The War of Resistance

Chapter 813: Self-made "smoke bombs"

On the night of September 18th, a soldier of the Northeast Army, nicknamed Ma Ganer, encountered the Japanese army with a rifle he had seized or could be said to have been picked up by him.

At that time, his heart was beating drums, but he instinctively stabbed randomly with the bayonet in his hand. Fortunately, he survived that encounter.

On a winter night in the south eight years later, he once again collided with the Japanese army with the bayonet-mounted rifle.

What's the difference between saying it twice? It's just that he has become stronger, he is no longer that thin "hemp stick", he has grown into a qualified soldier, he is not passive to meet the enemy, but to attack actively.

So, at a certain moment, the warm body of the front invader was pierced by the cold bayonet!

When Shang Zhen drew his gun back with one blow, there was a dull sound of the wooden box and body of the Japanese soldier on his shoulders hitting the ground.

How can Shang Zhen control so much at this time? The drawn gun pointed at the figure in front again and stabbed out again.

Only this time, there was a shout from the Japanese army, and then there was a "Dang", and Shang Zhen felt the rifle in his hand tremble. Here it is - on the wooden box.

The second Japanese soldier was following very closely. When the Japanese soldier in front fell down, he felt that something was wrong, but his foot had already tripped over the Japanese soldier's foot. He lost his center of gravity and naturally couldn't hold the grenade box. So he staggered forward, and the box fell before him.

At this point, the Japanese army who transported the grenade already knew that there was an accident, and shouted immediately.

But Shang Zhen took another step forward in the darkness, but this time he didn't need a gun to stab, instead he reversed the rifle and swept the 38-style rifle like a wooden stick!

It was a night battle that could not be seen clearly. Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese soldiers were short, so when he raised the **** of the rifle, he lowered the rifle a bit.

But this time the rifle didn't miss, the moment Shang Zhen hit something with the **** of the gun, he heard the sound of bones cracking, blood splashed in the darkness and sprayed straight onto his face.

The smell of blood, that is the smell of blood of the enemy!

The stink of the abalone has not been smelled for a long time, and the soldiers went to the battlefield as if they were fighting for the first time. When they saw blood, some became numb and became limp and scared, while some became excited.

"The strong man eats the meat of the barbarians hungry, and laughs and talks about drinking the blood of the Xiongnu when he is thirsty", that is, the defenders of China became passionate when they saw the blood of the enemy!

Shang Zhen raised his gun from the corner of his mouth and rushed forward again. He couldn't think so much about the night battle, and stabbed the few figures in front of him indiscriminately!

Some guns pierced empty, and some guns stuck on the wooden box again, but there were still two guns that made the sound of sharp blades entering the body again!

It's time to run, the thought flashed in Shang Zhen's mind.

Shang Zhen, including their entire group, has never spoken very formally because they have been wandering outside the main force for a long time to fight.

For example, withdrawing from a battle is called retreating, but most of them will say "run", or even "run away", it doesn't matter, everyone understands it anyway.

Shang Zhen was originally a person who was tempered by the battle to move freely. When he thought of this, he really threw the rifle forward, and his next step was to turn around and run away.

But just when he was about to run away, an accident happened. Suddenly, a snow-white beam of light as thick as a sea bowl shone directly on him!

This beam of light was so strong and came so without warning, that Shang Zhen suddenly had a creepy feeling the moment the beam of light came on!

He looks heroic in a night battle alone, but he is using the darkness. He doesn't know how many enemies there are, but doesn't he know that there is only his brother on this side? He was instinctively afraid of the light, and this time the light came so terrifying that Shang Zhen subconsciously lay back, as if he had been knocked down by that huge beam of light!

At this point, how can he care about the fact that four of the Japanese soldiers have gone back, but now six or seven have come out, he must protect himself!

Just when the light was on, he noticed that there were two Japanese soldiers standing in front of him, and he instinctively felt that his survival depended on these two Japanese soldiers!

"Da da da", "pa pa pa", and at the moment Shang Zhen fell, gunshots from both the enemy and us sounded almost simultaneously.

