The War of Resistance

Chapter 827: sell guns? Selling arms?

The battle came to an end temporarily, and Shang Zhen really transferred all his men back from the front.

He did this for two reasons, one is for everyone to accompany the little dustpan, and the other is because they also need to rest.

Actually, don’t look at the age of war, but when it comes to a certain unit, the frequency of combat is actually not high when there is no major battle. Usually, it is rest and training, and once there are tasks on it, it depends on it. Chief will.

If the chief officer is an active anti-Japanese faction, then of course there is something to be said about it. If it is a follow-up, then there are tasks on the top, but it is necessary to preserve some strength. As for the passive anti-Japanese war, then If there is a war, it is the edge of the yellow croaker.

However, this passive war of resistance is also particular. If you have someone above you, for example, you are a direct descendant of someone, then you will slip away. Even the commander-in-chief of the group army can't do anything about you, and wants to deal with a certain passive war of resistance. The chief officer needs someone to nod.

Then if you are passive and there is no one at the top, and it happens that the top needs to catch a typical negative example to scare the chickens and monkeys, then you will be finished, such as the SD provincial chairman who was shot.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with a group of stragglers like Shang Zhen and the others. It is rare to fight the Japanese army so frequently, or it is rare!

Of course, this is also because Shang Zhen used the province to employ people in the war, and they didn't fight recklessly with the Japanese army, otherwise they would have wiped out all their personnel long ago.

Now that there is no war, life is nothing more than daily necessities, food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Things have become realistic and trivial.

Shang Zhen and the others are too far away from the 337th brigade now, they have always been used to making a living by themselves, and they don't even expect the 337th brigade to pay them, and the 337th brigade is by no means rich.

To support war with war, Shang Zhen and the others naturally have a way.

"Is there anyone who bought a gun? We're going to sell guns for housing and food!" On this day, in the village adjacent to the hospital where the hospital was stationed, there was a loud cry from Northeast people.

It's new for soldiers to sell guns!

Amidst the incessant shouting, the common people in the village were startled and surrounded them.

"Did you see it? The authentic Japanese devil's Sanba cover!" Qian Chuan'er was showing the common people a Sanba cover captured by the Japanese army.

With a sound of "crash", he deftly pulled the bolt of the gun and then pulled it back, and then a slender rifle bullet fell out of the gun. He pushed it again and again, and another bullet was loaded into the chamber.

Then he pointed the rifle at the crown of a big tree in front of him: "The little Japanese is not very good, but this gun is still very authentic.

This gun is very powerful, and after practice, it can shoot for more than 600 meters without deviation.

This gun is long enough, and when the bayonet and the little devil fight with the bayonet, it will definitely hit the place before other guns!

Just this gun can definitely exchange two cows in the northeast of us, and they have to be one male and one female!

Is there anyone you like? If you trade early, you will earn money! "

Qian Chuaner spattered all the saliva, and he tried his best to sell it. After shouting, he looked expectantly at the more and more people gathered below.

"My ox can plow the field, but your gun can plant the field? It's not as good as my hoe!" Unexpectedly, an old man below muttered in a low voice.

The words were a bit cold, and the people nearby laughed, while the soldiers of the Northwest Army watched coldly.

"I said this old man, you are ignorant!" Qian Chuan'er's mouth has been practiced a long time ago, and he directly retorted, "The little devil has already called at the door of the house, and you still want to be honest. Farming? Is that possible? Then you have to use two tools, a gun in one hand and a **** in the other.

If the little devils don't come, you can go to the ground with a hoe, if the little devils come, you have to take a gun to protect your food!

You still want to plan food in the ground like before, is it realistic?

Besides, what kind of virtue is that little devil? If you haven't seen it, you should have heard of it!

Once the little devil comes, let alone a big girl and a little daughter-in-law, it is an old lady and a little girl, they will not let them go!

Do you want your wife and children not to be bullied by others? Then you have to rely on yourself to protect yourself, what do you rely on? Are you angry with your mouth? That depends on the gun!

Gou Ri's little devil is here, you 'Bigou' give him a shot, your land is still your land, your food is still your food, if you don't have this gun, let alone your food and your land , your wife and child, hum, hum, hum—"

Qian Chuan'er said a few more "hmphs" to arouse the associations of the common people below. As for how bad the Japanese devils are, he didn't believe that the common people didn't know.

