The War of Resistance

Chapter 859: warning person

The bullets jingled the stone, and the three people behind the stone, Shang Zhen, held the box cannon, glanced out from the gap in the stone, and quickly shrank back.

As for the little Taoist priest and the big old stupid, their faces turned pale, and they stuck themselves tightly behind the stone.

This is always the case when recruits go to the battlefield, and even Shang Zhen doesn't know if these two can be considered as recruits now?

Shang Zhen didn't think about why the Japanese army appeared here at all, and the most important thing now was not how to get rid of the Japanese army. The most important thing now is how to rescue the common people who gave them a warning.

Just now, Shang Zhen saw that the Japanese army was not only shooting at them, but the commoner who warned them also jumped out. Although he retreated immediately, he was discovered by the Japanese army, and the Japanese army was also rushing to that position. Shoot it.

If it wasn't for that commoner who raised the alarm, Shang Zhen knew that whether it was himself, the little Taoist priest or the little monk, their three lives would be a pity!

Just because that commoner shouted loudly and saved the three of us, how could it be possible for the three of us to run away and let that commoner be beaten to death by the Japanese army instead!

I don't know if other soldiers will run away in this situation, anyway, Shang Zhen can't do this kind of thing.

"Little old Taoist monk, are you two afraid?" Shang Zhen turned his head and asked the two of them.

The little Taoist Qingfeng didn't make a sound at first, then the little monk Da Laobu opened his mouth, but Qingfeng obviously guessed what the Da Laoba was going to say, but rushed to say: "Don't be afraid!"

Ok? As soon as Qingfeng said that, the old stupid changed his mouth and said: "Then I'm not afraid either!"

As for the meaning of what the big old stupid said, do you still need to ask? Obviously, the old stupid has always been looking forward to the little Taoist priest's breeze.

If Qingfeng said he was afraid, then he must be afraid too.

Now that Qingfeng says he is not afraid, then he is not afraid.

Shang Zhen was amused but didn't show it, so he said: "We can't be that ungrateful person, just now the person in front shouted to save us, then we have to rescue that person too. ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

That's it, little old man, just take your rifle and shoot at the little devil.

If you have never fired a gun before, you will definitely not be able to shoot accurately. If you shoot one shot and another, if the little devil chases you, you will run into the mountains with the big fool, and shoot back while running.

I will go over there, and I must rescue the common people who saved us! "

"You mean to let the two of us cover for you?" the little Taoist Qingfeng asked.

"Smart!" Shang Zhen praised from the bottom of his heart, "You don't have to feel sorry for the bullets. It's important for us to save people, so you can hook up the little devil and help me, okay?" Little Taoist breeze.

"Okay!" As soon as he heard that he was only asked to shoot the gun, and it didn't matter whether he could hit it, the little Taoist Qingfeng really agreed.

He is also very courageous, if he is courageous, how could they use the crossbow after his master and the old stupid master were killed by the Japanese army?

"When shooting the gun, put the gun on the top of the shoulder, so as not to hurt your shoulder." Shang Zhen instructed again, and then untied the belt around his waist and threw it to Qingfeng. They were all worn on the belt.

Then, Shang Zhen took advantage of the cover of the rocks to go around to the right.

Shang Zhen asked the little Taoist priest Qingfeng to cover up, it was a last resort.

If he was in the same place, he would not be able to save the warning civilians, but if there were no gunshots, the Japanese army would become unscrupulous, and he was really at a loss.

Shang Zhen only went around ten meters in the chaotic rocks when he heard a gunshot behind him.

Only then did Shang Zhen feel relieved.

Don't care about whether the little Taoist priest and little monk can become excellent soldiers in the future, but at least they don't bear (counseling), it is the heroes who have been born since ancient times!

Now that the little Taoist priest Qingfeng shot, Shang Zhen didn't pay attention to what was behind him, and he ran to the previous warning person, thinking, that person can run over to meet him without taking advantage of the cover of the terrain!

However, to his disappointment, he didn't see that person running over, but he saw a Japanese soldier running towards the place where that person appeared just now with a rifle in his hand. No need to ask, the Japanese army's goal is the same as his own. People also found the warning person.

But Shang Zhen ran for another tens of meters and found something was wrong. The Japanese army ran there recklessly, but he always had to hide from the Japanese army with his back. How could he get there before the Japanese army?

Originally, he planned to rescue the person quietly, but now it was impossible.

What's the hesitation here? Shang Zhen found a place close to the gap between a few rocks and suddenly jumped out, and then his box cannon rang out.

