The War of Resistance

Chapter 874: Whereabouts of Shang Zhen

Time is fast and slow, and another week has passed, and there is still no news from Shang Zhen.

Wang Laomao and the others have temporarily garrisoned along with the large army.

Because there was no news about Shang Zhen, everyone became listless. Sometimes Bai Zhan deliberately flirted, trying to brighten up the atmosphere, but he also stopped when the veterans asked, "Are you f*cking annoying?"

In fact, Bai Zhan's being funny isn't his own way of transferring emotions? He just felt that Shang Zhen wasn't panicking in his heart.

Little Dupan is still recovering from his injuries, and he lives not far from Wang Laomao and the others. This is the only thing that makes Wang Laomao and the others happy.

Gao Yuyan was still in love with Shang Zhen, but as time went by, she felt that Shang Zhen would really never return if he left this time, so she was naturally terrified.

This time they acted together with the large army, and Wang Laomao couldn't get a separate house to live with Ju Hongxia.

At night, Ju Hongxia was able to chat with Gao Yuyan.

In the darkness of night, there were private conversations whispered between women, and at this time, someone was whispering in a broken house that didn't know how far away it was.

They talked for about a few minutes, and there was a sound of scolding from the puppet army outside, so everyone stopped the secret discussion and left from the smelly room.

"Squeaky", the door was pushed open, and with the light from the fire as the background, a person stood at the door.

And just as the man turned around and squeezed into the room, the firelight brought a faint halo to his face, which was clearly Shang Zhen.

At this time, three more people squeezed in from behind, causing a commotion in the room.

Because there are many people "installed" in this room, although the light is dim, it can be seen that these people are dressed in rags. It turns out that they are all ordinary people who were captured by the Japanese army to repair fortifications, in other words, strong men.

Shang Zhen squatted by the wall, feeling that his space was still a bit small, so he squeezed in hard, and then he heard the sound of complaints.

The room is very big, but there are more people in it. The Japanese and puppet soldiers who imprisoned them will naturally try to stuff them into as few rooms as possible for convenience.

"Why is it so crowded?" It was the old stupid voice.

At this time, Li Qingfeng's voice came from behind the big stupid, and there was only one word "squeeze".

So Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng, the old and the stupid, and the three of them squeezed into the room with all their strength.

With a bang, before the door was closed outside, another person was forced in, that was Wang Xiaodan.

The appearance of Shang Zhen and the others was like throwing stones into the pond. After the sound, everything finally calmed down.

After a while, Shang Zhen was squatting by the wall, surrounded by young men who had been captured. Although it was winter, Shang Zhen could still smell the sweaty smell.

Fate in life is unpredictable, Shang Zhen never dreamed that he would be captured by the Japanese devils!

A few days ago, Shang Zhen led the newcomers Qingfeng Li and Wang Xiaodan to get rid of the Japanese army in the dark.

But after dawn, when they entered a village to look for food again, they happened to be surrounded by the Japanese army in a village. …

In the previous battle, Shang Zhen's box cannon had run out of bullets, and so did the rifle in Li Qingfeng's hand.

Guns without bullets can only bring about fatal disasters, so Shang Zhen and the others can only hide the two weapons, one long and one short.

After that, Shang Zhen didn't forget to use the bayonet to remove Li Qingfeng's Taoist bun that was coiled behind his head in such a sharp and hard way.

But that's not enough, Li Qingfeng and the old man rolled all over the floor, making the Taoist robes on them no longer conspicuous.

Fortunately, from Shang Zhen's point of view, Li Qingfeng is not a regular Taoist priest in the Taoist temple, and the old stupid is not the kind of monk with a heritage in famous mountains and temples. The difference between their monk's Taoist robes and the clothes worn by ordinary people Not very big.

What's more, the clothes of the two of them are also old clothes that have lost their original color long ago.

It was because of this that the Japanese army who besieged the village regarded them as civilians and arrested the young men.