Just behind Qian Chuan'er, Shang Zhen and the others were there.

It's no small matter to come out to sell guns, Shang Zhen and his group have all come out, how can selling guns be just Qian Chuan'er yelling in front of them, at this time Old Mao Wang also spoke.

"Don't believe me? We have been hitting you all the way from the northeast. We have seen this kind of thing a lot. Little devils bully women. What will the old men do then? You!" Old Mao Wang stretched out his hand and pointed at one of them standing below with envy. looked at the young man with the rifle.

"Don't think that I'm scaring you. When the day comes when little devils come into the village to harm women, you don't care about others, so you don't care about your own family?

Then go to fight the little devil with a pick handle, a sickle, and a potato scratcher, how can we still have the real ones in our hands? "

When Old Mao Wang said this, the common people below really nodded their heads, but Shang Zhen and the others had a smile in the corner of their eyes, what kind of words did this old Uncle Wang say? Why did you get the potato scratching out, this is bullying the southerners and can't understand...

People in the Northeast call the firewood thing two teeth and three teeth, which means that there are several iron rods on it. Of course, there are also those called scratches.

But what is this potato scratching? It's actually for peeling potatoes.

Just think stupidly, how big can a potato be? Thinking of how big a potato is, you can imagine that the potato scratcher will never exceed the palm of an adult! Who the **** would scratch a potato with a brat when fighting a little devil? Don't you think this is funny?

But no matter what, after Qian Chuan'er and Wang Laomao sang together, the old surnames below were really tempted.

Older people are mature and prudent if they don’t say they are timid and fearful, but young people will never think so much. Someone asked: "Then what do you want to exchange for guns? We have no money!"

"We use guns as rent to rent a house that is big enough for the thirty or so of us to live in and shelter from the wind and rain, and the food doesn't need to be too good. We eat whatever you eat.

We have no supplies, so we can only exchange guns with you. "Wang Laomao replied when he saw someone accosted him.

As soon as he said this, the people below started discussing with a "buzz".

In the eyes of ordinary people, the asking price of Wang Laomao and the others is actually not high, that is, to use guns as rent and exchange for some food by the way, although the food consumption of the thirty or so people must be a lot, But the Japanese devil's rifle in his hand is not bad!

And what they need to consider is whether they will poke other troubles if they get such a gun in their own family. Fun Court

"Boss really sells guns sincerely?" After the people below discussed for a while, someone really stepped forward.

"Of course, this thing doesn't matter whether you eat or drink it." Old Mao Wang said happily when he saw someone came to ask him. At the same time, he looked at the person, and saw that the person was just an ordinary person in his thirties.

"Then my family will buy two, but the price, we have to discuss it carefully, and you have to teach us how to shoot." The man said.

"Do you have a house that can accommodate so many of us?" Qian Chuaner asked.

"Yes, there are six brothers in our family. There is no shortage of people for work, but guns. If the Japanese devils really come, one of our brothers and six can fight for the Japanese devils." The man replied.

Old Mao Wang nodded and looked at Shang Zhen, and Shang Zhen also nodded.

"We have to have a good chat, and we have to see your house." Old Mao Wang replied.

Shang Zhen and Old Mao Wang had discussed the matter of selling weapons in advance, and they didn't want to sell the guns to the local rich.

As for this person, if he has a lot of money, he will naturally want to save a gun to protect himself, but this big family is also very likely to become a traitor for his own wealth, and Shang Zhen and the others don't want to make trouble for themselves.

Now that someone has the intention to buy a gun, Old Mao Wang naturally wants to bargain with him.

But just when Shang Zhen and the others were about to follow the middle-aged man to that house, someone below suddenly shouted: "During the Anti-Japanese War, you Northeast Army didn't want to beat devils, so you dared to sell arms here?"

With just this voice, the common people below immediately shut up, and the crowd divided to the two sides, and a few members of the Northwest Army stepped forward. "Hello, Xiao Yan?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Seven years ago, the girl in the Emily Hotel, do you remember?"

As soon as Xiao Yan heard "Emily Hotel", her breath was suffocated, and she asked in a trembling voice, "It's really you? You... where are you?"