Shang Zhen is not that little Taoist priest Qingfeng, the moment he fired his gun, all the enemies and us were shocked, and they all felt that the world they were in at this time had become different.

In the sound of Shang Zhen's rapid shooting, the gunshots must have caused the Japanese soldiers to fall to the ground. After a series of rapid bursts, the Japanese soldiers who were rushing towards the warning station were all shot and fell to the ground. !

Who would have thought that the ferocious Japanese soldiers would fall to the ground one after another like dead pigs and dead dogs. That definitely had a visual impact that cannot be expressed in words!

When the Japanese army reacted, Shang Zhen had already hid, and at the same time, he shouted from behind a boulder: "You guys, run to me!"

In desperation, Shang Zhen didn't know how to address the person who warned him, but he could only call him that.

It's just that Shang Zhen shouted back, but at this time he had no chance to observe whether that person rushed over, because he had already been targeted by the Japanese army.

Shang Zhen has always paid attention to finding out the enemy's situation first, but this time he is trying to save someone, but he doesn't know how many troops the Japanese army has hidden in the dark, but he has to save that person, so he has no chance to observe the enemy's situation at all.

Now, the Japanese army's machine guns and rifles ping-pong the rocks on his body, and he has no chance to rush over.

In desperation, Shang Zhen didn't care about consuming the bullets himself, so he kept changing the shooting position and handed the box cannon out from behind his hiding place, guessing that the position where the Japanese army was was shooting indiscriminately!

"I said, have you come over here, I can't stand it anymore!" Shang Zhen shouted again.

God is sorry, when Shang Zhen yelled for the third time, he finally heard someone shouting back from among the rocks in front of him: "I'm coming!"

The voice sounded trembling, and I think that person was already frightened by the battle of the Japanese army.

After hearing the man's answer, Shang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

This time he didn't shoot, but instead of advancing, he retreated. Amidst the sound of gunfire from the Japanese army, he finally stole his eyes out of the pile of stones.

At this time, he saw a khaki figure of a Japanese soldier flashing in front of him, and the Japanese soldier was not even fifty meters away from him.

Shang Zhen yelled secretly that it was not good to let go, and threw the box cannon, but reached out and touched out a grenade hanging from his waist.

He pulled out his pin and kowtowed for a moment, then threw the grenade forward, and then he shrank his body and hid behind the big rock.

Immediately there were screams from the Japanese army near the chaotic rocks, which was naturally because the Japanese army discovered the grenade thrown by Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen's judgment was undoubtedly correct. He only saw one Japanese soldier due to his limited viewing angle, but under the cover of the chaotic rocks, more Japanese soldiers were already very close to his current position.

So he threw this grenade so timely that the grenade exploded before the Japanese army finished shouting.

Shang Zhen turned around and showed up again, but there were too many Japanese soldiers, so his gun also fired, but the guns of the opposite Japanese army also fired.

Shang Zhen's hand that was holding the gun that was exposed outside suddenly felt stiff, and then his hand loosened uncontrollably, and the cannon fell off.

When Shang Zhen withdrew his hand, he saw bloodstains appeared on the back of his hand, followed by burning pain.

He was already injured, although not seriously.

Of course, Shang Zhen understood that if the back of his hand was rubbed by a Japanese bullet, it would be much more serious than it is now. Presumably, the Japanese bullet hit the stone and the stone fragments hit the back of his hand.

When Shang Zhen endured the pain and stretched out his hand to grab the gun, he suddenly heard movement beside him, and when he instinctively raised the gun, he heard someone shout: "Don't, don't shoot, you guys!"

That person finally ran over! March, early spring.

Read the latest chapter content and download the iRead novel app. The latest chapter content is already in the iRead novel app, and the website no longer updates the latest chapter content. In the east of Nanhuangzhou, a corner.

The hazy sky was gray and black, revealing heavy oppression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky, smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading out crimson lightning bolts, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like a low roar of the gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the iRead novel app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth is hazy, and there is a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

The walls and ruins in the city, everything withered, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue and black corpses and minced meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The once bustling streets are now deserted.

The sandy road where people used to come and go is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, which was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a wrecked carriage was sunk deep in the mud, full of mourning, only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has already been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and strange.

The muddy pupils seemed to have some resentment remaining, and they looked at the mottled stones in front of them alone.

There, there was a figure lying on its stomach.

This is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes are ragged and full of dirt, and there is a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his and remained motionless, the piercing cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions, covering his whole body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink his eyes, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet, and looked around vigilantly from time to time.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, if there is any slightest disturbance, it will fly into the air in an instant.

Download the iRead novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the teenager is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally submerged its head completely into the abdominal cavity of the wild dog.

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