The War of Resistance

Chapter 885: Probe and Interrupt

"Hey, who the **** is this?" A veteran in the night cursed because someone bumped into him.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'll go over for a while." Someone hurriedly said.

"I said, you Northeast guy squeezed a dick? Are you rushing to reincarnate?" The soldier who was touched scolded, but there was already a smile in his voice.

"Hey, aren't we brothers in need who never met each other?" The voice with a northeast accent replied.

"Who the **** is your brother in need? You took me with you after reincarnation?" The soldier who was touched heard something in the Northeast guy's words.

It's just that this time the Northeast guy didn't reply and just "hey" and walked forward.

At this time, another veteran muttered: "Why don't you go and reincarnate? When the rooster crows in the morning, your mother stretched her neck and looked down. Oh, mother of the goose, you gave birth to twins!". c0m

With a sound of "coax", the soldiers who were already in silence burst into laughter, followed by the scolded old soldier's retort and Hao Xiazi's scolding sound not far away, "The little devil is about to smash his gun!" We're on the plate, what's the fuss?"

Under Hao Xiazi's loud scolding, the soldiers fell silent, but it was only from the loud laughter just now to whispering.

Shang Zhen is still moving towards the position in his memory.

He is from the Northeast, and he is also the Northeast guy in the eyes of the southern soldiers. He usually doesn't talk much, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know the gossip of the Northeast people. The genes of the Northeast people are in his bones.

Just like what a certain veteran said before, people don’t care what he says, they think it’s ridiculous when he says it, but in fact, it’s exactly the same, as long as Shang Zhen opens his mouth, he brings out the taste of the Northeast, that’s not All he could hide.

Where did the three play and run away? When Shang Zhen returned to his original position, he saw that they were all dark people under the starry sky. He couldn't figure out where Li Qingfeng, Da Laodu, and Wang Xiaodan were. stayed.

He was about to speak when he heard someone else's speech, and the content of that speech moved his heart, because it was Cai Chengwan's voice.

"Where did the two of you learn how to shoot a gun?" He asked after hearing that.

"Henan, I fired dozens of shots at that time!" It was a big fool who answered him, and his tone was not so much proud as it was arrogant!

This big stupid, Shang Zhen immediately felt that something was wrong, but now he wanted to stop it, but how could he stop it?

"Which river is it?" Cai Chengwan asked again.

"The south of the Yellow River!" "Oh!"

This was the next answer that Cai Chengwan got.

Shang Zhen, who was temporarily a bystander, could imagine the urgency of the situation.

Cai Chengwan asked Da Laozhu where he learned how to shoot a gun, and Da honestly replied that it was in the south of the river, and that river was of course the Huaihe River.

At that time, Shang Zhen left the rifles and bullets to Li Qingfeng and the old man, while he himself carried out a one-step assault on the Japanese army.

The result is that although Shang Zhen shot out the bullets of his own box cannon, Li Qingfeng and the old stupid who just lure the enemy are addicted to guns. Only a few bullets remained.

Any skill is practice makes perfect.

As far as soldiers in the Chinese army are concerned, some recruits may only have fired a few shots before going to the battlefield, and some may have never fired a shot at all. Compared with them, Qingfeng Li, who has shot dozens of shots, is really good at shooting. what?

Also as a strong man, they only took their guns and defected, while Li Qingfeng and the old man showed that they could shoot.

At that time, only the two of them were free among the strong men. Shang Zhen knew the details of Cai Chengwan, but Cai Chengwan didn't notice them.

Because Cai Chengwan snatched the Japanese army's gun and boarded the Japanese motorboat, Shang Zhen guessed Cai Chengwan's identity, but Cai Chengwan also knew that a small boat had crossed the river before he ran away in the motorboat. Then it is not impossible for people to associate Shang Zhen and the three of them with their identities.

For this reason, Shang Zhen specifically told Li Qingfeng to be stupid and Wang Xiaodan, don't say that we also escaped from the south of the Huaihe River.

At least for now, they are under the same roof as Cai Chengwan and the others.

With someone as cruel and calculating as Cai Chengwan, who would dare to keep his back?

A real brother or partner would rather sacrifice himself to protect the safety behind you, but what is it worth? That's the one who can shoot black guns for his own benefit!

Shang Zhen's order to keep them on guard against Cai Chengwan was a bit strange, so Li Qingfeng asked Shang Zhen why, and then Shang Zhen explained the twists and turns that happened to Cai Chengwan and Cai Chengwan when they went to grab the boat that night. They talked a bit.

Li Qingfeng is very smart, Shang Zhen understood what was going on after he explained it this way, Wang Xiaodan also figured it out after asking, but the old stupid didn't expect to fight a war and there are so many twists and turns Around?

So when Shang Zhen heard Cai Chengwan ask the old stupid, he knew that Cai Chengwan was more or less suspicious of the origins of these people.

Shang Zhen couldn't figure it out, the more calculating people were, the more afraid they would be being calculated by others, so there were tens of thousands of people on the south bank of the Huaihe River. Although he killed the Japanese army and took the guns, he put hundreds of strong men to death. If you change to a person from the Northeast, it would be, is this frankly a human thing? How cold-blooded it must be!

If this story spreads in the 40th Army, even veterans like Hao Xiazi will never trust him again. No veteran will allow such a solid thing to play with (bad thing) around him!

Facts have proved that the more shameless a person is, the more he cares about his face, because he regards his face as a fig leaf, and if anyone tears off his fig leaf, he will show himself out of poverty!

Shang Zhen may not have such a clear understanding of human nature, but this does not prevent him from knowing the importance of hiding his identity with his own intuition, so he keeps his head and shoots.

But this time it was a good thing, when he was only Cheng Wan, he asked where the old man learned how to shoot a gun, and the big man said that it was from the south of the river. Doesn't this mean that the four of them also came from the south of the river?

Fortunately, Li Qingfeng reacted quickly, and directly replied to the south of the Yellow River.

The south of the Huaihe River is called Huainan, and the south of the Yellow River is called Henan. Fortunately, the old man was diverted by Li Qingfeng without telling which river it was, and that's why Cheng Wan came over to talk to the old man. Isn't it just a cliche? ?

"I said you guys don't have a good rest, why are you bluffing? You will go to the battlefield tomorrow, and if you don't rest well, you will have a cold tomorrow!" Shang Zhen spoke, and he couldn't let this conversation continue.

"This brother doesn't know your name Let's chat for a while." Shang Zhen didn't want to say it, but Cai Chengwan wanted to continue.

He originally thought that the south of the river was the south of the Huaihe River, but how could it become the south of the Yellow River in the blink of an eye?

Shang Zhen was about to make up a nonsense story about how they learned how to shoot a gun in Henan, but unexpectedly, another veteran said: "Hey, I said that Northeast guy, what did you just say?"

"What are you talking about?" At this time, Shang Zhen didn't want to bluntly refuse to become Wan's intention to chat. At this time, he was of course happy to have others join in.

"What are you talking about?" the veteran asked curiously.

"Give me a fart, Zhaoliang!" Shang Zhen said loudly as his heart moved.

"Hahaha." The veterans laughed again.

In Northeast dialect, if someone dies and lies on the ground, it’s called a fart facing the coolness. Although no one can explain how to explain this, but think about it, why is it so strange? Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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