The War of Resistance

Chapter 793: Standard Front Insertion

"150 meters, which of you can guarantee nine out of ten shots?" Shang Zhen asked.

It's really hard to answer Shang Zhen's question.

For the people that Shang Zhen is currently leading, it is quite difficult to say that ten shots can hit seven or eight shots at 150 meters, but what Shang Zhen is asking now is nine out of ten shots. up

Again, the difficulty of free play and propositional composition is really different.

Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing started to exchange glances again.

The two of them thought that their marksmanship was okay, but the problem was that the guns they used were all made in Hanyang, but now they both switched to Type 38 rifles.

You must know that different guns have different performances, and the operators will have different feelings. Although the stability of the 38-style rifle is much better than that made by Hanyang, no matter how good the gun is, the operator must have a familiarization process. of.

They didn't know what Shang Zhen's intention was when he asked who had the best marksmanship, and what kind of battle plan he had.

If I volunteered to say that I can hit nine out of ten shots, what if I miss it? That's not just a matter of delaying the battle, it is likely to take the life of one's companions!

"I-almost." Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing did not answer, but Chen Hanwen replied.

It doesn't matter whether Chen Hanwen is a scholar or a half-launched scholar, it's just a nickname after all, but in fact Chen Hanwen's marksmanship is still good when hitting targets within one or two hundred meters. After all, he is a veteran and has undergone rigorous training with Shang Zhen and the others.

"I asked the wrong question." At this moment, Shang Zhen saw the soldiers looking at each other and realized that he had asked something wrong.

"Did you see the bump on the left front and the ridge on the right?

I'll go to another place to shoot at the little devil, and when my gun goes off, you will send out four people, in groups of two, one group will go behind that dirt bag, and one group will go behind that ridge, and you will also shoot at the little devil gun.

Let's fight for the death of all the little devils on Gaogang in front of us. "Shang Zhen spoke out his battle plan.

"What about the rest of us?" Ma Erhuzi asked at this moment.

"The remaining five or six of you charge forward and find a hiding place for yourself, but you must rush ahead of the position I mentioned earlier.

Everyone covers each other, and we must rush to the high hill, so that we can help the brigade head out. "Shang Zhen said again.

The soldiers didn't understand Shang Zhen's intention of asking the earliest question until they heard Shang Zhen's talk.

Shang Zhen himself was the first screener, which was considered the first group, and the four people who rushed forward fifty meters away were the second group of screeners.

One of these two shooting positions is 200 meters away from the Japanese army, and the other is 150 meters away. Of course, people with the most accurate marksmanship are needed, so that they can cover the people who are rushing forward as much as possible.

The reason why Shang Zhen arranged this way was because he didn't want his own personnel to suffer casualties, because in order to provide support for the brigade headquarters, they had to charge to Gao Gang in front.

"I'll go." Chen Hanwen said.

"I'll go too." Chu Tian also said.

"I—forget it, if there is a horse box." Bai Zhan also said.

It's just that after Bai Zhan finished speaking, all the veterans gave him a hard look.

When is this, you are still gasping for breath here!

"Gu Bing and I will go too." Zhou Xiu finally said.

Hearing Shang Zhen's words, Zhou Xiu felt compelled.

"Okay, then it's settled.

I'm going to change places now, you see my gestures and rush forward. If my gun goes off, it proves that the devil has found you.

Then there is nothing to say. At that time, everyone will still cross cover and rush forward.

Do you understand everything? "Shang Zhen said again, and the last sentence undoubtedly accentuated his tone.

"Understood." The soldiers replied in unison.

"Okay! Then wait for my gesture!" Shang Zhen said in a deep voice, and then he crawled backwards, and after only climbing a few meters, he got up and ran to the left with his waist bent.

As far as Shang Zhen ran, it was just like the original soldiers, such as Chu Tian, ​​Chen Hanwen, Bai Zhan, and Yu Zuolong, but Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing were all dumbfounded.

