The War of Resistance

Chapter 776: talking veteran

A bullet flew from afar and was hitting a soil laka, but this time there was a "poof", and the earth laka shattered and a puff of dust came out.

This situation fell into Guman's eyes, and he finally retreated into the ruins.

But this time, before he could express any emotion, the firepower of the Japanese army on the opposite side suddenly became stronger.

"Da da da", "pa", "pa", the Japanese gunshots suddenly sounded like rain hitting plantains.

Visible to the naked eye, a puff of smoke and dust rose from the ruins where they were hiding. It was by no means the "poof" that Guman heard before retreating into the ruins, it was like a sudden rush in the long drought summer Dust filled with rain.

At this point, what else could Gu Man complain about?

If it wasn't for Shang Zhen who suddenly "slammed on the brakes" when he was about to go forward at full speed just now, then he would be in the same situation as before, with a piece of dust kicked up by bullets in front of him, and he said Being beaten into a sieve is not enough to describe its tragedy, he will definitely be beaten into a blood mist by the dense bullets!

The Japanese army on the south bank of the Huai River actually increased its troops at this juncture!

This time it's not just Guman's problem alone. If Shang Zhen and the others rushed forward just now, they would definitely hit the guns of the Japanese army, and the result can only be the only one, that is, their three A team of more than ten people was wiped out by others!

"If we had rushed faster just now, we might have been able to occupy that high hill and hold on until reinforcements arrived." At this moment, Gu Man heard a soldier beside him whisper.

Huh? It turns out that there are such ambitious people in their group!

Guman, who was really unexpected, took a special look at the man, and saw that the man was also dressed as a soldier, but compared with other soldiers, he still had a slightly more refined temperament.

"Xiucai, why do you say that the big guy keeps scolding you, and you just say things that are beaten and no one will hold you back!" But at this time, another young soldier retorted in a dissatisfied tone, "Even if we can really occupy After reaching that commanding height, do you think we can survive the attack of the devils for a while longer? If there are only three of us left, I’m afraid it’s all good!”

Guman, the soldier who expressed his dissatisfaction, already had an impression, because it was the soldier who called him "silly big man" before to obey the order.

Gu Man didn't know that this soldier was Xiao Dupan, who was the second youngest in Shang Zhen's group of soldiers, and the first one was Shi Xiaowan. And the one called "Xiu Cai" is Chu Tian.

Shang Zhen and his group called each other very casually. "Xiu Cai" could refer to both Chutian and Chen Hanwen. When two "Xiu Cai" appeared side by side, Chu Tian became "Xiu Cai" again, and Chen Hanwen referred to "Xiu Cai". He condescended to become a "half-la scholar".

Chu Tian shut up.

Among Shang Zhen's group, it has become normal for Chu Tian to be reprimanded by others, and both the reprimanded and the reprimanded are used to it.

"Are there any casualties among us?" At this time, Gu Man heard Shang Zhen ask loudly.



Answering voices sounded from various locations in the ruins.

"Then why didn't I see the little stone bowl?" Gu Man heard Shang Zhen shout again in the gap between the gunshots.

"That kid is watching the wind from behind!" Another person replied.

At this time, Shang Zhen replied: "Let's see if the devil will charge down, and we will retreat when the devil's firepower weakens!"

Shang Zhen is the commander of the entire team, so naturally others will not have any objections when Shang Zhen says this.

And in the simple conversation between Shang Zhen and the others just now, a new association of Gu Man, an "outsider", was aroused.

Lenovo one.

Small stone bowl? It seems that this is the name of a person, why is it called such a name? This name is not good, if this bowl is made of stone, don't drop it on the ground and "snap" it and it will be broken. Why is it not called "Little Iron Bowl"?

Lenovo II.

Shang Zhen is a real thief!

There are no casualties in the fight so far, which is so amazing!

