The War of Resistance

Chapter 896: Wang Xiaodan has a dream

"Shang Zhen, who do you think Wang Xiaodan cares most about?" Qingfeng Li once asked Shang Zhen in this way one day later.

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to glance at Wang Xiaodan who was sitting next to him.

What he said didn't mean to avoid Wang Xiaodan at all, but Wang Xiaodan ignored him. Wang Xiaodan had long been used to Li Qingfeng's babbling.

When Li Qingfeng asked this, Shang Zhen was sitting on a rock and cleaning his gun. He didn't know why the little Taoist came here to ask, so he raised his head to look in surprise, so his eyes became extraordinarily black and bright.

"I mean that time, Wang Xiaodan was frightened at first, but then he stabbed the little devil with a knife like chicken blood, I mean what trick did you use?

Are you assuming that the person Wang Xiaodan cared about the most was killed by the Japanese devils? His mother? "Li Qingfeng also felt that his question was a bit abrupt, and Shang Zhen hurriedly explained before he understood.

Li Qingfeng also knew about Wang Xiaodan. Wang Xiaodan lived without a father and his mother since he was a child.

His mother's health is also not good, so they are orphans and widows, and the orphans and widows will inevitably be bullied by others, so that's why Wang Xiao is timid.

But later, Shang Zhen used the method, how should I put it, called "role swapping", which successfully aroused the hatred of Wang Xiaodan and those recruits towards the Japanese army, which made everyone emboldened. After those recruits used bayonets and rifle butts to the corpses of the Japanese soldiers and tied them with cable ties, the countless corpses of the Japanese soldiers were all turned into minced meat!

Li Qingfeng is very smart, so he naturally figured out the beauty of Shang Zhen's method. If it were replaced by a polite word, it would be called "hate from love"!

Because the person one loved the most was killed by the Japanese devils, then the revenge psychology generated by people's hatred can completely overcome fear.

Li Qingfeng asked Shang Zhen this question because he had nothing to do, so he wondered who the real person who was supposed to be killed could make Wang Xiaodan so angry.

"I don't know, you ask him." Shang Zhen was not impressed by Li Qingfeng's good (hào) letters, even though he was a guy who never said anything but had very good ears.

However, in fact, when he dragged Wang Xiaodan to the scene where he was massacred by the Japanese army, he really didn't say much.

He also just said to Wang Xiaodan, keep an eye on these dead people, think about it, if one of these dead people is your most beloved person, then do you want to avenge your most beloved person?

Conscience of heaven and earth, Shang Zhen really didn't use Wang Xiaodan's mother-in-law as an example, and later he used this method with all the recruits because he was forced by Hao Xiazi to say that.

With the emotional intelligence of a normal person, who would point to someone's nose and say, suppose your father was killed by the Japanese devils, suppose your mother was killed by the Japanese devils, and suppose your daughter-in-law was killed by the Japanese devils.

Who the **** dares to say that, it's definitely looking for a cut!

At that time Shang Zhen saw Wang Xiaodan standing there with his eyes closed, and after a while he saw Wang Xiaodan's chest heaving, and when he opened his eyes again, those eyes were red and red, as if eating a dead child that's it!

Then Wang Xiaodan really went back and stabbed that half-dead devil who was not far from death!

Shang Zhen really didn't know Wang Xiaodan's mental journey at that time, how could he know what kind of daydream or meditation Wang Xiaodan had done, and the replacement of his psychological roles would be so successful!

Then, to untie the bell, the person who tied the bell was needed. At that time, who was Wang Xiaodan thinking about? You can only ask Wang Xiaodan himself.

"Hey, Xiaodan, who were you thinking about at that time? Your mother?" When Li Qingfeng dared to ask Wang Xiaodan like this, everyone had been together for a long time, and he no longer had any taboos.

Wang Xiaodan was originally timid, but when Li Qingfeng asked this question, his courage was no longer ordinary.

This is often the case with people. If a person is timid all his life and is afraid of staggering into a horseshoe pit to die when he walks, he will be useless all his life until he dies.

But it is also possible that a person who is always timid will suddenly become bolder after being stimulated by something during the journey of life, and it is definitely not ordinary.

Of course, there are also people who used to be very courageous and dared to sleep in the tomb circle at night, but then became smaller for some reason.

Of course, there are other examples like this, for example, there are people who are flirtatious when they are young, but when they are old, they turn their hearts away and become extremely orthodox. When the flowers are blooming, this is called not being guaranteed at the end of the festival.

And the above is just to illustrate a truth, this truth is - extremes must be reversed!

well, let's get back to business.

Li Qingfeng knew Wang Xiaodan, so why didn't Wang Xiaodan know Li Qingfeng?

He gave Qingfeng Li a blank look and didn't answer.

"Hey, I'm talking about Wang Xiaodan, I admit that you have become more courageous now, so why don't you dare to answer my question if you are so courageous?" Wang Xiaodan didn't want to say it, but Li Qingfeng didn't intend to let him go .

Wang Xiaodan couldn't offend Li Qingfeng, Li Qingfeng was much more skilled than him, and besides, Li Qingfeng had a thug that no one could afford to mess with - Big Boss.

So, Wang Xiaodan finally said: "I have a dream."

"What? What are you talking about?" Li Qingfeng didn't understand, he really didn't understand what Wang Xiaodan meant when he replied that he didn't answer the question.

But at this time, Wang Xiaodan turned around and walked away, but finally sat down on a big rock more than ten meters away from them, and then closed his eyes and meditated while holding the rifle.

"I don't think this kid seems to be thinking about his mother." Li Qingfeng looked at Wang Xiaodan's expression and guessed.

"Why?" Big Old Stupid asked casually.

"He said he had a dream, and he hadn't heard him talk about his mother before, so what could he dream of about his mother?" Qingfeng Li then analyzed Then who did he miss? "The old stupid asked again.

"You can't help me think, you just know how to ask!" Li Qingfeng said angrily.

"Hey, I'm stupid." The old stupid would not be angry with Li Qingfeng.

Li Qingfeng could only talk to himself if he didn't want to take advantage of the old stupid: "I think the person he loves the most should be his favorite woman."

"Isn't his mother a woman?" the old man wondered.

"You—" Li Qingfeng was confused by the big fool, "I mean he should be thinking about his own wife."

"He has no wife, he is poor and no one will follow him." The old man said bluntly.

"Oh, how come I can't explain it to you, a big idiot?" Li Qingfeng said angrily, chatting with someone like a big old idiot, ordinary people really can't get along with each other!

Seeing Li Qingfeng, who is used to being smart and shy, Shang Zhen, who was still wiping his guns, couldn't help laughing, and finally said: "Your analysis is reliable, he has a dream, and if he thinks about a wife, isn't it just a dream to marry a wife?" Does it make sense? Makes sense!"

Li Qingfeng couldn't help but laugh at Shang Zhen's words, and at this moment, he looked at Wang Xiaodan who was sitting on a rock not far away, his eyes were still closed, but the corners of his mouth were already grinning. Like a dream.

It's just that no one is the roundworm in Wang Xiaodan's stomach, and who knows who the person Wang Xiaodan cares about is in the end?

Maybe it's his mother, maybe it's a single thought formed by his affair, maybe it's not a woman at all, but an old man who gave him food when he was starving...

If in the future battles, Wang Xiaodan survives, maybe he can realize his dream. If he dies, then everything will be wiped out. In the vast world, all living beings and their bodies will be annihilated, not to mention the illusory dream. ?

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