn't know that Shang Zhen had already thought about so many things in a short time.

But at this time, those recruits and veterans couldn't bear it anymore.

It's just because, as Ma Chuncai and the others approached, the soldiers saw that Ma Chuncai's group had lost five or six people. Why are they missing? From a distance, they saw another veteran fell down amidst the chaotic gunfire.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just slipped and fell, you got up!" At this time, the veteran on Shang Zhen's side began to mutter.

"That's right, the road slipped and fell, so get up!" Then other veterans muttered along.

Just now the veterans found out that Ma Chuncai and the others bumped into the Japanese army, so they were somewhat gloating, but now they saw their comrades who had been together falling under the gunshots of the Japanese army one by one.

"Ma Erpao, didn't you say that the Northeast guy is good at marksmanship? You told him to shoot! If he doesn't shoot, I will shoot!" At this moment, some veterans finally shouted.

In fact, he also understood that no matter how good the marksmanship was, there was nothing he could do against the Japanese army now.

Now Ma Chuncai and the others have almost reached the nearest position to them, which is a distance of more than 400 meters.

As for the Japanese army behind, the Japanese army behind and Ma Chuncai are still more than 300 meters away. It is said that they can hit the enemy with a rifle at 700 to 800 meters.

It’s not just a question of one’s shooting As for the current Chinese rifles, can they fire bullets of seven or eight hundred meters and still have lethality? Is it the so-called best Chinese that dare to say that the bullet will not be deflected when it hits 700 or 800 meters?

"Do you think you are a heavy machine gun? Who can shoot accurately at such a distance?" Ma Erpao shouted when he was unhappy. He was also anxious, but what's the use of being anxious?

But having said that, Ma Erpao also looked at Shang Zhen.

Of course he knew that Shang Zhen's marksmanship was excellent, if Shang Zhen couldn't knock down a few Japanese soldiers to deter the enemy, then others would be hopeless.

But when he looked at Shang Zhen, he saw that Shang Zhen didn't look at Ma Chuncai and the others who were running northward, but looked further north.

Why do you still slip away at this critical time? Ma Erpao complained to Shang Zhen and turned his eyes to the north.

It's just that when he saw it, he quickly stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes. He saw that people came out of the mound at the "ya"-shaped intersection in the north.

"Binoculars, use the binoculars to see, is it a devil coming over there?" Shang Zhen suddenly shouted.

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