The War of Resistance

Chapter 784: Kang (3)

"They're all crowded over there, so why leave this damp place for me!" Ma Erhuzi's dissatisfied cry came from the side room where the kang was built.

So Hu Zhuzi, who had just laid down, squeezed Guman next to him, Guman squeezed Zhou Xiu again, and they all squeezed towards the head of the kang one by one, and Hu Zhuzi even shouted impromptuly, "Squeeze, squeeze!" Drive the oil, squeeze out the cakes and exchange them for sugar balls."

The soldiers laughed loudly, and some echoed their voices and squeezed together towards the kang. After all, there are so many people and strength. The soldiers who just lay down and fell asleep squeezed the soldiers who fell asleep just after lying down like beanbags. So, finally there was a dry place where two people could lie down side by side when the kang was slightly squeezed out.

The soldiers were so sleepy that they squeezed onto the kang to sleep before it was completely dry.

Ma Erhuzi and Bai Zhan were sent by Old Mao Wang to burn the kang.

But the two of them felt that the fire was almost over, and then went into the house to take a look, this time it's good! The only thing left of the kang was the unburned top of the kang for them.

That's not to say that the kang is not big enough, but because the surface of the kang is dried out in sequence, and the top of the kang turns white when it dries up, but the top of the kang is hot and humid, but it is steaming upwards!

This is a matter of heat transfer, very simple and needs no explanation.

"The two of us have a place, Shang Zhen doesn't know where to sleep." Ma Erhuzi muttered as he lay down on the kang.

Because of the relationship between Shang Zhen's second brother Li Fushun, who was killed in battle, Ma Erhuzi is naturally the most sympathetic to Shang Zhen in everything, even though Shang Zhen not only does not need his care now, but has become the leader of their group .

"Just worry about it, isn't there a small kang in Gao Yuyan's house?" Bai Zhan yawned and said.

"Then how can it work?" Ma Erhuzi, who just lay on the kang, could barely open his eyelids, but he was still worried.

"Will a big man and a woman suffer from lying on the same kang? If something doesn't happen, it won't suffer. If it happens, it's called taking advantage.

Didn't it just mean that the boss had a daughter-in-law, so what if he asked for a younger one? "Bai Zhan is worthy of being Bai Zhan, he can really babble, even when he is about to fall asleep.

"It seems to be the same." Ma Erhuzi replied in a daze, and then his snoring sound merged into the "chorus" in the room.

Right now, just outside this courtyard, Shang Zhen was sending off two soldiers from the 337th Brigade: "Thank you brother, and also convey my thanks to your company commander Zhao."

"Commander Shang, don't say that. Our company commander Zhao said that you don't want to be an official. If you want to be an official, you have to be a battalion commander or something." A soldier hurriedly said.

"Don't send us off, we'll go back now." Another soldier also said.

"Okay, then I won't give it away." Shang Zhen also said.

So the two soldiers turned and left, and Shang Zhen who was standing there had an extra leather bullet bag in his hand.

Watching the two soldiers leave, Shang Zhen still had gratitude in his eyes.

He really didn't expect Zhao Chuandong, the company commander of the guard company, to be so interesting. When they heard that he was trying to get a box of cannon bullets, they sent someone to send him this pair of ammunition bags.

The reason why it is called a pair is because this pair of ammunition bags has ten leather grids side by side, and four of the grids are filled with four magazines for twenty-gun box guns!

There is a cover on each grid, which is snap-buttoned, and both the magazine and the grid are full of bullets from the box gun.

Shang Zhen didn't know Zhao Chuandong, the guard company commander of the 337th Brigade, and Zhao Chuandong was already the third company commander of the guard company. Shang Zhen only knew the first two company commanders, and he fought side by side with the first company commander. The first two company commanders were dead.

Zhao Chuandong had only heard about Shang Zhen, but now he just caught Xin'er and sent him an emergency bullet. Shang Zhen can't express this friendship in words.

