The War of Resistance

Chapter 738: Help at a critical moment

Gunshots sounded near the northeast corner of the town. It was Shang Zhen and his three rescue teams who were fighting the Japanese army.

"This man is hard to save!" A Northeast Army soldier muttered.

Old Mao Wang already had wrinkles all over his face, but this time his brows were knotted again.

Does that need to be said? This person is really hard to save!

This is the northeast corner of the town, which is not where the 337 brigade set up its position.

Since there is no position here, the Japanese army's shelling here is limited and tight, and the shelling is limited, and there are few places where houses collapsed, and there are deep streets and alleys everywhere. Whoever gets shot will die.

Although some soldiers said that the wounded and a few women were behind, but now Old Mao Wang and the others dare not rush into the alley anymore.

If they dared to charge forward, the corpse-strewn Japanese army just knocked down by them would be their fate!

"It's okay! Didn't our boss go out?" At this moment, a still childish voice sounded, it was Shi Xiaowan.

Shi Xiaowan is half a boy, and half a boy is the age of worshiping heroes. In Shi Xiaowan's eyes, Shang Zhen is an omnipotent hero. He really has obsessive confidence in Shang Zhen.

After Shi Xiaowan said that, the veterans beside him really couldn't answer.

As the same veterans, Wang Laomao and the others certainly know that Shang Zhen is not omnipotent, but they can neither suppress Shi Xiaowan's admiration for Shang Zhen, nor can they say that Shang Zhen can't, after all, Shang Zhen is in their group Li Na is the one with the most eyes and the best skills.

Just when the veterans were feeling anxious, they suddenly heard the continuous explosion of grenades.

"How many times?" Old Mao Wang asked Ma Erhuzi beside him.

"Three beeps, it doesn't seem to be the case, four beeps?" Ma Erhuzi turned his head and asked the little dustpan beside him.

"Four beeps, two beeps overlapped." The little dustpan replied.

And just in this sentence, Wang Laomao and the veterans' eyes lit up when they gathered together. They knew that Shang Zhen had two grenades, and when he left earlier, he also took away the two grenades of Ma Erhuzi. it's time to go.

Now there are four explosions not far from the high-walled courtyard. Did Shang Zhen throw the grenade?

"Look, our people have come out!" Guan Tiedou, who was hiding in the corner of the alley and was peeking ahead, shouted.

"Then why are you hesitating? Cover! Get ready to fight!" Old Mao Wang shouted, he was the first to rush out and stood in the middle of the alley, and charged the muzzle of his flower machine gun to hold on to it. .

Someone really appeared at the corner of the alley ahead. First, two soldiers rushed out.

The two soldiers had already seen Old Hat Wang, but they turned around and showed him their backs, and then they made a warning sign with guns, and at this time several people ran out from the alley, among them There were several lightly wounded, as well as Ju Hongxia and the female student.

"Ei!" Wang Laomao was happy when he saw his little daughter-in-law, but when Ju Hongxia ran in front of him, what he said had changed: "Where is that Gao girl and Shang boy?"

"Yiyan didn't rush out, Shang Zhen went to look for him!" Ju Hongxia replied panting.

"Damn!" Wang Laomao's joy at seeing his wife for the first time turned into annoyance again, why didn't Gao Yuyan follow her?

"Dead Monkey, you take four or five people and send them out of town, and the rest of you will follow me to pick up Boy Shang!" Old Mao Wang roared immediately.

This man, there is always a difference between intimacy and distance.

In this case, if other officers and soldiers who have never met before are surrounded inside, Old Mao Wang is likely to retreat, but if his brother is surrounded by the Japanese army, he must be rescued up.

valley end

And now that Shang Zhen went to find Gao Yuyan alone, how could Old Mao Wang not go to find Gao Yuyan?

It's just that in the current situation, is Old Mao Wang able to respond if he wants to go out?

Wang Laomao rushed out without caring about the people behind him, but he only ran a few steps when a Japanese soldier with a long 38-style rifle appeared at the opposite alley.

Wang Laomao instinctively pulled the trigger. He knocked down one of the opponents with a short burst, and at this time other Japanese soldiers raised their guns.

At this time, Old Mao Wang heard the sound of "he he he" from the shooting mechanism beside him, and the Japanese soldiers who were about to pull the trigger on him fell down.

"The platoon leader can't rush forward, back quickly!" Hou Wangshan shouted behind him, and at the same time, Old Mao Wang felt his shoulder move. It was Hou Wangshan who grabbed him and started to retreat.

At the same time, two more people rushed up from the left and right of Wang Laomao, they were Xiao Dupan and Ma Erhuzi, and the flower mechanism "Ta Ta" in their hands made a sound and shot forward.

But even so, there was still a bullet flying from the opposite side, and the bullet hit the big wall with a "clang".

Old Mao Wang and the others kept firing guns, and up to now, the Japanese army had only fired one shot, but at this time, all the veterans understood that they could not charge forward, and if they charged forward, it would really be a dead end!

Thinking about the explosion of the grenade earlier, it was Shang Zhen who made it. Although Shang Zhen would have blown up the Japanese army at the other end, there must be Japanese soldiers who heard it.

It took a while for Ju Hongxia and the wounded to get here, so wouldn't the Japanese army have reached the opposite alley again?

Although the Japanese army has only fired one shot so far, it is because of the continuous shooting of their flower organs that blocked the Japanese army at the other end of the alley. However, if their shooting stops slightly, the Japanese army will come in to take the gun. Shoot, the bullet didn't hit the wall next to the alley.

Each weapon has its advantages and disadvantages. Although the 38-type rifles of the Japanese army have a slow shooting frequency, they are about to be targeted by the guns in this alley that is only tens of meters long.

"Quickly withdraw! There is a brigade of devils coming!" Qin Chuan shouted in the adjacent alley at this time.

When Shang Zhen arranged the battle plan earlier, he divided their people into three groups, and those two groups had already fought the Japanese army.

What's the deal with this? Old Mao Wang knew that he had to withdraw, otherwise they would suffer a great loss!

A small team like them said that they would fight all over Guanshan, which sounds In fact, wouldn’t that mean fleeing all over Guanshan?

They only fight the battles that are cheap or have to be fought. If they really defend their positions, let alone fight all the Guanshan Mountains, even if they fight a Guanshan Mountain, the veterans will be scattered.

Wang Laomao and the others retreated helplessly, but they retreated quickly, and the Japanese army chased them quickly.

When they rushed out of the town, the Japanese army was still chasing after them. At this time, it was no longer a question of whether they could meet Shang Zhen, but a question of whether they could escape!

"Run over there, there are our people over there!" Zhou Xiu said at this time.

The end that Zhou Xiu was talking about was the one that Shang Zhen and the others came from the flank position.

Sure enough, when Wang Laomao ran out for more than 100 meters, there was a gunshot from the right front, but it was from the Northeast Army, and what they shot was the Japanese army chasing from the alley.

It turned out that after Zhou Xiu and his group rushed out, Zhou Xiu and the others were divided into two parts, one part went to rescue the wounded with Shang Zhen and the others, but the other part did not leave alone, but waited for them outside the town!

Facts have proved that what the ancestors said is right, it is really different when someone helps and no one helps at this critical moment!

Under the cover of the Northeast Army, Wang Laomao and the others finally found a terrain that could block the Japanese army's shooting. The Japanese army may have newly occupied Xiaobengbu, and they wanted to consolidate their positions, so they did not pursue it.

It's just that I don't know whether Shang Zhen, who is already in the belly of the enemy, and Gao Yuyan, who doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, will have someone to help him at the critical moment?

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