The War of Resistance

Chapter 773: fast gun

"I saw fifteen devils in total, and I couldn't see any more." Gu Man said in a low voice.

"Fifteen is not enough." Shang Zhen sighed as if talking to himself, and then he asked, "How is your box cannon? Are you accurate with your marksmanship?"

"What do you mean?" Gu Man couldn't help but jump in his heart when he was in trouble. He was about to ask for a gun from him, and there was a little bit of reluctance in his heart. Moreover, he really couldn't answer whether this marksmanship was good or not.

The marksmanship is good, there are those who shoot stationary targets and those who shoot moving targets. He thought to himself that the marksmanship of the box cannon is still good, but can he say this?

"How many bullets are there?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"There is less than one magazine left, maybe sixteen or seventeen rounds." Guman replied.

"That's all there is left." Gu Man heard the sigh again in Shang Zhen's tone.

"First it's my third brother, and then it's me—" In the end, it was because of someone else's hand, and the ancient Manchu language was only half spoken, and the remaining half was "Then how can it be free?"

Yes, this 20-gun box cannon was first used by his third brother. After his third brother was killed, it was his turn to use it. It can’t be said that we fought for a day, but even if we only fought for three or four hours in a day , Those bullets given by Shang Zhen were almost used up.

"Forget it, you'd better give me the box cannon, alas." Shang Zhen finally sighed.

What can Guman say at this time? If he didn't hang out with Shang Zhen and the others now, he wouldn't have to return the gun at all, but now—even though he was reluctant to part with it, Gu Man could only pick up the gun.

Shang Zhen didn't speak any more, took the gun and handed him the 38-type rifle he had just seized along with a box of ammunition.

It's just that it's not over yet, but Shang Zhen bent down and put another rifle and the Japanese ammunition box beside him.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. To be honest, this was the first time Shang Zhen was in trouble because of the lack of bullets.

Gu Man just counted for a long time and saw that there were fifteen devils in Huoguang, but Shang Zhen knew, fifteen is not enough? I'm afraid thirty-five can't beat it!

Although Shang Zhen didn't expect Du Man to kill all these devils, who would think he had too many bullets?

"When will we start the fight?" Duman asked again, with his rifle resting on a gap in the wall.

"I don't know when to hit me." Shang Zhen replied.

When Du Man almost said, "If you asked, you didn't ask", Shang Zhen explained in a low voice: "Maybe, we can't decide for ourselves.

If we are spotted by the little devil while we are approaching, we will start fighting. Once our gun is fired, the other two groups will definitely start fighting.

If other groups shoot first and the devils are on guard, then we can only fight.

If none of our three teams were discovered by the devils, but at this time our attack on the town started, we would follow suit.

Besides, we can't fire the first shot yet, I have to wait for Qiao Xiong to give the devil a shot or two first.

You said, how can I be sure when the fight will start? "

Gu Man fell silent, but what he was thinking in his heart was, why did he talk so much during this battle? If this was replaced by the people from your own company, they would have rushed forward long ago? Could this be the reason why the people in my company are now dead, but these people are still alive?

Thinking in his heart, Gu Man glanced at the east again. There were no ruins to block his sight at this location. Finally, there was a faint whiteness in the eastern sky. Before he knew it, the night was about to pass.

"If we don't fight now, it will be difficult to withdraw at dawn." Gu Man couldn't help but said again.

"It's best to wait for our large forces to start fighting, otherwise we may end up making raw rice." Shang Zhen replied.

Of course, Shang Zhen hoped to cooperate with the main force to fight together, so it would be much easier to take back Little Bengbu.

Otherwise, even if they really killed dozens of devils, it is impossible for them not to retreat. In that case, the position is still in the hands of the enemy.

Shang Zhen didn't expect that by now, none of his three teams had started. There were too many uncertain factors on the battlefield. If he had known that such a situation would happen, he would have communicated with the large team first.

But the ventilation is not good. If they are breathing, they will take on the mission again. Once the mission is carried on, they will have to complete it regardless of sacrifice. It is not like the current situation. No matter whether they can regain the position or not, they only need to kill the devils. It could have been withdrawn!