It's okay to say that Shang Zhen's speed is just fast, but it's different if he can run so fast with his waist swaying and a gun in his hand!

The terrain they are now in is still full of pits and pits. The Japanese army on the opposite side is on a high hill.

Although Shang Zhen was running towards the north under the cover of those earth bags, there was also an open space between the earth bags, and if any Japanese soldiers looked here at this time, they would definitely find him.

It's just that in order to prevent the Japanese army from finding out, Shang Zhen and the others have made a detour. Generally speaking, the Japanese army should be watching the place where the enemy and us fought before.

So whether it can be discovered by the Japanese army can only depend on whether there are Japanese troops watching in their direction, and this is a matter of resignation.

An ordinary person would definitely be nervous in this situation, but the soldiers are all veterans, and they just watched Shang Zhen's figure shuttling between the soil bags. Who knows if it was five seconds, six seconds or seven seconds, eight seconds, Shang Zhen's figure quickly disappeared among the mounds of dirt.

After a while, Shang Zhen appeared on top of a dirt bag. He had already set up the sniper rifle with one hand, and waved his right hand towards them.

Chutian and Chen Hanwen were in a group, Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing were in a group. Seeing that Shang Zhen had given an order, they rushed forward with their rifles in hand.

Fifty meters, that is, fifty meters, how long does it take for young soldiers to run fifty meters? In less than ten seconds, the two groups of people reached the designated position.

As soon as the two groups were in place, the remaining Guo Baoyou, Bai Zhan, Yu Zuolong, Ma Tianfang and Shi Xiaowan also rushed forward.

Shi Xiaowan is too small but he has always wanted to act together with other soldiers, and Ma Tianfang is now one-armed. Under the advice of the veterans, the two of them became a pair, which happened to be able to take care of each other.

However, the remaining soldiers would be in vain if they were to say they ran the fastest.

It must be admitted that Bai Zhan is only a half-baked soldier, and a thief is a professional.

To be a professional thief, two skills are necessary, one is dexterity, stealing is definitely a technical job, and the other is running fast! People sometimes stumble, horses stumble, as for thieves, it is inevitable that when they are chased, how can they escape slowly?

And now Bai Zhan rushed to the front among the remaining few people.

You can say that he rides Juechen, or that he runs like a gust of wind, anyway, he runs like "whoosh" and "whoosh"!

It stands to reason that this kind of thing is no different between going forward and charging, he should shrink back, but in fact it is not, Bai Zhan also has his own calculations.

Now that he has become a soldier and everyone is charging, how can he succeed if he doesn't charge forward?

There are very few places to hide in the open area ahead, otherwise Shang Zhen wouldn't let the two groups of people rush to the dirt bag first and the other to the ridge, and there are too few other places to hide.

But Bai Zhan caught a lonely tree about 100 meters away from Gaogang in front of him with his thief's eyes.

According to Bai Zhan's observation, although the tree is not as thick as a bowl of sea, he still feels that it must be thicker than two bowls. The temperature has dropped these days, and the temperature has also dropped below zero during the day, so the tree is also frozen. It can stop the bullets of the Japanese army, Why not find a place to hide yourself before the Japanese army finds out? This is Bai Zhan's idea, he is betting anyway!

If you say that Bai Zhan's idea is not wrong, so he really jumped forward with an "oh" "oh"!

At this time, Bai Zhan was running like flying and panting like a cow, he didn't care what happened behind him!

And just under his sprint, he finally got close to the tree.

"Ten steps, eight steps, six steps!" Bai Zhan counted silently in his heart, but at this moment, he heard a gunshot!

He rushed forward instinctively, and finally stuck his head behind the tree and fell down.

But at this time, gunshots sounded sparsely behind him and in front of him, the enemy and us finally started fighting, and for a while he couldn't tell which group fired first.

However, now Bai Zhan didn't hold a gun either.

Running too fast, let's talk about breathing first, as far as my marksmanship is concerned!

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