At this time, Shang Zhen remembered a feeling of his own, that a soldier who survived meekly has brother's blood behind him.

Why report? Only kill the Japanese invaders more!

Shang Zhen stood silently for a while before turning back into the courtyard, he was also sleepy.

Because he was thinking about things all the time, he didn't notice that there was a person looking at him at the gate of the small courtyard diagonally across, that was Gao Yuyan.

After Shang Zhen entered the room, he couldn't help laughing wryly. What he saw was exactly what Ma Erhuzi and Bai Zhan saw before. There is a place to sleep, but the steam is steaming on it!

Why are you sleeping? Shang Zhen smiled wryly.

Shang Zhen had a good temper, so naturally he would not wake up the sleeping soldiers.

How about finding a broken mat and laying it on it? Thinking in his heart, he turned to the outside again. Seeing that all the logs in the kang-burning stove had been burnt out, he hurriedly kicked the logs in, but he picked up another log and stuffed it into the stove.

But when he bent down and lowered his head to pick up the second piece of wood, he saw a pair of feet appearing in front of him, and when he looked up, he saw Gao Yuyan looking at him with angry and resentful eyes .

For a moment, the two looked at each other but were speechless.

What Gao Yuyan meant to Shang Zhen is that a blind person can see it, but Luohua deliberately ruthless, Shang Zhen let Wang Laomao, Wang Laomao let Ju Hongxia and Gao Yuyan reveal that Shang Zhen has a "daughter-in-law" news.

As a result, Gao Swift became embarrassed.

And Gao Yuyan's family is also a woman with status and self-respect, and she did not expect this situation to happen.

She has received a Western-style education, so how could it be like what Shang Zhen's soldiers thought, the big deal is that Leng Xiaozhi will be a small one if she becomes a big one.

With her upbringing and character, seeing that Shang Zhen was someone with a sweetheart, she decided to quit. Of course, whether she could let go of it was another matter.

So this period of time has been avoiding Shang Zhen, even though the little eyes slipped to where Shang Zhen was from time to time.

Originally, Gao Yuyan also thought that after this period of war was over, she would go to other places by herself, but she never expected that there would be another incident today. I was left alone with no place to sleep.

At that moment, Gao Yuyan really almost burst into tears, but what she thought was that if one of her own brothers was there, how could her little sister be left alone here!

At this time, Shang Zhen appeared again.

Shang Zhen and the soldiers were anxious, and Gao Yuyan burst into tears at that time, but she was always reserved and turned around to hide.

These young men and women, regardless of whether they are male or female, if one person has another person in his heart, he naturally cares about the other person's whereabouts.

Therefore, Gao Yuyan naturally knew what happened to Shang Zhen and his kang burning.

As soon as she saw Shang Zhen coming out to give someone away, she could think of something, so he immediately followed him in.

"Go to sleep at my place!" Eyes met, Gao Swift finally spoke.

Shang Zhen drooped his eyelids, he showed his unique skills, I didn't say a word, I just didn't say a word!

Just like Liu Chengyi, commander of the 337 brigade, commented on Shang Zhen, this Shang Zhen looks honest on the outside, but inside he really turns like a windmill.

Now, in his heart, he has thought about all the consequences of going to Gao Yuyan's place to sleep!

If I go, will I treat Gao Swift well?

What would the soldiers under him say?

If I lie down on a hot kang with Gao, what should I do if I can't help breaking the limit?

He had made a vow to that girl Leng Xiaozhi, "I won't marry you until you die".

Shang Zhen himself didn't know that he was dealing with emotional issues with logical thinking, so what could he think of? !

It's just that Gao Yuyan has a deeper understanding of Shang Zhenna at this time.

She knew that if she expected Shang Zhen to take the initiative, the cucumber dishes would be cold!

"Stop it, it's as if you've never hugged me!" Gao Yuyan said angrily, then she leaned over and stretched out her hand, grabbed Shang Zhen's hand and "squeezed" Shang Zhen up hard!

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