Seven years!

He waited for this call for seven full years!

Although so many years have passed, the girl who appeared in his life like a short-lived epiphyllum has never been forgotten by him.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you, and I'm not demanding anything. I...I just can't worry about Amy." The woman paused, took a deep breath and said, " your daughter."

"What! My daughter?"

Xiao Yan exclaimed, and his heartstrings tensed instantly.

"She is six years old this year, very cute and very similar to you. I hope you can take good care of her for me after I leave."

"She is afraid of the dark and likes to sleep with her doll at night..."

Hearing the woman's words, Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly interrupted her: "Don't worry about it, tell me if you have anything to do, I'll come to you right away, and I'll help you solve it."

"It's useless, you can't beat them..." The woman smiled wryly, "I'll send Amy to..."

Before the woman finished speaking, a man's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Do you think you can hide?"

Then there was a scream, and a loud bang.

That was the sound of the phone falling to the ground!

Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat, as if his heart had been hit hard, and he hurriedly shouted: "Hey, hey..."

No one answered!

Only the noise echoed and the signal was cut off.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan was so anxious that he almost crushed the phone.丅Zai Love Reading Xiaoxiao app

After a few seconds, the woman's cry came again from the phone.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"Xiao Yan, you must find Amy and take good care of her!"

"You promise me that you will take good care of her!"

"You promise me!!"

Hearing the heart-piercing voice, Xiao Yan's heart was bleeding, and he anxiously shouted into the microphone: "Let her go, let her go!"

But he shouted for a long time, but there was no response from the other end of the phone. But the woman's voice is getting farther and farther away, smaller and smaller, and more and more desperate!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Xiao Yan was very anxious.

He exchanged his youth and blood for this peaceful and prosperous world, but his woman and his own daughter were bullied!


Xiao Yan was furious like never before, a fire was burning in his chest, as if it was going to burn the whole world to ashes.

He wished he had grown wings and could fly over now.

Just when he was about to collapse, a man's disdainful voice came from the microphone of the mobile phone: "This **** still wants to find someone, haha..."

Xiao Yan hurriedly said sharply: "I don't care who you are, if you dare to touch a single hair on her, I will punish you!"

"Tsk tsk, what a big tone! I'm so scared!"

"You are that wild man. If you are really capable, come here quickly. Otherwise, in a few hours, I'm afraid you will never see her again."

"As for that little bastard, the end will be even worse, or his hands and feet will be broken, and he will be driven to the street to beg, or his heart and eyes will be gouged out, or he will become the target of some perverted old men to vent, tsk tsk, think It's so pitiful!"

The man's words were full of banter, disdain, and strong provocation.

"You're courting death!" wwω.ΧqQχs8.℃òm

Xiao Yan roared with red eyes.

"Wait until you find me, hehe..."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan only heard a crisp click, and the call was cut off.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan yelled loudly, and the viscous killing intent all over his body surged out like a tide.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the world was shocked!

Think of him Xiao Yan, who has been in the army for ten years, wiped out more than a million enemies, and at the age of only 27, he aspired to the supreme position with an invincible Zhenguo!

Holding the monstrous power in his hand, with inexhaustible meritorious deeds!

There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future!

But now, if you can't even protect your own women and daughters, what can you do to protect these hundreds of millions of people?

The 3,000 Predator soldiers who were being trained outside the camp were shocked by the terrifying murderous aura, and all knelt on the ground on one knee, trembling.

The King of the Five Great Wars of Great Xia arrived after hearing the news.



Qiqi, the king of the Five Great Wars, stepped forward with a look of concern on his face.

"My lord, what happened?"

Mobei King Long Zhantian asked tremblingly, he had followed Xiao Yan for many years, and he had only seen such a terrifying killing intent once.

That was three years ago, because of the mutiny, tens of thousands of Mobei troops were trapped, and thousands of men died fighting hard.

One by one, Xiao Yan rushed into the enemy's base camp and beheaded the traitors among thousands of people.

In that battle, blood flowed into rivers and bones into mountains!

In that battle, 800,000 enemies were killed, and they were terrified and retreated!

That battle made everyone realize what it means to be angry with a supreme being, laying down millions of corpses!

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