The War of Resistance

Chapter 893: assassinate

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According to the dividing habits of Chinese people in later generations, wars are divided into just wars and unjust wars.

No matter what kind of war it is, it is based on the mutual killing of human beings. In the spirit of humanitarianism, according to the "Geneva Convention", it is not allowed to kill prisoners and medical soldiers.

However, this kind of agreement is only reflected in the censure of public opinion after all, and it is just a gentleman's agreement.

That is, the premise is that the winning party is a gentleman, if the winning party is a villain, then who will care about your **** contract without any force.

With the current war going on, the killing of prisoners of war and civilians really abounds.

The heinous crimes committed by the Japanese army in Nanjing have not yet been spread, and the number of Chinese soldiers who were killed by the Japanese army who put down their arms will not be mentioned.

Later, the German army killed a female guerrilla named "Zoya" in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union.

But if it's just killing, that's fine. The German devils also insulted Zoya's body in various ways, and finally took pictures of it for publicity.

In the end, when the Soviets got over their strength, there was Stalin's order not to allow the German army that killed Zoya to surrender.

As for Tangtang China, let's just give the simplest example, which is a war called the Vietnam War.

When the other party's old and young urchins have become enemies, then do you say that as a soldier, you should kill or not? Don't mention any conventions at that time!

At this time, Shang Zhen was neither well-read nor foresighted.

What happened to killing Japanese prisoners? It's not like they didn't kill when they were fighting behind the enemy, not to mention that the Japanese army still holds a rifle with a bayonet in their hands.

Hypothesis, here is the hypothetical.

Assuming that the three Japanese soldiers did not have the so-called samurai spirit at this time, assuming they want to lay down their weapons and surrender now, assuming that Shang Zhen knows that the "Geneva Convention" does not allow killing unarmed enemy soldiers who surrender, then With his ghostly mind, he would probably put the gun into the hands of the surrendered Japanese army, and then kill him!

Shang Zhen is not a soft-hearted person. As for the Chinese army giving preferential treatment to prisoners, quickly pull them down! At least for now, Shang Zhen has not received such an education!

It's just that Shang Zhen can kill prisoners, but it doesn't mean that he will deal with the Japanese soldiers in front of him like the officers he saw.

You also let people fight bayonets with their own people with bayonets in their hands. If you use the words of the Northeast people, you are an idiot!

If you want to train soldiers, you can do it when you are fighting. How can you directly fight the Japanese army with the lives of recruits? It is estimated that the officers of this unit are also bandits!

It's okay for Shang Zhen to complain in his heart, but it still can't change the reality that he is going to charge up again this time.

Even if the early rafters are rotten first, but now he can't do it if he wants to!

"I said Northeast guy, show these new recruits, you have picked the Japanese devils for me!" Sure enough, Hao Xiazi gave the order.

Shang Zhen's mind was full of thoughts, at this time he was naturally not the usual honest and dull look, his eyes rolled around, and finally fell on the rifle in his hand, and then he just stared at it without saying a word.

Now the Hanyang made in Shang Zhen's hand can be used, although it is a bit off the mark when shooting, presumably Hao Xiazi also knows the condition of his company's gun.

But now it doesn't matter whether the gun can hit accurately, now it's obvious that it's going to be hand-to-hand combat!

Perhaps Xia Xiazi had seen that Shang Zhen was a veteran in the name of a recruit, so he let Shang Zhen go up and pick the Japanese devils with a bayonet to strengthen the army.

But the problem is, the Hanyang made in Shang Zhen's hand does not have a bayonet!

Of course, the bayonet can be mounted on the gun, but when not fighting hand-to-hand combat, the bayonet is always carried with you, so there is the phrase "Brothers put on the bayonet!" when the hand-to-hand combat is about to start.

"Give him your gun!" Hao Xiazi casually ordered a soldier beside him.

The rifle in the soldier's hand was naturally equipped with a bayonet.

It's just that Shang Zhen just glanced at it, then pointed at another soldier and said, "I want his."

What is the difference between the two rifles? The rifle that Hao Xiazi specified was made in Hanyang, but what Shang Zhen wanted was a Type 38 rifle.

If you ask what is the difference between the two with the same bayonet? As long as you are not blind, you can see that the Hanyang-made rifle is about forty centimeters shorter than the Type 38 rifle!

An inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous.

Now it is a hand-to-hand battle with the Japanese army. If your rifle is 40 centimeters shorter than others, what does it mean?

Shang Zhen is not the legendary martial arts master, he doesn't know how to play with one inch short and one inch risk, what he needs is to stab the Japanese army to death steadily and smoothly!

"Not stupid!" Hao Xiazi snorted and waved his hand, and the soldier next to him threw the 38-type rifle he had just seized to Shang Zhen.

It's just that there are three Japanese soldiers, Hao Xiazi didn't expect Shang Zhen to be able to win against three.

"You, that big guy, you go too." Blind Hao pointed to the big old fool who was watching a play, "And you!" What he pointed to next was There are tens of thousands of people holding rifles by the side!

what is this? Is this a nomination? As long as I, the old stupid, and that guy who was at odds with me pick their opponents, will the blind Hao treat the three of us as his subordinates?

Shang Zhen complained in his heart, but at this moment he had already raised his gun and stepped forward.

And when there was no one else in front of him except the Japanese soldier who was also holding a 38-type rifle, Shang Zhen's heart had completely calmed down. In his eyes, except for this Japanese soldier who looked a head shorter than himself But there is no other opponent whose bayonet is still shining!

How can life and death be distracted?

Shang Zhen didn't believe that Big Boss couldn't deal with his opponent, otherwise, what happened to the Japanese soldiers who were killed by Big Boss and Li Qingfeng when they returned to Crouching Tiger Mountain.

As for the fact that whether he is alive or not, has something to do with him?

It was not once again for Yu Shangzhen to fight the Japanese army with bayonets.

Of course, Shang Zhen has his own experience, bayonet fighting is a matter of life and death in an instant, one stab, one block and one butt, let alone false moves, one false move is only one real move, and after three or four hits, it must be done. See life and death!

But this time, Shang Zhen chose Zhonggong Zhijin!

He shouted loudly, and stabbed the Japanese army opposite him with the rifle in his hand.

That's a typical lunge thrust.

Otherwise, the bayonet fighting was really just a few skills. The Japanese soldier saw the flashing light of the sword in front of him and Shang Zhen's gun had already approached, so he instinctively used his rifle to swipe the incoming sword light.

Although there is no clear statement in the Japanese infantry drills, in fact, what this Japanese soldier used was a typical pressure stab. After blocking the opponent's stabbing gun, he used the fastest speed to push forward the rifle in his hand. .

If the opponent pounces too hard and the rifle is knocked off, and the body is heavy and psychologically unbalanced, the counterattack shot will basically be stabbed at this time. From the perspective of a bystander, the most ideal state is as if one side directly pounces. It's on the tip of the knife.

However, how could Shang Zhen, who the Japanese soldier knew, not understand?

Shang Zhen stabbed with this spear, and the Japanese soldier swung hard, the two guns collided and there was a "Dang".

It's just that the Japanese soldier didn't expect that Shang Zhen's strength would be so great. His shot certainly knocked the incoming gun crookedly, but under the impact, his hands were numb and he couldn't make a shot at all!

The Japanese army was shocked. Seeing Shang Zhen withdrawing his gun and stabbing him again, he could only retreat subconsciously.

The situation is In order to save his life, he forgot that he and his companions were facing each other with their backs. Although there were only three of them left, and their backs could not reach each other, he bumped into them with such a retreat. Another companion's shoulder is always available!

The Japanese soldier staggered under the impact, and at this moment he felt that something was wrong.

He is a veteran and a master of stabbing, and he knows that if he doesn't fight back, it will really be over for him.

So he yelled "Yeah" in that flash, pointed a gun at Shang Zhen and stabbed desperately.

At this time, his rifle collided with Shang Zhen's, and the Japanese soldier felt that his rifle was thrown to the side under the collision, and because he stabbed too hard in a hurry, the center of gravity of his body was pushed forward. As soon as the rifle on the opposite side collided and pulled, he couldn't help but took another step forward, and then he saw a shiny knife point approaching with a cold light in front of him!

It's over, but the trick I wanted to use was used by others!

This was the last thought of the Japanese soldier before he died, and then the bayonet pierced him with a sound that sounded particularly transparent!

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