The War of Resistance

Chapter 855: "Bear" Man's Heroic Dream (2)

Falling in love with you reading network, the war of resistance is heavy

As for the reason, it was only because one time Wang Xiaodan lay on the wall of Lao Qian's house.

In fact, at that time, Wang Xiaodan just heard Lao Qian's old hen crowing "quack" and "quack", so he climbed up the wall to see their eggs.

As far as this matter is concerned, it is absolutely impossible for him to be beaten up by others. The lying on the wall is just an appearance, and there must be a deeper reason.

It's like when someone gets out of prison, others ask him, brother, what's wrong? What happened? Why did you let people close the fence for twelve years?

The man replied, I just robbed some money.

People ask, then you should grab more?

The man replied, I just robbed the female student of eleven dollars and eighty-eight cents.

It's strange to people, it's not possible, just robbed this little money, even though it was also a crime of robbery, it wouldn't be sentenced to twelve years.

But the man said slowly, there is another crime of **** behind it!

So, that's it! The twelve-year sentence was not unfair!

But Wang Xiaodan was also like this, the situation was similar, but only he himself knew that he was really wronged when he received that beating!

The reason for all this is that the twelve-year-old youngest girl of the Qian Family's Three Tigers family urinated in the latrine in the yard, and that latrine happened to be next to the chicken rack.

The youngest Qian also heard the old hen crowing and wanted to pick up the eggs. When she was in a hurry, the trousers were not fastened, so she came out with the trousers up.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Wang Xiaodan really didn't see anything he shouldn't see at that time.

Wang Xiaodan is not an ignorant person. When he was only eleven or twelve years old, he once leaned on the wall of his own house to look at the yard next door.

Wang Xiaodan's family is called a single-generation family. The poorer the family is, the poorer the family is, and in the end he and his mother are left to depend on each other.

It should be said that the population of the house next door is much more prosperous than his.

pay attention! We are talking about the population here, not the population!

What is the difference here? The reason is that there are a lot of people next door to his house, but that house is full of girls from Qing Yishui, who are all Seven Fairies, but the old man is still trying to have children.

Do you even need to ask why? It can be seen from the name of the girl, such as "Zhaodi", "Pandi", "Xiandi", "Laidi", "Sidi" and so on.

But no matter how much you recruit and hope, that brother really won't come!

So much so that the old man of that family went to the Crouching Tiger Mountain to burn incense and make a wish, but the monk smiled and said nothing, but the old Taoist said, "The secret of heaven must not be leaked."

Since he was a child, he has been dealing with the big girls and the little girls in that family. Wang Xiaodan can always see something, right? For example, once the third girl in the family who was in her twenties went to the house to fetch eggs.

There were too many eggs and she couldn't take them, so they pulled up the skirt of the coat!

He didn't wear anything inside, so Wang Xiaodan looked straight at it, but he didn't understand anything at that time, he was more concerned about the white and red eggs in the skirt, and the skirt What about the following things? He was still young and naturally didn't understand.

It should be noted that children have no **** but are practical!

So Wang Xiaodan really didn't go to spy on the youngest of the Qian family.

Besides, when Wang Xiaodan climbed the wall, he only climbed up after hearing the old hen's stinky screams after laying eggs.

When Wang Xiaodan looked at the egg in the chicken coop, which looked a little bigger than the average egg, wondering if the egg was double-yolked, but the youngest Qian found him lying on the wall.

So amidst the screams of the youngest Qian, the three tigers of the Qian family rushed out of the house like wolves, and beat up Wang Xiaodan who had just had time to slip down from the wall without asking indiscriminately!

I won't mention how badly Wang Xiaodan was beaten. Of course, no matter how hard he was beaten, he wouldn't be beaten to death.

And since that incident, Wang Xiaodan had another dream, that is, he also practiced rock-throwing locks to build a good physique for himself, so that one day he would knock down the Qian family's three tigers to the ground to eat his face.

As for the old youngest Qian, Wang Xiaodan really didn't like her, seeing that she is not likely to be able to give birth to a boy, then after I marry a regular wife, I can barely let her be a housekeeper for me. , I usually bring myself a urinal to wash my feet and so on!

You see, this is Wang Xiaodan's dream.

And now when he heard the analysis from the villagers that there was a hero who killed more than a dozen Japanese soldiers on the opposite side, he suddenly felt that his dream was not so far away.

Then if I find that great hero and hang out with others, then even if I can't become a great hero, I just become a half-hearted hero. Then when I return to my hometown, if I stomp my feet in the village, will the land tremble?

Wang Xiaodan fell into his own reverie.

But reality is reality after all, Wang Xiaodan was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a "buzz" and then the villagers yelled: "It's bad, the Japanese soldiers are here again, oh my god, why are there so many this time? "

Wang Xiaodan looked forward when he heard the sound, and saw, what happened? A Japanese army was appearing from behind a forest. There were not many who just came out, but they were still going out non-stop. This posture is indispensable!

Just as he was watching, the villagers were already running back, and at this moment Zhang Er shouted: "Every family should leave the village and run for their lives. Don't take anything. Your life is important!"

Wang Xiaodan also retracted his head in fright, he also wanted to run, but just when he thought of slipping down the wall, he wondered if that hero would appear.

So he poked his head out to look forward again, and naturally more people came out from the Japanese army at this time.

The Japanese soldiers came here with so many people, it seems that they are going to wipe out all the people in the village who can breathe. Wang Xiaodan was terrified when he thought about it, he felt his calves were shaking~www. But he still stood up.

He still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. He knew that although he might not be able to outrun the Japanese soldiers with his own running speed, he could guarantee that he would definitely be able to outrun most of the people in the village.

Anyway, it is definitely not me who will die at that time, but the old, weak, sick and disabled, such as the parents of the Qian family's three tigers, so if I am in a hurry, I will just wait and wait!

Seeing that more and more Japanese soldiers turned out from behind the woods, they almost looked like long yellow worms, and the forward of the Japanese army should be only one mile away from the village.

Wang Xiaodan couldn't help but sighed in disappointment, he should run for his life first!

But at this moment, he suddenly heard another "pop" gunshot!

Ok? In the sound of this gunshot, Wang Xiaodan stretched his head and looked again, and at this moment he saw that the Japanese army team in the distance widened!

Then why did it become wider? That's when he discovered that all the Japanese soldiers were lying down, but the direction of lying down was facing the other side of Crouching Tiger Mountain.

"Crack", another gunshot.

Just when Wang Xiaodan felt that he wanted to understand, he heard gunshots like popping beans, which were fired by Japanese soldiers.

But although the gunfire was fierce, not a single bullet hit the village, and he didn't hear any movement from the building or the courtyard wall.

So the bullet must have been aimed at the other side of Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Wang Xiaodan suppressed his excitement, he suddenly felt that he was one step closer to his dream!

So, he slipped down the wall but did not run into the village, but ran towards Crouching Tiger Mountain under the cover of the house courtyard wall and fence.

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