The War of Resistance

Chapter 733: cowardly? Forbearance?

A few grenades flew up on the flat ground and drew arcs, and exploded after landing.

And when the smoke and dust produced by the explosion dissipated, from the perspective of the forest, there was only one Chinese soldier lying on the spot, and the spoils thrown by the soldiers in their haste.

Although it was an open land, it was not so flat after all. The soldiers tried their best to hide in the depression beside them, even though the terrain was as aggrieved as their mood.

This time Mongzi was completely Mongzi, and he was also the remaining soldier. He was lying there quietly, blood had already flowed out in a puddle, but his eyes were opened dully.

"Don't move around, the little devil's marksmanship is very accurate." After Shang Zhen finished speaking, he continued to look at the boy.

What disappointed him was that even if he imagined the situation where Bonk was shot, he could only roughly infer the direction that the Japanese soldier was hiding in the woods, and he couldn't infer further.

Thinking back, the problem he created for the Japanese army was right in front of him, and now he also needs to make a choice.

Everyone came out and shot at the woods, but they didn't know where the Japanese gunman was.

They could fake it, show a hat or something and get the guy to shoot, and then someone else would find out where the guy was and shoot him.

They could send someone for cover while others attacked the woods.

They can also choose to flee like a swarm and show their backs to the Japanese gunman.

But at this moment Shang Zhen hesitated, just because he didn't want his own people to suffer any more casualties.

Obviously, the Japanese soldier's marksmanship was very accurate, hitting the head with a single shot from more than 300 meters away.

The fourth plan is impossible. They must not let a Japanese soldier run away in fright.

The first and third options will definitely cause casualties, so now he can only choose the second option.

It's just that this kind of tactic is already a bad way for the soldiers. Will the Japanese soldier be fooled?

Shang Zhen is concentrating on thinking here, but the little dustpan is already doing this.

"Brother Monkey, lend me your hat." The little dustpan yelled.

Shang Zhen and the others have now changed back to the uniforms of the Northeast Army, but the clothes they are wearing are also drawn from the inventory of the 337 brigade.

Now that the war has been fought, the logistics supplies of the Northeast Army have become worse than before. There are no new clothes in the inventory of the 337 brigade. The clothes they can change into are all picked out by others. Even less.

In fact, people from the three eastern provinces like them don't need cotton hats. The temperature of minus seven or eight degrees is just like those people in the northeast who are bald and bald!

However, for Hou Kanshan, it is an exception. This is not to say that Hou Kanshan's brain is not cold, but that he feels that his current face is too embarrassing, but he deliberately turned it out. A hat to hide your ugliness.

Hou Wangshan's hat was passed over by the soldiers, but just as the little dustpan was about to pick up the broken hat with a bayonet, Shang Zhen said: "Wait!"

"What's the matter, boss." Little Dustpan asked.

"An aunt like you may not be able to fool that little devil, it's all a bad idea." Shang Zhen said.

If the opponent is also using a sniper rifle, they may not be able to detect the abnormality at this distance.

"That can't be tough, or let's just rush out, that kind of running around a corner!" At this moment, Hu Zhuzi interjected.

"Yeah..." Shang Zhen, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but glanced at Hu Zhuzi.

If it wasn't for the fact that everyone has made progress, Hu Zhuzi even knew that he had turned a corner and ran away.

There is a military term for the so-called running around a bend, which is called snake-like maneuvering.

"Auntie like this." Shang Zhen said, "Hu Zhuzi is in charge of picking out the hat, using the gun **** of the flower mechanism.

Hu Zhuzi, you hold that gun, the angle of the special gun stock cannot be changed, and it cannot be changed when it is raised, and it cannot be changed when it is dropped.

If the little devil really hit the hat with one shot, let's look at the angle of the bullet on the **** of the gun to infer where the little devil shot it! "

"Okay!" Hu Zhuzi replied loudly, and reached out to reach Ma Erhuzi's flower organ after speaking.

To say that Shang Zhen's move is still reliable, he can deduce where the Japanese soldier is hiding based on the angle of incidence of the bullet hitting the **** of the gun.

"Don't worry! When Hu Zhuzi is ready, little dustpan, you show your gun in front of him, and you have to do enough acting." Shang Zhen ordered again.

"Okay!" The little dustpan also responded.

"You two get ready, Hu Zhuzi, you must hold your gun. The others obey my orders. If I say 'hit', they will all shoot into the woods. Remember, it's not about whether you can hit that little devil , but because we lure that little devil out, so we must withdraw quickly!

Others shrank their heads, and the Huzhuzi pushed the hat out again.

That little devil was eager to find the target, and when he saw the hat, he would shoot without distinguishing the real from the fake!