Based on Gu Man's previous experience of partnering with Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen always killed more than a dozen Japanese soldiers. Even if the two groups of people only killed more than ten Japanese soldiers each, they have already killed more than ten Japanese soldiers. There are more Japanese troops on our own side, but there are no casualties on our own side!

For a while, Gu Man was in conflict again.

Are you saying that Shang Zhen and the others are cowardly? It seems wrong.

Say they are bold? It doesn't seem right. What kind of people is this?

"Hey, I said silly, have you returned your box cannon to our boss?" While Gu Man was thinking, someone took the initiative to talk to him.

Gu Man turned his head, who else would call him "Big Stupid" as soon as they met Nengcai? It was the young soldier in Guman's eyes, that is, the little dustpan.

It's impolite to call someone stupid when they meet, but to say "silly big guy" directly reveals a kind of friendliness that treats the other person as one of our own.

Although abrupt, the inner distance between each other has been shortened all of a sudden. This at least shows that, first, people from the Northeast are familiar with each other by nature and have a strong affinity. Two, the speaker is also not annoying.

It turned out that I was carrying Shang Zhen's gun earlier, everyone saw it, Gu Man thought in his heart, but he already said "hehe": "I used that gun to waste, your boss's gun is used - oops "

Gu Man didn't know what words to use to express his admiration for Shang Zhen's marksmanship.

Guman is also a veteran, he is not that uninformed.

Since the current Chinese soldiers can't keep up with the Japanese army in terms of weapon firepower, all ambitious Chinese soldiers should practice their marksmanship as much as possible.

It is said that in the dark night, he used a box cannon to shoot incense sticks hundreds of meters away. He has seen such a sharpshooter Gu Man before, but he has never seen such an aunt as Shang Zhen.

"That's right!" Hearing that Gu Man praised Shang Zhen's little dustpan with such discernment, he was of course happy, so he introduced himself directly, "My name is little dustpan, what's your name, you stupid old man?"

Perhaps because Dustpan has been the smallest on the team for a long time, he just loves hanging out with big guys.

The big ones usually say "stupid", while the small dustpan is clever, which is somewhat complementary.

So it turned out that Erhanzi was the one who had a good relationship with Xiao Dupan, and after Erhanzi was killed in battle, he got mixed up with Guan Tiedou again.

As for Hu Zhuzi, let's forget about it. If Ba Teng is playing and throwing, it depends on his mood whether the little dustpan takes care of Hu Zhuzi.

"My name is Guman." Guman also introduced himself.

"Oh, that's a nice name, Gu Man, that means your barn is always full." The little dustpan said sincerely.

Gu Man didn't explain that his surname "Gu" was not the "Gu" of "Gu Zi". Originally, the name his father borrowed from their brothers really meant "Gu Man".

"My third brother is called Gu Cang, but yesterday—" Gu Man remembered his third brother, the company commander Gu.

But at this time Gu Man said so Xiao Dupan looked at him carefully and then suddenly realized: "Aren't you the younger brother of Captain Gu who borrowed the gun and refused to return it?"

"Huh?" What is this called? Gu Man was stunned. Then we borrowed the gun and didn't return it. Then you don't need to be so obsessed with my brother.

At this time, the little dustpan also found that there was something wrong with his speech.

"Well, I really shouldn't have lent you those good guns. It's not that we feel sorry for those guns, but that you took those guns and went to fight the little devils to your death. In the end-oh, we Northeast people are all heroes! "The little dustpan, who realized that he had said the wrong thing, hurriedly pulled the words back.

The timely change of the little dustpan made Guman's heart, which was a little bit uncomfortable just now, feel better again.

So, it is very important for this person to be able to speak!

When Gu Man was about to say something more, Shang Zhen had already shouted: "Leave some cover with accurate marksmanship, and the rest retreat!"

It turned out that during the conversation between Xiao Dupan and Gu Man, the gunfire of the Japanese army had stopped unconsciously.

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