After all, Shang Zhen borrowed the light of the two standing Japanese soldiers. After all, the Japanese machine gunners were the ones who didn’t want to kill him, but Shang Zhen didn’t care about it. When he fell to the ground, the cannon had already been grabbed In his hand, he shot out with a long burst.

However, Shang Zhen didn't care whether he hit the two Japanese soldiers in this long shot, but his gun was heading for the source of the beam of light.

There was a sound of glass cracking, and the light source of the beam of light went out, only the red filament looked so obvious in the dark night, it turned out to be a searchlight!

Shang Zhen, a veteran, had experienced many battles, but this was the first time he encountered such a dangerous situation. He shot out the searchlight and rolled to the side at the same time.

And at this moment, he felt that death had never been so close to him. He felt that it was raining in front of him, behind him, left and right, and the "raindrops" were blown by the strong wind, and there were "chirp" all around him. The sound of "chirp".

There is a song in later generations called "Three points in the sky are destined to make seven points depend on hard work", but Shang Zhen at this time understands that "Seven points in the sky are destined to make three points depend on hard work".

He scrambled and scrambled for more than twenty steps, and when he luckily hid behind a mound of dirt, he was surprised that he was still alive!

But then he found that even though he was still alive, his situation was still not good.

Behind the mound, however, light appeared again.

The crisis of survival has never been so urgent. Shang Zhen, who was leaning on the mound, took advantage of the peripheral light of the Japanese army's flashlight behind him. He only glanced forward, and saw that there were more than 30 ruins in the nearest ruins. What about rice?

Is it more than thirty meters near? close!

But Shang Zhen knew that if he dared to rush over rashly, he would never be able to run ten meters.

And staying where they are is undoubtedly a dead end. The Japanese army should have seen the mound where they are hiding, and the little devil's grenade will fly over in a moment!

After all, Shang Zhen is a quick-witted person, and at this time he did another unexpected move, he took out something from his waist, and stuffed it directly into the top of the mound of dirt after a few clicks!

"***" the Japanese army shouted, and the Japanese army saw the mound where Shang Zhen was hiding, but at this moment, there was a "boom" at the mound, and the smoke suddenly rose.

It turned out that it was Shang Zhen who blew up the only grenade he carried nearby.

The flashlight can't illuminate very far, the Japanese army can use the light scattered by the flashlight to see the mound in front of them, but they can't see that the grenade was thrown by Shang Zhen himself~ already judged that Shang Zhen must be in Although some of the Japanese soldiers in the village fired guns, they also took out grenade pins and knocked their caps and threw them out.

But this is not important anymore, what is important is the first grenade that Shang Zhen blew off.

During these days of fighting, the mound was already covered with a layer of dust, but when Shang Zhen blew up the grenade, there were spiky dust everywhere, but he took the smoke from the grenade as a smoke bomb used!

After putting the grenade on the top of the mound, Shang Zhen turned around and fell down, and when the grenade exploded, he got up and scrambled desperately towards the ruins ahead.

As far as Yu Shangzhen is concerned, it would be a great fortune if he could escape for his life.

But is he really that easy to escape?

Just as he jumped into the ruins, he felt a beam of light swiping towards him behind him.

What the **** is this fluff? Shang Zhen turned his head and saw the beam of light spinning and landing in mid-air.

The Japanese soldiers were not stupid, but they threw out their flashlights in order to catch his shadow.

Now Shang Zhen was about 50 meters away from the Japanese army, and the Japanese army couldn't throw the flashlight more than 50 meters away, but the flashlight was still on.

With the sound of "Ah", Shang Zhen knew something was wrong when he saw the trajectory of the flashlight beam, so he hurried forward.

But he knew that he must have been illuminated by that beam of light, after all, there was light in front of him!

And in fact, that was exactly the case, just as the beam of light flew across, the Japanese army behind just saw the afterimage of a gray-black buttock left by a Chinese soldier when he stabbed into the ruins!

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