After we determined the position of the little devil, we used cover and attacked, just like what Hu Zhuzi said, we turned and rushed forward. "Shang Zhen said again.

As for the battle plan designed by Shang Zhen, the plan of using hats to attract the Japanese army has been refined, and it has become a bit cumbersome.

And why?

In fact, Shang Zhen had the same thought in his heart as Old Mao Wang, he was not in a hurry to go back, so why was he in a hurry to go back? Go back to defend your position? He really didn't want people like himself to be sacrificed under the artillery fire of the Japanese army like that.

The so-called planning and then acting is true, and the development of the subsequent battle situation is really as Shang Zhen designed.

He yelled "Fight", and all the people appeared in unison and shot in the direction of the woods. After one shot, they retreated. At this time, Hu Zhuzi took Hou Kanshan's hat with the **** of his gun. Jack up.

At this time, everyone's shooting stopped, so the shot fired from the woods was extraordinarily harsh, and at the same time as the shot was fired, everyone heard Hu Zhuzi screaming "ah". Then the flower organ he was holding upside down fell to the ground.

At this time, Shang Zhen didn't pay attention to Hu Zhuzi, he stepped forward to push the sniper rifle out when Hu Zhuzi yelled, and then retracted with a "snap" sound.

"Did you hit it?" Old Mao Wang, who also retracted, asked.

"It's not that easy, it just feels like a shot." Shang Zhen said helplessly.

At this time, the little dustpan was already looking at the gun that Hu Zhuzi dropped.

"That's right, there's a bullet hole in it!" the little dustpan yelled, and the people who were close to the small dustpan glanced sideways, didn't they, there must be an extra bullet hole on the hard wood gun stock of the flower mechanism.

However, since everyone was lying on their stomachs, other soldiers could not see the **** of the gun that had been shot.

They estimated that Shang Zhen's shot just now was unlikely to hit the Japanese soldier who was hiding in the dark, so naturally they didn't dare to look up and could only listen to the little dustpan.

"Hey, I said Hu Zhuzi, didn't our boss tell you to hold the gun? Why didn't you hold the gun so hard?" Then the little dustpan asked Hu Zhuzi again.

"I didn't know that the bullet hit the gun with such a strong force. I felt that the gun fell off as soon as my hand was numb, and my hand is still numb!" Hu Zhuzi said a little aggrieved.

Well, at this point, Shang Zhen's plan to find the Japanese soldier's hiding place through the bullet holes in the gun stock has failed.

However, they also proved through such a small test that the Japanese soldier hiding in the dark is really accurate with marksmanship!

Shang Zhen and the others discussed how to hook the sharpshooter from the Japanese army.

But then, they used the butts of their guns to pick up their hats to trick the Japanese soldier in the woods into shooting, but this time no matter how hard they tried, the gunfire never sounded again.

Said that the Japanese soldier had been killed by Shang Zhen and the others by mistake. Veterans like Shang Zhen and the others firmly did not believe it.

They didn't want to cause casualties to their own people, and the idea of ​​going back was not very urgent, so Shang Zhen and the others lay on their stomachs in the depression.

But even if they were lying on their stomachs, they were not unsuspecting. UU Reading Although the tree on the opposite side was not thick, what if the Japanese soldier climbed up the tree and shot at them.

In fact, even if there was a big tree, the Japanese soldier would never be able to climb it.

It's winter now, and the leaves have already fallen. As long as Shang Zhen and the others catch that guy's shadow, why would they lie here and "burn their belly"?

"Oh, we are considered veterans, so we let someone stare at us with a gun, what a shame!" Qiu Bo, who was lying on the ground without looking ahead, laughed at himself.

"Knocking is better than dying." Ma Erhuzi answered.

Yes, it's better to be stunned than to die, and Bozi is still "lying" there in the sight of the Japanese soldier!

"I'm sorry Brother Bonk, when we beat that little Japanese to death, I'll build you the biggest grave!" Ma Erhuzi said in a voice that no one else could hear.

In order not to cause casualties, Shang Zhen and the others acted so lacking in fighting spirit, they just hid like this, at worst they hid until dark and then went back, they didn't believe it, that Japanese soldier could still have night owl eyes?

It's just that this is a battlefield, and at dusk, an accident happened suddenly.

Suddenly several people among the veterans shouted at the same time: "Listen up, everyone!"

Yu Zuolong followed suit and listened, saying that Yu Zuolong could be considered a veteran, but due to the short time they spent together, Shang Zhen and the others, they were not as good as Shang Zhen and the others in terms of combat experience.

Yu Zuolong lay on the ground and listened with his ears upright, but after listening for a while, his face changed. This time he really understood it, because he heard the explosion of grenades or grenades coming from the direction of the main position. !

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