Then they were escorted by the Japanese army to somewhere on the south bank of the Huaihe River for the Japanese army to repair fortifications!

Shang Zhen could only bear with it.

If a small person gains power, there will be times when chicken feathers fly to the sky; if a big person loses power, there will be times when a tiger falls into the plain and be bullied by dogs, not to mention that Shang Zhen doesn't think he is a big person at all.

All he could do was look for an opportunity to escape.

When it comes to escaping, it also involves the plan of escaping.

The escape plan involves the terrain, the balance of forces between the enemy and us, and so on.

Now that Shang Zhen didn't have a gun in his hand, and even threw away his own bayonet to prevent being recognized by the Japanese puppet army, he had to be even more cautious.

The place where they work now is less than 100 meters away from the Huaihe River in the north.

It is still winter, and if you want to cross the Huaihe River in the north, you must have a boat and consider whether there are Japanese airboats patrolling.

And a few hundred meters to the south, where Shang Zhen and the others are now resting, is a dilapidated village, and further south of this village is an open land that can look straight to the sky.

If you want to escape, you can only run south.

But Shang Zhen also observed that the Japanese and puppet troops here have three carriages.

If they ran south on foot, the Japanese army could have chased them in a carriage.

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^ Shang Zhen doesn't think that a few people like himself can outrun the carriage.

What's more, the so-called "shooting the first bird" is on the paddy field where there is no water in the panoramic view. If these people run to the front, they will definitely be shot by the Japanese army first.

This is a matter of course. If Shang Zhen is in charge of the prisoner, he will definitely jump the fastest when he sees the prisoner escape!

So running south during the day is not a good idea, unless it is in the dark, but the Japanese army took strict precautions against them every night.

When they went out just now, it was just an excuse to go out and shit, and there were puppet soldiers following them.

As soon as they came back, they were locked in the house by the puppet army. The doors and windows outside were all supported by wooden poles or fastened with horizontal bars.

The Japanese army captured hundreds of strong men this time!

Qingfeng Li and Wang Xiaodan had to be taken with him, but as for the other strong men, Shang Zhen didn't make up his mind. …

Of course he wanted to save the other strong men, but he also knew that whether he could save them would depend on the situation.

The strong men are ordinary people, and it can also be said to be a mob. It is not realistic to get all the strong men out, and the Japanese army has now used traitors. If you do half of it, then you may be confessed!

He is not the savior of the world, he should keep a low profile and never overestimate his own strength. This is Shang Zhen's usual style.

There were fifty or sixty Japanese soldiers who watched the strong men work every day, but Shang Zhen knew that there was still a large Japanese army ahead, so running south was not a good choice.

Because of this, he procrastinated and did not escape.

And just when it was getting dark today, Shang Zhen realized that the opportunity to escape had come, because a Japanese army drove an airboat along the river, followed by a small boat, and each boat stopped in the daytime. Shang Zhen works wherever he can see.

Just now when Shang Zhen went out, he looked to the north on purpose, and with his eyesight as a gunman, he was sure that he saw a small red dot flashing by the was Someone is smoking.

Therefore, the airboats of the Japanese army must have not been withdrawn, otherwise no one would be there to watch.

If that's all it is, then that's fine. Shang Zhen originally planned to act at night.

But before he told the guarding puppet army to go out to solve the tuba, there was another person arguing to go out, and as a result, a large group of people went out, and the puppet army felt that it was wrong but greeted several people The companions watched them together.

Of course people wouldn't say let these strong men squat down there and smell their shit, but it's impossible for Shang Zhen to escape without making any noise.

But when the strong men they went out to **** were squatting there, the man who went out to **** later told all of them, they said, let's run away tonight, and don't run away from the Japanese Don't throw us all into the Huaihe River once the fortifications are completed!

In this way, Shang Zhen became interested in that person, huh? There are really people who don't want to be subjugated slaves. Since people are trying to make the strong men "bomb the camp", I have absolutely no reason to object.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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