The War of Resistance

Chapter 876: Coincidentally

"Shall we go out?" Qingfeng Li who was next to him asked in a low voice.

Shang Zhen was lying on the crack of the door, Li Qingfeng didn't have a suitable angle to see the situation outside, but just now he felt Shang Zhen's body tremble slightly and asked.

"Ready, let's go, let's just open the door." Shang Zhen replied in a low voice.

"Okay." Li Qingfeng replied, and then he, the big stupid and even Wang Xiaodan started to get lucky.

Li Qingfeng didn't know that there was a reason for Shang's sudden tremor just now, and it was naturally because of the actions of those two people who sneaked up on the sentry of the puppet army. Those two people's actions were really ruthless!

Although the light was a bit dim and the blood spatter could not be seen clearly, Shang Zhen saw the two dozing puppet soldiers, one was hit with a stick and the other was hit with a stone.

Without even humming, the two puppet soldiers plunged into the fire in front of them, which had only embers left, and a few sparks were splashed.

It's hard to say whether the ruthlessness of these two people is the soldier Shang Zhen, but he believes that these two people are definitely not the first time to kill someone!

And he trembled subconsciously, but Qingfeng Li noticed it again.

However, Shang Zhen didn't let his own people break out immediately because he wanted to see what the two of them would do next.

And at this time, those two people actually pulled out the rifles that were held down by the two puppet soldiers, and one of them pulled the bolt skillfully. It was obvious that he knew how to use a rifle.

But what surprised Shang Zhen was another one. The other one groped around one of the puppet soldiers, and found a grenade!

It is not surprising that some puppet troops were originally Chinese soldiers who surrendered and had grenades on their bodies.

But what surprised Shang Zhen was how could that person observe so carefully, knowing that the puppet soldier had a grenade tucked around his waist. You know, in order to escape, Shang Zhen had to observe carefully before confirming that the puppet soldier was on him. It was with a grenade.

Don't underestimate this detail, even ordinary soldiers may not be able to notice it.

What did these two people do in the first place? There was an action plan for escaping and the meticulous observation of the enemy, but why did they choose to run south?

Shang Zhen was drawing question marks in his heart, but at this moment he saw the man with the grenade tiptoeing towards his side.

Don't look at this piece of dilapidated house, but there is just such a gap in Guan Shangzhen's door. Note that this is a gap between the door panels, not a gap in the door that is not closed tightly.

So that person disappeared from Shang Zhen's field of vision after walking a few more steps. In other words, Shang Zhen could only see such a large area with such a small gap.

What did this guy do? This question came up in Shang Zhen's mind just now, and he got the answer immediately, and what happened next completely confirmed Shang Zhen's speculation.

In this dark and quiet night, suddenly there was a "boom".

Due to the original silence, this "boom" was very loud, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was deafening.

Because it was the grenade that the man had just seized that exploded!

That person must have thrown the grenade into the empty room where the Japanese soldiers were resting, because he was heading there just now!

If it is on a noisy battlefield, the explosion of a grenade is actually not that loud.

But no matter how big it is, it can be compared with anything.

The small whips in the firecrackers in traditional Chinese folklore were first made of black gunpowder, which didn't sound very loud, and the explosion was not very powerful.

However, merchants in later generations replaced the black gunpowder with other medicines in pursuit of a louder explosion sound. No one knows what it is, but the effect of the small whip is much louder.

Then just imagine, a grenade must have a larger charge than Ertijiao, and it uses high explosives such as TNT, so if there is such a sound suddenly in the dark night, how loud will it be?

In this explosion, the brains of Li Qingfeng, Da Laoban and Wang Xiaodan were all blank.

But at this time Shang Zhen had already yelled "Go", and the three people subconsciously obeyed Shang Zhen's order and stood up and slammed into the wooden door with all their might. ???

In the sound of "Boom-chaba", the wooden door was pinned down by the Japanese and puppet troops because it was outside, but no matter what, it couldn't stand up to Shang Zhen and the four of them struggling to slam it into it.

The door panel broke, Shang Zhen and the four of them staggered out of the room.

"Hide in the shadows and run north!" Shang Zhen whispered.

Shang Zhen is a veteran, a veteran who has experienced many battles, and his response to complicated and urgent situations is beyond ordinary people.

It's not that he must be stronger than ordinary people, but he knows how to deal with this time because he keeps calm.

Li Qingfeng was the opposite of Shang Zhen.

Li Qingfeng's mind is also very good, but no matter how good he has never encountered this situation, he can only deal with loss of speed, and then he can only subconsciously obey Shang Zhen's orders.

As for Big Old Stupid and Wang Xiaodan, at least they don't have any ideas of their own right now, so they just do what Shang Zhen says?

Li Qingfeng, Big Boss and Wang Xiaodan followed Shang Zhen's footsteps into the shadows between the houses, and Shang Zhen's movements were not slow, but his brain was still working nervously and orderly like a precision instrument. running.

It's a pity that I didn't get any of the two rifles, and the only grenade was stolen by that guy, so I didn't get anything.

The Japanese soldiers in other rooms and nearby have already made movement. No one in this world is more sensitive to the sound of explosions than soldiers. Some of the strong men in some rooms are already rushing out, but they are still a bit slower after all.

And next, the Japanese army will hunt down or hunt down the strong men who fled in all directions or fled southward like sheep. The night is too dark, and the Japanese army will definitely fire flares.

So now we must run northward with all our strength before the Japanese army reacts, and run to the Huaihe River to grab the wooden boat or airboat.

While thinking about it, Shang Zhen led the three people quickly through the gap between the houses and ran to the north. They only ran past a few houses, and then the bustle started.

Shang Zhen could think of the situation without looking back. Now it was no longer how to manage those strong men, but how the four of them escaped!

There was a mess in the back, but just as Shang Zhen had predicted, those strong men really rarely ran to the north, and the Japanese army did not chase them.

No one is stupid, the Huaihe River lies to the north, and the cold river water is definitely a dead end, so the only way to survive is to run south!

The strong men are just ordinary people, but they have ignored that there is a boat on the Huaihe River that they are facing tonight!

Of course, it is useless for them to realize it, unless they have the courage to kill the Japanese guarding the ship and grab the ship.

Shang Zhen and the others only went around a few houses before the front became empty.

Shang Zhen subconsciously glanced into the distance and saw the faint light of water in the dark night. He knew that the wooden boat and airboat of the Japanese army were parked there. Of course, it was impossible for him to see the shining light when the Japanese army was smoking. On the contrary, the Japanese soldiers guarding the ship there must have pointed their guns at this place.

right? Are you thinking right? At this time, Shang Zhen suddenly realized Then there must be Japanese soldiers guarding the boat beside the boat? It's not very likely. Although the winter in the south is not very cold, why do the Japanese soldiers stay there in the middle of the night?

Therefore, whether there are Japanese soldiers on duty at night beside the ship is only a matter of uncertainty.

When Shang Zhen was thinking, he heard a voice not far behind him.

"Get down and don't move!" Shang Zhen shouted in a low voice.

The three of them didn't have any combat experience, they fell down when they heard Shang Zhen's words.

At this moment, the four of them heard footsteps.

Some ran "plopping", which should be the movement of the Japanese army's big-toed shoes running out, but amidst the "plopping" sound, Shang Zhen heard a softer sound from another direction.

The two people who didn't kill the puppet sentinels also came to the north. These two people are really characters, and they really coincide with my thoughts! Shang Zhen thought to himself. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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