Shang Zhen himself didn't realize it, but he had already learned the old hat Wang's style of taking advantage of it and running away when he was fighting for a long time abroad. He was even more calculating than old hat Wang!

However, what should come will come after all. Just when Shang Zhen started to mutter in his heart, there were suddenly fierce gunshots and explosions from the north.

As soon as I heard that momentum, it was beyond what a team like Shang Zhen and the others could do. There was no doubt that this was the Northeast Army finally launching a counterattack against the Japanese army in Little Bengbu before dawn!

And amidst the sudden gunshots and explosions, Guman's spirit was lifted, and it finally started!

He is holding back his energy!

Although this vigor has hatred for the Japanese invaders, it also has the urge to compare marksmanship with Shang Zhen.

The 20-shot box cannon is really easy to use, but for veterans, isn't it easy to hit a target with a rifle at 50 meters?

Yes, the rifle is not as fast as the box gun, but how can the box gun be compared with the rifle in terms of accuracy, not to mention that the rifle he is using now is a 38-type rifle that is famous for its shooting stability?

Guman turned the bolt and pointed his rifle at the Japanese soldiers who had just appeared beside the fire on Gaogang. Those Japanese soldiers who were resting beside the fire were also awakened, and immediately rushed to the mortar that had been erected. went.

Even if there is no Japanese army in front to direct the shelling target, they can always fire flares for their own people, right?

But just as Guman pointed his rifle at the mortar and a Japanese gunner hadn't pulled the trigger before him, he heard a "boom" not far behind him.

It should be said that the sound of "Boom" did not make much noise against the background of the messy gunshots and explosions, but then Gu Man saw a flash of white light on the high hill in front of him, and then there was a sound of "Boom". In the not-so-large smoke and dust from the explosion, the mortars and gunners of the Japanese army were all gone!

It disappeared, of course it was covered by the smoke and dust of the explosion, but in other words, the devil who operated the gun and the mortar were hit directly by a grenade!

"Oh!" Gu Man didn't care to applaud the person behind who gave the devil a small cannon, he immediately pointed his rifle at another mortar.

But also before he could pull the trigger, a gunshot sounded in his ear. It was the "snap" of the box cannon, and in this gunshot, the Japanese gunner who was also manipulating the mortar Then he fell down!

"Oh!" Gu Man couldn't help but yelled again, how could he be knocked down by Shang Zhen just after aiming?

Guman hastily adjusted the muzzle of the gun again.

But it was a coincidence, this time he was pointing his rifle at the ammunition man next to the mortar that was loading the mortar, but at this moment he heard another "crack" gunshot next to his ear , and then the ammunition hand of the Japanese army also fell down!

This Shang Zhen marksmanship is too accurate! This time, Gu Man didn't even bother to say "Oh!" He hurriedly switched his gun and aimed at the third Japanese soldier.

But at this moment, he heard the inconspicuous "Boom" not far behind him again, and then on the high hill in front, there was another flash of white light and the explosion of smoke and dust rose again!

Why did he shoot this time, the target he was going to shoot disappeared again!

In desperation, Guman could only aim at the other Japanese soldiers under the fire again, but at this moment he could hear the sound of the box cannon firing in his ears, "pop", "pop" and "pop". slipped away.

In this Wherever Gu Man looked, he saw the Japanese soldiers falling one after another under the background of the flames. It was really a single bullet that wiped out an enemy, and that bullet was really Not going to waste.

If the battle is over, if a veteran like me didn't fire a single shot, he would be ashamed!

After a thought, Guman no longer picked the Japanese soldier in the key position to fight, he finally pointed at a Japanese soldier at random.

But just at this moment, the "tom" behind him sounded again.

But it would be fine if it just rang, but the next grenade fell on the fire and exploded.

And in this explosion, countless sparks were blown out of the fire, which looked very spectacular like fireworks in a festival.

But when the sparks were annihilated, the hills would turn black, and the fire would be blown out. How could the remaining fires, speckled like stars, play the role of lighting again?

So far, in this round of attacks, Gu Man, who is also a veteran, failed to shoot a single shot!

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