The War of Resistance

Chapter 798: 1 ditch

Shang Zhen glanced up at the ruins to the east, and then he crawled forward along the ditch, followed by Ma Erhuzi and Zhou Xiu.

Chutian and Chen Hanwen were left by Shang Zhen at the place where they first came. There was a mound there, which was the commanding height of this area, while Gu Bing stayed at the place where Shang Zhen and the others entered the ditch.

Of course, Shang Zhen also wanted to save people or go to the town ahead to find out what happened. If he didn't do something for his friend who was stuck in the town and whose life and death were uncertain, he would feel uneasy.

But he would never do that kind of stupid thing to save a couple, he just wanted to try his luck going forward.

As Ma Erhuzi observed, this ditch has ice in some places and no ice in some places, almost waist deep in some places, and some places you can only crawl through with your head down, and there are still turns.

Originally, there was still water in the deep part of the ditch.

It's just that it's deep winter now, and the water has finally turned into ice, despite several twists and turns.

In the area of ​​the Huaihe River, the water will freeze at night when the temperature is low, and will melt when the temperature rises during the day. No sign of melting.

In this way, Shang Zhen and the three of them were spared the pain of crawling in the ditch.

But then again, if they can save their partners by walking in the icy water, then they have no regrets!

During the crawling, the first corner of the river ditch was reached.

Shang Zhen ignored it and continued to crawl forward, and when they climbed to the second corner, he let Zhou Xiu stay here, and he and Ma Erhuzi continued to move forward.

Soon Shang Zhen and Ma Erhuzi climbed to the third corner, and at this moment he sneaked out his head and looked ahead, which was only one mile away from the small Bengbu town ahead.

"Brother Huzi, you stay here, I'll take a look ahead." Shang Zhen ordered.

The reason why Shang Zhen left the two people he brought with him at different corners was to prevent accidents, as a backup.

Shang Zhen ordered Ma Erhuzi to stay where he was, but after Shang Zhen climbed a few meters, Ma Erhuzi suddenly called him in a low voice.

Shang Zhen turned his head and saw that Ma Erhuzi had already taken out the two grenades on his body and said to him at the same time: "Xiaoer, don't go too far inside." Then he slipped the two grenades along the ice surface come over.

Shang Zhen hit back and held down the grenade, feeling warm in his heart.

Shang Zhen has been away from home for a long time, originally he followed Li Fushun who is not his real brother but is better than his real brother.

Since Li Fushun was killed in battle, only Li Fushun's younger brother Ma Erhuzi called him "Xiao Er".

But later, as Shang Zhen grew in strength and became the leader of their group, Ma Erhuzi didn't even call him "Xiao Er" because of his majesty as the chief official, and usually only called him by his first name.

At this time, Ma Erhuzi even called out "Little Er" and told him not to go too far inside. Do you have to ask what kind of intention he expressed?

Shang Zhen is not a god, what does it mean to turn your elbows inward? What do you mean by kissing your family? China is a human relationship society where blood relationship is the main factor and friends are supplemented. It has not changed since ancient times!

Shang Zhen was moved in his heart, but a big man naturally wouldn't say anything pretentious, he just glanced at Ma Erhuzi gratefully and said "it's okay", then put away the grenade, turned back and continued to crawl forward go.

But this time Shang Zhen climbed for more than half an hour.

Although Shang Zhen's physical fitness has always been good, it is extremely hard to climb down the road, not to mention that the ditch is always shallow. You can find him, but if the Japanese sentry is on a high point, then he will be hanging!

So when Shang Zhen encountered a shallow ditch, he would temporarily stop and raise his head to look ahead.

The reason is very simple, if he can see the high point of the ruins of the town, then if there are Japanese soldiers there, he can also be found.

At this time, Shang Zhen would like to thank the Japanese army for blowing up the small Bengbu into ruins. If the house was intact, the Japanese army would inevitably put a lookout post on the house.

Because of this, how could Shang Zhen climb so fast, he would never let the Japanese army find him.

If you are discovered by the Japanese army, it will not be easy to escape the Japanese army's bullets.

Just imagine, once the Japanese army found out, even if a ditch could block the Japanese army's bullets, would he turn his head around and crawl out along the ditch?

The Japanese army didn't have to climb the ditch, but they could catch up with great strides. Although the Japanese's legs were shorter than the Chinese, the Japanese army's marching ability was comparable to that of most Chinese officers and soldiers. But only strong not weak!

But here, even though the ditch in front of him got deeper, Shang Zhen couldn't climb any further after all.

He looked up carefully again and then retracted his head.

You can see the ruins here. Based on Shang Zhen's combat experience, he is only about a hundred meters away from the town.

Shang Zhen turned sideways in the ditch, pressed himself against the clapper in the ditch, and listened for a while.

It's just that he didn't hear anything. It seems that the battle in the town has long since ended.

Shang Zhen couldn't help sighing, and the faces of those four comrades who were besieged by the Japanese army in the town couldn't help appearing in his mind, and finally the faces of others disappeared, leaving behind the image of the small dustpan.

But before Shang Zhen could think about it again, he suddenly heard a "crack" gunshot!

The gunshot sounded sharp and piercing, it was the sound of the 38-type rifle, and just after the gunshot, Shang Zhen could faintly hear the shouts of the Japanese army.

What is this scenario? Shang Zhen was startled, but then he was overjoyed, didn't the people he was in the town rush out of?

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen stretched out his hand and pulled out the box cannon to load the bullet, but he didn't show up to raise the gun, but poked his head out to look forward again.

At this time, he saw the figure of a Japanese soldier on the edge of the ruins in the distance, and that Japanese soldier was raising his gun to aim in his direction.

No way? Shang Zhen shrank his head instinctively. Could it be that his judgment was wrong, and it wasn't the few people in the town who rushed out, but the Japanese army discovered him? I have observed it before, the Japanese army should not have found me hiding in the ditch!

Shang Zhen was thinking about it, but at this moment he heard another "crack" gunshot.

It was also the shooting sound of the 38-type rifle, but how is this shot different from the first shot? It seemed that the latter shot was closer.

After all, Shang Zhen was a veteran, and this time he was really overjoyed, and he poked his head out of the ditch again to look forward.

But this time when he looked again, he saw that there were more Japanese soldiers on the edge of the town, but the Japanese soldier who had just shot had disappeared.

Shang Zhen didn't believe that the Japanese soldier was lying down. At this moment, he saw that there were more Japanese soldiers on the edge of the ruins. And the gun hit the ditch, it wasn't the gada he was hiding in, but the point of impact was tens of meters in front of him!

At this time, Shang Zhen finally became overjoyed.

God is sorry, finally gave me Shang Zhen a chance to save my brother!

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