The War of Resistance

Chapter 899: A storm caused by a pig (2)

When the company commander asked, everyone looked at the big soldier who was over 1.80 meters tall.

Not only was the soldier tall and straight with a straight waist, but his military posture standing at attention was also exceptionally standard.

Although the company commander asked in his mouth, he secretly applauded for this big man in his heart, thinking, just this head can destroy two little devils!

One person can destroy two little devils, which means that one person can be taller than two Japanese devils. Of course, this is just an exaggerated statement to praise oneself and derogate the enemy. Who told Japanese devils to be short?

"Report sir, I went out to **** in the middle of the night!" The soldier puffed his chest out, and the answer was exceptionally loud, but the content of the answer, maybe it means that people in the Northeast can suffocate the stench of going out to **** in the middle of the night. God's words were answered so confidently.

The originally serious atmosphere at the scene was a little more relaxed because of the content of the soldier's answer.

The company commander more or less felt that his officer's majesty was offended, he frowned and cursed: "Damn it, didn't you just go out and shit? Why are you answering so impassionedly when you shit? Okay. It's like going to war!"

The big man's answer was a bit stinky, and the company's long speech was also somewhat humorous, and the soldiers behind him laughed.

It stands to reason that this company commander is really just a joke, but unfortunately he doesn't know that there are really tigers in this group of Northeast Army, the kind of tigers who really don't know how to make trouble!

"Don't you take a shit?" At this time, another soldier in the Northeast Army who was a bit shorter and stronger than the big man said suddenly.

Otherwise, sometimes talking is very important, and the words of this tiger man are really stinky, and the company commander's face changed color at that time.

"Damn it, Hu Zhuzi, you are a bully!" Before the company commander could speak, the old hat Wang had already cursed loudly, and he jumped out of the queue and ran to the tiger man.

"You hit me again? I'll kill you old clapper!" The tiger man also jumped up.

Don't look at others, but the reaction is not slow, he reached out in time and grabbed Old Mao Wang and slapped his big mouth.

"Damn, how dare you fight back? Forgot last time?" the old hat Wang yelled.

But when Old Mao Wang yelled, the team of thirty or so people who were standing neatly was thrown into disarray, and those Northeast soldiers immediately surrounded them.

"How do you look like a soldier?" At this time, soldiers from the Northwest Army shouted loudly.

It's just that at this time, these individuals from the Northeast Army are besieging the tiger man, who would care about a soldier talking.

Some soldiers of the Northwest Army were called "company commanders", but at this time the company commander calmed down instead.

It stands to reason that these soldiers of the Northeast Army were not his subordinates in the first place, but now, hehe, he was happy to watch the excitement.

To say that the tiger man who talked back to him just now was really strong, he really stunned the two soldiers.

But the problem is that a good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves, in a crowd of "Oh, you two tigers, you're killing me again." Amidst the chaotic shouting, the tiger man was finally cut to the ground by those Northeast soldiers!

It rained last night, and the yard was muddy. When the soldiers of the Northeast Army stopped fighting, they saw that the tiger man was covered in mud, even his face. It was pressed into the mud by the soldiers.

This can't be helped, who told the tiger man to be strong?

He is so strong that it is difficult to press it, and the strength used to press his soldiers is also too strong. If he didn't smash his face in the mud, he would still be doing it!

In the end, the tiger man was also picked up from the ground, and two soldiers grabbed his arms and carried him backwards, which can be regarded as arresting the troublemaker.

The reason why it was able to catch it was that the company commander of the Northwest Army heard it, and it was because a soldier said to the tiger man: "If you are so stupid, if you are so stupid, everyone will beat you together!"

It seemed that the tiger man hadn't gone to the end, he still knew that if he couldn't control his mouth, he would be beaten.

"Have you made enough trouble? Look at you, you are also veterans. I heard that you are quite capable of fighting, but look at your morals now! Do you have any military discipline?" The company commander saw a crowd of Northeast soldiers After the soldiers stood up, they teased.

Seeing that this group of soldiers from the Northeast Army did not look like a soldier, the company commander naturally wanted to make a few words.

It's a pity that he still underestimated the tiger man after all.

As soon as he said this, the tiger man whose face was made into a muddy face opened his mouth to speak again: "I—"

Fortunately, the money stringer next to him with a small nose, small eyes and small mouth had the foresight, and when he saw him open his mouth, he stretched out his hand and covered it.

"Tie him up and gag him!" Elder Wang cursed angrily.

This tiger man is a real tiger, and all the soldiers didn't attack him, but when some soldiers really moved, the tiger man said: "Don't stuff your stinky socks, I won't make a sound anymore, okay? Who the **** is the grandson!"

It seems that although the tiger is a tiger, he still values ​​his oath very much. The other soldiers of the Northeast Army obviously understand his temper and temperament, so they didn't tie him up.

"Okay! No one sees you people from the Northeast here. What's the name in Northeast dialect? Oh, it's called 'playing Gou Tuo Zi', yes, playing Gou Tuo Zi, no one sees you playing Gou Tuo Zi here, let's get down to business Let's go!" At this point, the company commander also lost interest in watching the people in the Northeast Army gossip and came to the Although there are differences in the Northeast dialect and the Northwest dialect, due to the geographical proximity, we know something about each other Dialect is also normal.

Playing Gou Tuo Zi in Northeast dialect means playing tricks.

Seeing that the company commander was going to talk about something serious, all the soldiers of the Northeast Army quickly stood up and slipped away, pretending to be listening attentively.

This time without the tiger man making trouble, the company commander can finally ask a good question: "You said you **** and your shoes got wet like this? It didn't rain too much last night." Then the company commander asked the original question again. The big guy who asked.

Of course, the company commander had a reason for asking this question, just because the shoes worn by this big man looked soaked.

Even if he defecated in the wind and rain, he would hurry up and run into the house after being drenched by the rain. How could those shoes be so wet?

"Report sir, I have diarrhea. I ran out three or four times a night. Everyone has had diarrhea, and they all know that it's—right, you can't lift your pants if you want to." The big soldier shouted impassionedly again Erliang replied.

What is the art of being funny? Those who make people laugh with their hardened gap (ga) are called funny, but that can't be called art. The real art is when one person tells a joke that makes everyone laugh, but he Don't laugh at yourself!

And the big man in front of him is just like that, with his head straight, his chest up, his voice loud and clear, he looks like a soldier rushing to the battlefield, but the content of what he said——

Although what he has said is very subtle, but who has never had diarrhea, what he said, "It's not something you can lift your pants if you want to", isn't that the kind of feeling that you can only continue when you talk about diarrhea? Do you feel like squatting?

For a moment, the company commander who asked the question couldn't help but laugh.

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