When it was getting dark, the four of Shang Zhen, who could have run farther, reappeared at the foot of the mountain east of Longhu Mountain. As for the reason, there was only one reason, and that was that Shang Zhen was hungry.

Of course, those three people were also hungry, but none of them were like Shang Zhen who only had breakfast at four or five o'clock in the morning.

When Shang Zhen, who was sweating from hunger after a day's battle, said he was hungry and where to get some food, the little Taoist priest Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan all started to think of ways for him.

They were not allowed to go to the village where Wang Xiaodan was. Who knew if the Japanese army had set up another ambush there? There was still a fire burning in that village. Naturally, the embers had not been extinguished. The sky is also bright.

After all, after the battle of Shang Zhen, the Japanese army suffered a lot of casualties. After burning the village, some Japanese troops did not withdraw but stayed to ambush Shang Zhen. This is evidence, but it is guaranteed that the Japanese army will not set up an ambush in the village at night.

Even Shang Zhen himself understood that he was able to cause such a large number of casualties to the Japanese army, which was also a combination of various opportunities.

For example, I adopted my favorite combat method, and my marksmanship is very good. There are long-range 38-style rifles, and 20-ring box guns for close combat, and especially Wang Xiaodan's warning.

But in any case, if only one person or a few people can kill or wound dozens of Japanese soldiers, that is enough to attract the attention of the Japanese army, and it is not an exaggeration to deal with themselves.

If this is still incomprehensible, then on the other hand, if a Japanese army plotted against Shang Zhen and the others and caused casualties of several dozens or even a few of them at once, then Old Hat Shang Zhen Wang and the others would not be able to sleep.

He didn't dare to go to that village, so the little Taoist Qingfeng proposed to take Shang Zhen back to Crouching Tiger Mountain.

After all, Crouching Tiger Mountain was his territory. Even if the Japanese army burned down their small temple and Taoist temple, he could still find food.

As for why the little Taoist priest Qingfeng and even Wang Xiaodan were so gracious to find food for Shang Zhen, is there any reason to ask? The clue can be seen from the admiration eyes the three of them are looking at Shang Zhen now.

If it is said that when Shang Zhen shot the Japanese army with a box cannon, the little Taoist priest Qingfeng and the old man could not see clearly from a distance, then they saw clearly how Shang Zhen shot three Japanese cavalry soldiers to death with a rifle.

They saw that with one shot from Shang Zhen, one Japanese soldier fell off his horse, and with three shots, all three Japanese soldiers fell off the horse.

The remaining two Japanese cavalrymen did not dare to approach the horses anymore and ran away. It would be an exaggeration to say that they ran to the sky, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye. They were definitely frightened by Shang Zhen's marksmanship.

The swiftness of Shang Zhen's killing of the enemy somehow reminded the little Taoist Qingfeng that he was killing a big goose. He raised his hand and dropped the knife with a "click", which was extremely fast.

And at this time, Qingfeng realized that in a battle with Big Boss, he shot out more than a hundred bullets at once like setting off firecrackers, what a prodigal act!

If these bullets are placed in Shang Zhen's hands, how many Japanese devils can be killed?

How can young people not worship heroes.

Qingfeng Daduan and even Wang Xiaodan swore to follow Shang Zhen to fight the devils, needless to say, now that their hero is hungry, how could they not think of ways?

"What's the trick to beating devils?" Shang Zhen, who was about to go up the mountain at this time, said to his three recruits.

This is Wang Xiaodan asking him for advice just now, and he is giving an answer.

"Don't be too timid, sometimes you lose your life if you are timid." This is what Shang Zhen said to Wang Xiaodan.

"Qingfeng, you have enough brains. You must not only be bold and careful, but also practice your skills well, so that you don't get fooled by your cleverness." This is what Shang Zhen said to the little Taoist Qingfeng.

"What about me?" Although his brain is stupid, it doesn't prevent him from being self-motivated.

"As for you, then you have to follow the people you trust and be obedient." Shang Zhen's teaching skills are definitely taught according to their aptitude.

The character of the big old stupid is somewhat similar to that of the second fool who has already sacrificed, and he is even stupider than the second fool.

A person who is not good at using brains wants to survive in battle, so he can only be attached to someone who is good at using brains and always thinks about him. This is the case among the soldiers that Shang Zhen has led.

"Although you are very familiar with this place, we still have to be careful. Let me do a division of labor." Now that these three people have joined, the store is responsible for their lives, and he has to follow the instructions of soldiers .

"Wang Xiao, you stay here. When a thief steals from someone else's house, there is a watchman. You are the watchman. If something happens, you will cover up." Shang Zhen first arranged for Wang Xiaodan.

"I don't have a weapon in my hand. Look at our big fool, I still have a crossbow. What should I do if the Japanese soldiers come?" Wang Xiaodan asked worriedly.

Shang Zhen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he said: "We don't have enough weapons for the time being, so you can make do with it first, for example, you can grab a rock.

It's dark here, if there are Japanese soldiers, you can throw stones out, they will think it's a grenade, but don't give away your position. "

"Oh." Wang Xiaodan agreed, and then Shang Zhen secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly groaned inwardly.

Just go to the mountain to find food, do you need all four of you to go up the mountain? Shang Zhen asked Wang Xiaodan to hide here to watch the wind, but in fact it was all an excuse.

To be honest, Shang Zhen just arranged it casually, and it was somewhat perfunctory, but he never wanted Wang Xiao to be serious.

Fortunately, Shang Zhen is a veteran, so he immediately fooled Wang Xiaodan.

"The three of us go up, but we can't go up by the road. Just pick an easy place to go if you are familiar with the terrain. When you get to the place, I will be in charge of the cover. You two will come back when you find something to eat. Don't talk on the road, and don't when you are looking for food. Talk." Shang Zhen said again.

The three of us he said naturally meant that he and Qingfeng Li were stupid.

He has already asked ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The little Taoist priest's customary surname is Li. Since he has decided to fight devils with him, it is impossible for Shang Zhen to call him a little Taoist priest or a little old Taoist.

In fact, in his heart, Shang Zhen didn't think that the Japanese army would keep people waiting on the Crouching Tiger Mountain.

But since I went to get food because I was hungry, in order to maintain my glorious image among these two recruits, it's better to make it serious, and this is all training for them.

"Okay!" Qingfeng Li and the old stupid agreed at the same time.

Shang Zhen laughed secretly in his heart, this new recruit is easy to fool, if he is now leading his own veterans, he wouldn't have to spend so much time trying to get something to eat.

From Shang Zhen's point of view, his arrangement is like playing house with children, you are a doll and I am a puppet, one says I am a father and the other says I am a mother, this uses a tile as an iron pot, and that Grab a few grasses as vegetables. new

But Shang Zhen didn't even think about it himself, is his arrangement really a child's play house? Remember the website address, Wwww. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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