The War of Resistance

Chapter 809: another new idea

Another night battle began, and the Japanese army in the ruins became chaotic.

This kind of chaos has nothing to do with good training. The town has become a ruin. The entrance to the town in the usual sense no longer exists. Turning into a melee in the ruins is not something you can command as the commander of the army if you want to.

It is precisely for this reason that although the firepower is at a disadvantage, the Northeast Army who dared to fight desperately snatched the ruins back again and again.

What kind of command is needed at the critical moment? As long as you get close enough to the Japanese army, nothing can be solved without a bundle of cluster grenades. Of course, the premise is that the soldiers who fired the cluster grenades died with the enemy.

A group of Japanese soldiers ran past in the light and shadow. They were heading to the west, because gunshots from the west also rang out.

But they didn't notice it at all. When they ran past a collapsed house, a person suddenly came out from under the frame of the house that had been stuck on the ground.

As soon as the man raised his hand, a grenade flew towards the back of their heads in an arc from behind under the light of the fire not far away.

It's just that what should have happened when the Japanese army exclaimed when the grenade fell to the ground did not happen, just because the grenade exploded with a "boom" when it fell on the Japanese army's head.

To be honest, the explosion of a grenade must be louder than that of Er Tijiao, but it is by no means astonishing.

But I don’t know why, the grenade that exploded in mid-air was so lethal. After the explosion, although there were screams from the Japanese soldiers, but in the end, five or six Japanese soldiers fell down and never died again. Failed to get up, and this was the premise that the Japanese army marched in a column.

This is really not knowing where the killing star came from, but it is impossible to find its trace.

The Japanese army was bombed, the dead were already dead, the wounded wailed, and the living looked around with their guns, but the grenade really seemed to have fallen from the sky, except for the light of the nearby fires and the shadows of the ruins one after another. someone? It was as if the grenade really appeared out of thin air.

The person who threw the grenade was naturally Shang Zhen.

All the reactions of the Japanese army were within his expectations. The moment the grenade was shot, he ran away under the cover of the ruins. He didn't see the effect of the explosion at all.

So when the grenade blew up the Japanese army into chaos, he had already circumvented the two ruins at the fastest speed. Where could the Japanese army find him?

There were shouts and footsteps of the Japanese army in front of them. It was that the Japanese army rushed over after hearing the explosion.

At this time, gunshots and explosions from the north became one piece. The Japanese army was already worried that the Chinese army would attack from other directions. Here they heard the sound of explosions coming from the town. How could they not be in a hurry?

Shang Zhen ran forward a few steps, stretched out his hand, pressed a wall that had been blown down, and jumped over lightly. He just hid in the waist-high corner of the wall, when a group of Japanese soldiers ran over.

Shang Zhen curled up in the corner as if he had rolled his body into an egg. Although he was holding his twenty-gun box cannon in his hand, he didn't even open the trigger head.

Just as Shang Zhen summed up his own experience, at such a time, a sneak attacker like himself would be less able to confuse his position.

As far as the Japanese army is concerned, if there is a grenade exploding inside, they will naturally come over to meet the enemy or find out the situation. If they run around like a thief like Bai Zhan at this time, they will be easily seen by others, and they will not hide in the Japanese army. Safe under the nose.

Just imagine, the Japanese soldiers rushed to the scene in a hurry, but who would notice that he was hiding beside their only way.

As for the fact that a certain Japanese soldier suddenly turned a corner and ran to this corner because of a stomachache or urgency to urinate, do you think it is camping now? Now that we are at war, if there is a need to **** or pee, I will definitely forget it.

Things went as Shang Zhen expected, and the Japanese army ran over, and nothing happened.

It's a pity that I don't have a grenade anymore. If I had a grenade, I could throw it around the Japanese army's ass, no, throw another one on the back of the Japanese army's head, Shang Zhen thought regretfully.

The gun cannot be fired. Although the box cannon has an advantage in close combat, Shang Zhen will not shoot at the Japanese army unless it is absolutely necessary, even if he is a quick shooter.

Shang Zhen knew very well that all those who drowned were able to swim.

In other words, a soldier is not just a soldier, it is true of any industry.

When a person is a novice, he is very careful, but once he gets started and masters the rules, he will feel that he is omnipotent, and then he will naturally become an expert.

It's just that after he became an expert, his courage became smaller instead!

Yes, because I have become an expert, I know that the water in this industry is deep, and I have seen countless risks in the process of becoming an expert, and it is only at this time that I understand what it means to be careful. ".

Shang Zhen listened to the group of Japanese troops walking away. He stood up and looked around. Seeing that there was no movement around him, he began to look around and survey the terrain.

This kind of chaotic battle is often fought by soldiers fighting on their own.

All the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army wanted to go back to their hometowns. They were all "ashamed of life and proud of death". They were really not afraid of death when they fought. If they were afraid of death, they would never fight the Japanese army on the Huaihe River. up.

But now the Japanese army they are facing is also an elite division of the Japanese army, which is better than the Northeast Army in terms of combat discipline and individual quality.

In this way, the two sides are naturally immortal.

How can the battle process be shortened as much as possible? How can you kill a few more devils? Shang Zhen looked around and began to think.

I am alone now, and the grenade is easy to use, but I am so shy. Although I have a gun, I don’t want to shoot at the Japanese army, so I have to shoot a snake with seven inches. Where is the Japanese army’s seven inches now?

A person who does not use two mirrors in this life is destined not to be able to see the back of his A person who does not have a mirror will never be able to see his own face, and Shang Zhen can’t remember how long he has not seen a mirror .

It's just that he himself didn't know that right now, in the midst of the rain of bullets flying from the ruins, he still didn't look half as usual, and his bright black eyes gleamed with a fox-like cunning glow. Compared with Wang Laomao and even the old Huo Tou who drove the crane west early, he just has no Kaba eyes.

After Shang Zhen pondered for a while, he came up with a new idea. He used the cover of the shadow of the ruins to avoid the Japanese army all the way, but ran towards the southeast of the town.

More than 20 minutes later, Shang Zhen appeared in front of a ruin. The house here was also collapsed, but there was a terrace, and on the terrace was a pavilion that had been cut off by a shell.

Regardless of the collapse of the house here, Shang Zhen knew that this was originally a small second floor, because this was where the temporary brigade headquarters of the 337 brigade was first deployed.

Now the fighting in the north is the most noisy, and this is the southeast corner of the town. The Japanese army has not deployed defense here, and there are constant explosions and gunshots in the distance, but there is nothing unusual here.

I don't know if I can see it here, Shang Zhen thought to himself, put away the box cannon and ran a few steps quickly, stretched out his hands to wrap around a pillar of the gazebo, and stepped on the pillar with both feet on the ground at the same time superior!

He swung his arms back and kicked his feet upwards vigorously, and with that force, he climbed up the pillar.

His movements were so nimble, and it took only a moment for him to "swish", "swish", and "swish" to climb onto the gazebo.

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